Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2754: In the calculation

   Chapter 2754

  Qihe Heli hung his head on the horseback, brandishing a broadsword and immediately rushed towards the chaotic Goguryeo queue...

  Behind Xue Bei immediately followed with the army.

  Man Bao only had time to shout, "You have to come back and bandage..."

  But no one heard her. First, the cavalry rushed forward with Xue Bei and rushed into the enemy's formation together with Qihe Heli, and then teams of infantry from behind rushed past her...

  Bai Shan saw that the other side's tower seemed to be closing, because the city gate was so heavy that it had to be opened or closed slowly.

He frowned slightly, glanced at the soldiers who had already battled with Goguryeo soldiers, and turned to Bai Erlang and said: "You are going to return to the camp with Man Bao. General Asina may still be there in the camp, no matter who it is. , Immediately let them come to support with crossbows and trebuchets, and prepare medicine and other items in the medical account. The arrow should be injured the most, quickly—"

   After he said, he drew his own long sword and drove Daji into the enemy army.

Man Bao and Bai Erlang's horses hadn't been on the battlefield much, so they were a little frightened. They looked back at Bai Shan who was rushing in in surprise. Man Bao seemed to feel something, and pulled Chi Ji with force to comfort him. : "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, let's go back soon..."

   Chiji barely stabilized, turned around and ran, Bai Erlang also touched the green-eared head, and after a little comfort, he chased up.

  And Gao Huisa on the castle tower ordered after Shen Ming's death: "Immediately close the city gate."

   "But there are still two thousand soldiers and horses below."

   Gao Huisa said blankly: "No more, let the archers prepare."

  For this result, he naturally assumed it. If it happened, the large number of bows and arrows he prepared before would come in handy.

  The expressions of everyone changed.

  Downstairs, Qihe Heli led people to rush to the city, trying to lead people into the city, but the other side's gate was quickly closed.

  When he rushed past, the door just closed.

  He was helpless, so he could only kill out again.

   Xue Bei saw the other party closing the city gate tightly, and shouted: "General, these are abandoned children!"

Bai Shan, who rushed into the battlefield, brought Da Ji and a few guards behind him to protect him, working hard to move closer to Qi He Li, and shouted: "General, retreat, retreat quickly, bows and arrows are about to be released on the tower... …"

  Qihe Heli heard it, his heart sank, and he turned around and ordered the soldiers who had been following him, "Mingjin retreat..."

  After all, there were hundreds of arrows falling from the castle tower, and they penetrated the chest, arms, thighs, and even the necks of the soldiers who were fighting regardless of the enemy and us.

  Qihe Heli swung a knife to cut down the flying arrows. Seeing that many of the soldiers were shot by the arrows, he was so angry that he turned the horse's head and was about to rush in...

  Bai Shan waved his sword and cut down the flying sword, stopping Qihe Heli and said: "General, quickly retreat——"

  The soldiers had already taken out the gong and knocked fiercely. After hearing the golden sound, the Jin army began to retreat while fighting.

  Qihe Heli shouted: "After the cavalry breaks, let the infantry retreat first!"

  So Xue Bei led the cavalry to stop the Goguryeo army and let the infantry retreat one after another.

  Upstairs, Gao Xunsa saw Qihe Heli who was surrounded by his soldiers, and pointed to his position and ordered: "Shoot, get the crossbow!"

  Qihe Heli swung his knife and swept down the flying arrows that were directed at Bai Shan, and commanded the shield to move forward to resist...

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang rushed to the camp, seeing Xue Gui and others at the gate of the camp from a distance, and immediately shouted: "Fighting ahead, Goguryeo uses two thousand soldiers as the lead. Go and support."

  Xue Gui's eyes widened, and he had no time to say something to his colleagues, "I said I heard the drums and screams, you must not believe it."

   Baijiro said: "Bring the trebuchet for the siege, and the crossbow, etc., come on!"

  Not only Xue Gui is here today, but Niu Cishi is also here, and the two immediately turned back and ordered their soldiers.

  After notifying the news, Man Bao and Bai Erlang immediately went to find the medical account on duty here.

  Because they have been besieging and not attacking during this period, most of the people in the medical account stay in the small town to take care of the wounded soldiers and the sick soldiers.

  There are only three students here, who are dispatched for emergency. Fortunately, the medicinal materials are always followed by the grain and grass supplies.

  Although the besieged army is changed every day, the logistics has never been changed, so the medicinal materials here are well prepared.

  As soon as Manbao arrived, he immediately called all the soldiers in the medical account and assigned the task. Those who should bring medicinal materials with medicinal materials, those with pots, and firewood should also be brought with them.

  When they are ready, Daying has already set off.

  Their team lags behind.

  When Xue Gui and Niu Cishi led people to arrive, most of the army that was in agreement with Heli had already withdrawn.

  On the battlefield, the remaining Goguryeo soldiers could no longer remember to kill the Jin army, because they were killed more by the arrows on the tower.

   A momentary psychological collapse, and fleeing everywhere, it is impossible to think of holding the Jin army from sinking.

  Bai Shan protected General Qihe Heli, and under the protection of Daji and his soldiers, he rushed out of range and ran into Xue Guiniu head-on.

  Niu Cishi saw Qihe Heli's face like golden paper, his face changed, and he immediately went forward, "General..."

  Qihe Heli is still awake, he said: "You can't be so defeated, use trebuchets and crossbows, and try to save the soldiers."

  Niu Cishi responded, and immediately asked them to go to the medical account.

  Bai Shan kicked the horse in the stomach, and went to find Man Bao with Qi He Li.

  Niu Ci Shiben had already turned his head to look at the tower, but after Bai Shan passed by, he immediately turned to look at them, but his sight was blocked by their soldiers, but he was still a little surprised.

  Xue Gui has ordered to go down. The soldiers are setting up trebuchets and crossbows. Seeing him look suspicious, they can’t help but look back, "What's wrong?"

  Niu Cishi's heart beating, "I seemed to see two arrows stuck in the back of Lord Bai just now."

There were indeed two arrows stuck in Bai Shan's back. Daji kept following behind him with a pale face, but he soon recovered. He stared at the two arrows on Bai Shan's back for a long time, and finally rushed to the medical account. Everyone was nervous. When carrying Qi Fu Heli to find Zhou Man, he still raised his hand and broke the arrow behind him, then reached out his hand calmly to support Bai Shan, and reminded: "Master, you have hit an arrow."

  Bai Shan was slightly stunned, and then his face turned pale, he said, a dull pain in his back in the chaos, it turned out that he was hit by an arrow.

  Bai Shan nodded with him, and followed him to find Man Bao.

  Manbao and the others arrived. They only had time to hold up two medical tents. Seeing General Qihe Heli who had been sent, her brows frowned slightly, "Why did you get the arrow?"

  I saw Bai Shan again, and found that he was also pale, and couldn’t help asking: "Are you injured?"

  Daji immediately said: "Master hit two arrows."

  Man Bao's face turned pale and he almost couldn't stand steady.

  Bai Shan stepped forward to support her, and whispered: "I'm fine." After speaking, he patted her palm suggestively.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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