Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2789: has a problem

   Chapter 2789 There is a problem

  Xiao Yuan’s heart was settled a lot, and after thinking about it, he said, “We have to send someone to Luozhou. At this time, it is the key to the Imperial Medical Office. If it’s a scapegoat, we can’t remember it, or...”

  Xiao Yuanzheng frowned for a while, and finally looked at Zhou Man and said, "You can discuss with Zheng Gu and let him take it on. Both the Imperial Medical Office and the Imperial Hospital cannot do without you at this time."

   Zhou Man was a talent, and both the emperor and the prince liked her. With her, the court officials also had some scruples about the Imperial Medical Office and the Imperial Hospital. Even if Zheng Gu was her disciple, he did not intend to abandon her.

  Xiao Yuan is frowning and thinking, if Zheng Gu is really accused of being guilty, what will he have to do to make sure that he will be full next week?

  Man Baodao: "The top priority is to send people to Luozhou, Xiao Yuanzheng, I..."

   "You can't do it," Xiao Yuanzheng said directly: "You are Zheng Gu's master. You can't participate in this matter."

  Don’t say you want to be intimate, Xiao Yuanzheng is also unwilling to let her participate more deeply.

  Man Bao also simply asked, "Who will go then?"

  Xiao Yuan was thinking about it, his eyes glided over Doctor Liu, and finally fell on Doctor Lu.

  Doctor Lu: ...I don't want to travel, not at all.

  After returning from the Liaodong battlefield, he has only raised a little meat until now. It seems that the Chinese New Year is about to be celebrated. Why does he have to go on a business trip?

  However, regarding this matter, Grand Doctor Lu looked at Zhou Man, and then at Grand Doctor Liu. At this time, Grand Doctor Zheng from Xiu Mu also hurriedly arrived.

  The eyes of the two met, and Doctor Lu sighed, as if no one except him was inappropriate, he could only nod his head.

  Xiao Yuan's righteous way: "Bring the doctor Xiao Tan."

  Man Bao nodded to the incoming doctor Zheng, got up and bowed to the doctor Lu, "Lao Lu is on the trip to Luozhou."

  She said: "Please try to find out the truth and save Zheng Gu."

  Emperor Zheng knew that the candidate to go to Luozhou had been decided, and he hurriedly followed Zhou Man's salute, and said with a guilty expression: "There is Lao Lu."

  Xiao Yuanzheng stood up and said: "I have to go to Dali Temple. We wait for Luozhou to report on this matter. It is better for us to act first."

  Man Bao nodded.

  Xiao Yuanzheng called last Zhouman together. She is eloquent, quick-witted, and familiar with Dali Temple. She has been in Dali Temple and visited the lobby of Dali Temple.

  Man Bao brought things and went out of the palace to Dali Temple with Xiao Yuanzheng.

  Officials in the imperial city can't gallop, and if they ride a horse, they can only walk forward slowly. It's better to walk.

  So the two of them walked over. On the way, Man Bao asked Xiao Yuanzheng, "I remember that the Luozhou Snow Disaster was not mentioned in the last Dachao meeting. Have you heard about it at the Xiaochao meeting?"

  Xiao Yuan thought about it and shook his head, “I haven’t heard of it, but Xiazhou and the grassland are quite cold this year. Xiazhou has already discounted and returned to talk about the snow disaster, and has applied for food and medicinal materials for the herdsmen on the grassland.”

  Man Baodao: "There was a slight drought in the Central Plains in spring and summer. At that time, the old farmers in Zhuangzi said that this year, the Central Plains was afraid of snow disaster."

  "Qin Tianjian also issued an early warning. I just checked the account book that Zheng Gu gave back. He has been purchasing medicinal materials for cold and epidemic prevention in an orderly manner since August."

  Xiao Yuan asked immediately: "Is the amount large?"

