Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2767: surrender

  Chapter 2767 Surrender

The soldiers outside the door struck more than 20 times. Under the constant impact of the striker, and the inside, Qian Shen and others removed some of the latches, the latch of the gate finally fell with a bang, and Dazhu couldn’t grasp it. Knocked inside, hitting a person can smash the internal organs of a person.

  The gate opened, and the army instantly rushed into the city.

  The late reinforcements stopped the people on the street, where the two armies fought, shouting and killing ceaselessly.

At this time, King Guang took the King of Goguryeo and stood on a high platform in the palace, pointing to the place and said, "Brother Wang, have you seen it? The Jin army has already invaded the city, even if we have a lot of troops in the city, Can't resist them, the city is inevitable."

   King Goguryeo's face changed, and he asked, "How did they break into the city?"

King Guang said: "They can all rescue the Five Princes and the envoys from the prison, and set a fire in the inner city. How difficult is it to open another city gate?"

  The king of Goguryeo learned about Tianjao and looked at King Guang in disbelief before looking at his cronies.

The cronies immediately went to the prison for questioning, but before leaving the palace, the soldiers rushed to report, "The West Gate is broken, the Jin army has penetrated into the city, Gao Chusa has led the troops to resist, and the king has the ministers. Let's go quickly..."

  The cronies can only go back and report in a hurry. The matter is of priority. Obviously, this matter is more urgent than going to the prison.

  King Goguryeo confirmed the matter of the West City Gate, and no longer wondered whether the fifth child had run away, and asked King Guang with a calm face, "Are you here to persuade the lonely to flee?"

   "No," King Guang said, "The world is so big, where can I escape? And the ancestral temple can't be abandoned."

  He said: "Great King, for the sake of the ancestral temple, we, come down!"

  King Goguryeo's face was gloomy, "Am I going to be the king of subjugation?"

  He was obviously unwilling. In the two generations of his ancestor and father, the former let the sovereign state annihilate the country, and the latter cut off the path of worship of Silla and Baekje, and directly accepted the two countries as subjects.

  He can't compare with them, and he should not be too bad, right?

  Guangwang Road: "At least you can save the ancestral temple, save the lives of the whole clan, as long as you live, everything is possible."

  He whispered: "Brother Wang, annoyed the Emperor Jin, and he directly slaughtered the royal family, then we would have nothing. On the contrary, as long as we surrender, this land may still be managed by us, given time..."

  He said with a long gaze: "Jin will always change the emperor, there will also be times when the faint emperor appears..."

  Goguryeo King's eyes flashed, and he began to think.

  This is indeed the thought in King Guang. Zhang Hui cannot threaten him or induce him, but he can list the facts with him. He will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and choose the best path for the ancestral temple and the Gao family.

  King Goguryeo struggled for a while, and finally it was completely dark. Under the impact of the sound of killing from the west and the fire from the inner city, he closed his eyes and agreed.

  So first, the cronies took the imperial decree written by him and went to the West City Gate to declare the decree, and then he personally put on a white robe and appeared on the battlefield.

  The soldiers of the two armies who had temporarily stopped fighting watched the King of Goguryeo appearing.

  Zhao Guogong gave a cold snort, turned his head and said: "Report this to your Majesty."

  Someone immediately responded.

  Man Bao was healing people, and he heard a soldier riding toward the main account while yelling, "The King of Goguryeo has fallen, the King of Goguryeo has fallen—"

  The surrender came by surprise, not to mention Shirajiro, even Man Bao stayed, "This is over?"

   Master Fang passing by heard it and almost vomited blood, "Do you think it's too early? Know how much we have given for this day, and how long have we prepared?"

  Let’s not talk about the siege in front, just talk about the arrangement they made after Qi Heli was injured and the opponent’s morale rose again.

  The domestic city is now occupied by the Jin army on three sides, just to put pressure on them, not to mention that they go to light the Kongming lanterns every day in the past few days. In order to copy the content, these civilians almost broke their hands.

  There are also a hundred warriors who stole into the inner city through the moat, and Zhang Hui and others’ calculation strategies. Which of these piles is easy?

  Master Fang glanced at the two of them, and finally fell on Zhou Man, "Master Zhou is busy, but he has been busy with one thing, so I feel that things are simple."

  But these officials who do essays, write imperial decree, and review the papers know that they have not known how many things they have prepared for today’s results, and naturally they have sacrificed a lot.

  White Jiro asked, "Is Mr. Fang not busy now?"

Master Fang immediately said: "Busy, your medical bill is different from ours. Come and check with us. King Goguryeo surrendered. The war is over. We have to prepare for the return journey. By the way, Lord Bai’s injury What happened?"

  Man Baodao: "It's almost done, don't worry."

  Master Fang was not at ease at all, but said: "If Master Zhou has a good prescription, remember to prescribe him, so that he can return to Zhongshu Province earlier."

  He is busy, and now he is still responsible for nearly half of Bai Shan's work. During the period when Bai Shan was injured, he did not sleep more than three hours a day.

  Man Bao looked at his face, and probably felt embarrassed, so he said: "His wound is shallow, and he has been scabled during this time, so he can do some work that is not tiring."

  Master Fang was overjoyed, "Really?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Master Fang decided to go to Bai Shan to talk about working hours after returning to Xiaocheng.

  But soon, they received news that everyone went directly to the inner city, and even some officials and Bai Shan who stayed behind in the small city were taken over. The emperor lived directly in the Goguryeo palace, and the Gao clan was temporarily banned, including the Guangwang family. Only the Goguryeo king was free, and was dragged by the emperor to live in the palace.

  But the King of Goguryeo was not happy at all. He felt that the Emperor of Jin was tempting him to kill the emperor, or the emperor wanted to kill him.

  So even if he sleeps in the place he is most familiar with, he feels insecure and can't sleep all night long.

  The emperor didn’t know if he really didn’t know, or pretended not to know. With a worried expression on his face, Zhou Man and Lu Taiyi Zheng Taiyi asked the king of Goguryeo for consultation.

  After they all finished reading, the emperor left Zhou Man alone to speak.

  For some reason, the emperor seldom concealed his malice in front of Zhou Man, so he directly asked: "Is the King of Goguryeo the face of longevity?"

  Man Bao was stunned and then shook his head, "He is indulging in pleasure, and his kidney is deficient. How can he live a long life?"

  Emperor: "...Zhou Qing, although you are an imperial physician, you are also a woman. You have to be euphemistic about things like kidney."

  Man Bao: "He has a bad waist?"

  The emperor skipped this question and asked: "How long can I live?" I hope it will only be two or three years, not too long.

Man Bao: "...How can a person's lifespan be certain? In case he learns from the pain now and starts to take care of his body, it will be no problem to live for another 20 to 30 years. Will you die in just a few years?"

The emperor was thoughtful, so the next day he sent him the concubine of the king of Goguryeo and the beautiful ladies in his palace. The good name is that they should not be allowed to die, and the lover will eventually become a family member. Category.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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