Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2777: reason

  Chapter 2777 Reason

  After the celebration banquet, the atmosphere in Chaozhong immediately became strange.

It was clear that the New Year was about to be celebrated. It was the time to be happy. As a result, the emperor first decree to demote Gong Hanlin and Ban Shilang, and then ordered Yu Shitai to strictly investigate the local government affairs and official styles of the places where the grain and grass passed during the Eastern War. .

  At the same time, the local officials brought back by their class when they returned to the court were scrutinized one by one. Except for two who were trapped and demoted by the local clans, the other officials were either exiled or beheaded.

  Three officials were directly imprisoned. It is said that not only they will be convicted, but their family members will also be affected.

  Recently, the Taiyuan Hospital is not very busy. Manbao spends more time in the Imperial Medical Office with students to summarize. This time, everyone has gained a lot of medical skills in the Eastern War.

  I am immersed in academics, and will be negligent about some things. When she finds that the atmosphere is not right, it is because of the Great Chao meeting.

  Man Bao smiled and greeted people as usual, and then sat in his seat and waited for the emperor to arrive.

  Master Tang glanced at her, and sat down by the door on her left.

Man Bao felt that today’s colleagues are unusually quiet. Although they are not usually noisy, they are not as solemn as they are today. If you meet early in the morning, you always have to say hello. Talking, as far as the court affairs, as small as when you come here this morning. Do you use early food, what kind of early food, and how does it taste...

  But today, everyone was very silent. They just nodded and sat quietly in their own positions after meeting, without even speaking.

  Man Bao turned his head to look for Lord Tang, lowered his voice and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Master Tang: "Don't you know? The demotions' intentions of ransacking people and taking people in the past few days are all personally written by your family, Bai Shan."

  Man Bao: "...I don't know."

Master Tang thought for a while and said, "Yes, it has something to do with your imperial medical department. It's not very relevant. If it doesn't matter, it's a little bit related. If you don't tell me, your imperial medical department can't change it. what."

  Man Bao was curious, "What the **** is it?"

   "Your Majesty has questioned all the local officials who caused the delay in grain and herbal medicines during the Eastern War."

Man Bao said flatly "Oh": "I know about this. When the class teacher returned to the court, they were arrested. We all knew that this matter could not be corrected. The front line killed a lot of wounded soldiers because of their delay in medicinal materials. Woolen cloth."

Master Tang glanced at her and said, "But your majesty has punished three of them very severely. Not only was he sentenced to execution, he also ransacked his home. Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice are currently hearing this case, and his majesty meant to exile his family. To Liaodong."

  The reason why Tang He knew so clearly was because he was seconded by the Criminal Ministry to investigate the case. He knew more secret things, and these things could not be said, at least not in such a large public.

  Man Bao looked at Mr. Tang, and waited specially at the gate of the palace to pick up Bai Shan after he got off the office in the afternoon.

  Bai Shan was rarely picked up once, and was flattered, "You are at the Imperial Hospital today, not at the Imperial Medical Office?"

   "I came here to pick you up from the Imperial Medical Office."

  Bai Shan took her hand and smiled: "Shall we go out to eat today?"

  Man Bao even wanted to go home to eat, and when he was full, he hid and whispered.

  But to Bai Shan’s surprised look, she was a little uncomfortable, so she nodded, "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

  You can eat anything, only the two of them will do.

  Bai Shan took Man Bao’s car and asked Daji to drive the car to the market first. They weren’t very hungry at this time, so they could look for it slowly.

  Man Bao was still anxious to know more inside information, but when He Baishan walked in the crowd holding hands, the anxiety disappeared, and he happily went shopping with him.

  The two wandered the street for a long time in official uniforms, and did not go home until the sunset was about to go down.

  The two families had eaten, and they left food for them, but they didn't eat it, and instead strolled back to the room.

  When they finished washing, they both lay on the bed. Man Baocai asked him in a whisper, “Brother Tang said that his majesty punished a few people very severely. Why is this?”

  Bai Shan also lowered his voice and said: "When the grain and medicinal materials were delayed, Zhao Guogong got angry and chopped the logistics officer. His Majesty also ordered the local officials along the way. Some people were panicked and guilty, so they brought a lot of money to Beijing to find backers."

  This is understandable, Bao Bao is puzzled, "So your Majesty feels that they are embezzling and accepting bribes, so he is very angry?"

   "No, if it's just taking bribes, your majesty will not harm the opponent's family." Even the emperor who committed the embezzlement of grain and herbal medicines only punished them, so how could he deliberately harm the other party?

   "It's just that some people are extraordinarily bold. They found that they couldn't persuade your Majesty and thought of other ways." Bai Shan's eyes were deep, "Of course, there is no lack of their selfishness."

"any solution?"

  "His Royal Highness led the Forbidden Army and all his officials to Taiyuan to meet His Majesty. Someone wrote a secret letter to His Majesty in advance, telling the Crown Prince to privately transfer the army to Taiyuan. It is very likely that he will ambush His Majesty at the gate of Taiyuan City."

  Man Bao was startled when he heard it, and got up from the bed to look at him, "You mean we almost started fighting when we entered Taiyuan?"

  Bai Shandao: "If your majesty has more doubts about the prince, it may be a scene of father and son fratricide."

  It’s not that there has been such a thing in history.

  He said, “Isn’t that the case with Emperor Wu and the Crown Prince of the Han Dynasty?”

  Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty really wronged the prince, but why did the ministers give him the posthumous title of 戾 after his grandson ascended the throne?

  It’s not because he didn’t want to argue and self-examine after being unjustly wronged.

  With the prince’s previous nature, if he was wronged, the emperor would believe it, it is hard to guarantee that he would not follow the trend like the prince, and it would be the opposite.

  At that time, even if it is later found that the prince was wronged, the father and son have already been mutilated, and it is difficult to reconcile.

  Man Bao thought about it carefully, "His Majesty had no reaction at that time."

  Bai Shan raised his hand and tapped her forehead, and said: "It would be bad if there is a reaction. At that time, we all followed your Majesty's left side. Once there is a conflict, it is our close ministers who suffer first."

  Man Bao is angrily, "These people have a damnable heart. Not only do they want to shield corrupt officials, they also want to mess up the government!"

Bai Shan nodded in agreement, "Not many people know about this. Gong Hanlin and Lord Ban are now co-trials by Dali Temple and the Criminal Ministry. Apart from the chief officials of the two ministries, Lord Yin, Brother Tang Xue, and Lord Wei know something. , Even Zhao Guogong and the others did not make any noise."

  Man Bao immediately understood: "I will not tell others."

  Bai Shan smiled at her, and the two of them whispered under the covers, “This time the incident is not small. The central government may be turbulent for a period of time, so I intend to make the ceremony as simple as possible. There is no need to invite many people to watch the ceremony.”

  Man Bao: "Then what should I do if I ask for leave?"

"I'll go please, please wait until after a while," he took Man Bao's hand on his abdomen, and laughed softly: "Don't look at your majesty now, I think he will be happy after a while. ."

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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