Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2781: Sage Lao Tzu Figure

   Chapter 2781

  Bai Shan changed his jade crown and clothes and went out for a circle. After being filled with a few glasses of wine, Man Bao gave him a wink, and he immediately found an excuse to slip away first.

  The two returned to the main courtyard. Da Ji stood by the door with a long gift box in his hand. When they saw them coming, they bowed slightly, "Master, Madam, this is a gift from General Qi Fu."

  He finally found out from a pile of gift boxes.

  Bai Shan opened the door, "Get it in."

  The two opened the gift box, which contained a scroll.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man were both taken aback, but they did not expect that they were paintings.

  Man Bao smiled and said, "What painting can General Qifu give? It also makes Kong Jijiu's face so unsightly."

  Bai Shan was taken aback, wouldn’t it be some messy paintings?

  He took it out to untie the rope, and pulled the reel away. He pulled a third away, his eyes widened slightly, and the movement of his hands could not help but slowed down.

  Man Bao also saw that his heart was beating sharply, and he went around to Bai Shan's side from the other side of the table, reached out to hold one side of the scroll, and the couple slowly unfolded the picture.

  Seeing the familiar people on the picture scroll, both of them suffocated their chests in one breath. It took a long time to exhale that breath, "It's a picture of a sage and Lao Tzu."

  Bai Shan dumbly touched the stroke with his fingertips, and asked incredulously, "Is this...really?"

Unbelievable, Man Bao swallowed and said, "Really, otherwise General Qi Le won't give it to us so confidently, right?"

  Bai Shan traced the strokes on the painting little by little, Man Bao and Da Ji immediately gathered the things on the table together, and asked him to unfold the painting and place it on the table.

  The two of them bent over and looked at it together, and the more they looked, the more they were amazed, "It seems to be real."

  Bai Erlang blocked the wine for Bai Shan, and everyone was almost drunk and he didn't come. He was angry for a while, so he grabbed Yin or ran away and went to the backyard together to find someone.

  He came straight to the main courtyard. Seeing that the doors and windows of the study were open, he went straight to there, "The house is full of guests, do you always read at this time?"

  As soon as he stepped in, he saw the two men bending over and looking at the things on the table, waving their hands without raising their heads: "Don't make noise."

  Hakujiro and Yin may look forward curiously.

  The two are not ignorant. Bai Erlang saw that it was a pretty good painting, and he aimed at the place where it was signed.

   Yin or hesitated: "It seems to be true."

  Shirajiro blinked, "Who gave it, so willing, how much money can I get to buy it for real?"

  Bai Shan straightened up, bends for too long, and felt a little sore for a while. He rubbed his waist and sighed, "General Qi Fu sent it."

   Baijiro: "Oh, no wonder he doesn't feel bad, it's a fake, right? Can General Qifu buy the real picture?"

  Bai Shan’s eyes sparkled, "Then what if Kong Jijiu gave him a reference?"

  Shirajiro stopped talking.

  Bai Shan gives Yin or gives way to a position, "Look."

  Yin or took a closer look and nodded: "It looks like the real thing, not like an imitation."

  Man Bao also straightened his waist and beat his back and said, "Is it right? Ask Kong Jijiu, don’t you know?"

  Bai Shan immediately rolled up the picture and put it in the box and gave it to Da Ji to hug him. He took Man Bao and went out, "Go, find Kong Jijiu."

At the banquet, Bai Shan naturally couldn’t make General Qiju disgraced, so he only tried a way to drag Kong Jijiu to the back. He thought about it. If it was true, he would ask everyone to share it. If it was fake, he knew it. That's it.

  It is estimated that General Qili also bought it seriously.

Kong Jijiu was pulled into the study by Bai Shan and Zhou Man. As soon as the box was opened, he knew what they wanted him to see, so when the scroll was opened again, he sighed and asked, "Is it sent by General Qi Fu? ?"


  Kong Jijiu saw the painting again, and when he saw it again, he couldn't help but marvel and admire him. He said, "This is the real painting."

  Bai Shan's eyes brightened, and he was pleasantly surprised when he looked at the painting, "How did General Qiqi buy such a painting?"

  Man Bao was also happy, "Such paintings can be passed down to the family, why doesn't General Qi Fei keep it for himself?"

  Kong Jijiu said with a plain face: "Because it is stupid and rich."


  Bai Shan couldn’t help but look at Kong Jijiu, “Since Jijiu can recognize this as a genuine product, it’s obviously seen with General Qifu, why don’t you buy Jijiu?”

  The treasure is given to the hero, and Meitu should also be given to those who know how to appreciate him. This is worth the money.

  This picture was given to Bai Shan, otherwise it would be a jewel in the hands of General Qi Fu.

   Kong Jijiu said angrily: "Because I am poor!"

  Kong Jijiu may not be really poor, but General Qi Le is really rich, especially after the East War, he got a lot of spoils, and he can get a lot of gold and silver by just swapping out some luxury goods.

  This picture of a sage and Laozi suddenly appeared in the capital three months ago, and it was in the hands of a wealthy businessman.

  Kong Jijiu followed people back and forth several times before he was convinced that it was genuine, while others were still hesitating. Some people thought it was real and some people thought it was fake.

  And the wealthy businessman insisted that it was true. He bought it from a scholar named Sima. He heard that it was from the former royal family Sima, so he insisted on the price and refused to drop it at all.

   Although Kong Jijiu was the teacher of the prince and the Jijiu of the Imperial College, he was really poor compared to officials of the same grade.

  However, he has no shortage of things like food and clothing. But if he wants to buy luxury goods like calligraphy and painting, he can only rely on his salary and job field income, at most the same every year.

  It just so happens that the asking price of this sage and Laozi picture is much higher than his one-year income, so he has no money.

  But the painting was not sold, he still followed people to see it many times, and at the same time, he was also pooling money to buy it.

  At this moment, General Ashina returned from Liaodong.

  Kong Jijiu and General Ashina are good friends. Although General Ashina hardly intercepts the spoils, the emperor will reward him with a lot of things every time he plays.

Especially when he fought the spoils of war, imagine that everyone went to fight together. The others accounted for 30%, 30%, 30% to the emperor, 10% may be handed over to the treasury; and General Ashina would give 10% to the treasury. The remaining 90% of the soldiers below were handed over to the emperor and the treasury.

  Of course, the emperor would love him, so he would give him a large amount of rewards, and General Ashina left a part of the rewards, and the rest was all given to his soldiers.

  But even if it is only part of it, it is much more than the annual income of Kong Jijiu.

So he went to the door to take General Ashina to see the painting, thinking that if he likes to buy it with money, then he can visit General Ashina from time to time in the future. In the future, Ashina doesn’t like it anymore, and he has enough. Money, maybe you can buy it from Ashina.

  It happened that General Qi Le was also there. As soon as he heard that he was going to see a painting, he immediately followed.

When    got to the place, he just glanced at the painting and kept asking, "This painting is good?"

  Kong Jijiu is too lazy to deal with such rough people.

  Also, General Ashina, who is also a military commander, explained in a low voice: "The picture of the saints and sages and Laozi was painted by Zhong Yao, so it is not the painting itself. The value of the painting by Zhong Yao is not low."

  The uneducated general Qiqi asked, "Who is Zhong Yao?"

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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