"Not big," Zhou Man said: "But the time span is large, and the accumulation of less can accumulate more. In August, September, October, and three months, he will purchase a batch on every tenth day of each month, especially until September and October. At the end of the month, he bought three batches of anti-cold and anti-epidemic medicinal materials in large quantities. I have seen the quantity. Those medicinal materials are not only enough for the people in Luoyang, but also the dosage of other counties in Luozhou."

  "The medical department is only in Luoyang."

   "If a poor person comes to Luoyang for medical treatment, even if they are from other counties, the medical department does not stipulate that they are not allowed to be admitted."

  Xiao Yuan thoughtfully, "Do you suspect that the local pharmacy and medical center did it?"

After a pause, Man Bao shook his head, "I don’t know that the drugstore medical center is a place to save the dead and heal the wounded. Although it is also a tradesman, it involves human lives. In my impression, the drugstore medical center is actually more conscientious than other businesses. ."

  Being ruthless is even more life-threatening. Xiao Yuan was silently taking a sentence in his heart.

  He glanced at the young Zhou Man, but did not say the words.

  However, he didn’t think that pharmacies and medical clinics alone would dare to do such a thing, provided that Zheng Gu was really wronged.

  The letter said that the people of Luoyang County went very quickly. Zheng Gucai came to pick up people after seeing the victims who had problems. Obviously, Luoyang County government had already prepared.

  Zheng Gu is not an ordinary doctor. He is an official of the Imperial Medical Office. If he can run, the monk can’t run to the temple. Why are the people in Luoyang County so anxious?

  Xiao Yuan was moving faster, urging Zhou Man, “Go faster, it’s useless for us to think more about this kind of thing, so I’d better tell the people at Dali Temple and let them investigate.”

  He paused and said, "I have to go to Yushitai."

  If Luozhou conceals the snow disaster and does not report it, it is also a crime. Yushitai needs to know.

  Man Bao nodded, so he went to Dali Temple with Xiao Yuanzheng. After reporting the case, he got their receipt and went to Yushitai.

  Because of Zhou Man, Master Tang also personally received them.

  Waiting to send the people out, Mr. Tang turned around and ordered the attendant, “Let them go to Dali Temple to fetch the account book left by Zhou Man and copy it into the file.”

  The servant was taken aback for a while and asked: "Now?"

  Master Zhou didn’t just say that the account books were left at Dali Temple. I’m afraid that the people at Dali Temple haven’t read it yet.

  Lord Tang nodded and said: "Just now, you take two clerks and copy two copies with the people from Dali Temple into the file. The originals are sealed and checked and brought back with one copy."

  The attendant slammed, and immediately responded, and turned around and went out to find someone.

  At this time, Bai Shan just saw Master Tang who had come back from the scene.

  The weather is too cold. He just got off his horse and his face is stiff. He took the hot towel handed over by his entourage and wiped his face before looking at Bai Shan, "Aren't you on vacation today? What happened to me?"

  Bai Shan glanced at his entourage.

  Master Tang waved at them and took Bai Shan to his study, leaving only Ming Li to watch the door outside, "Go ahead."

  Bai Shan asked curiously: "Is there something wrong with the officialdom of Luozhou?"

  Master Tang was puzzled, "Why do you ask?"

  Bai Shan said about Zheng Gu's arrest and imprisonment.

  Before he could talk about the account books, Mr. Tang already felt that something was wrong, "As soon as something happened, we caught it?"


  Master Tang touched his chin in thought, "This is because some people are unhappy that the medical department has taken root in Los Angeles."

  There is a set of rules in the officialdom, especially the local officialdom. Bai Shan has never been in the local officialdom. Although he thinks there is a problem, I don't know how big the problem is, but Master Tang knows.

  This problem is a lot.

According to local regulations, the safest approach is not to take people to investigate immediately, but to work with the local medical office to diagnose and treat the victims of the problem, and to comfort the people, and then look for them. As for the question, it was reported with the capital, and two months passed.

This kind of case involving two departments can only be investigated by the Dali Temple or Yushitai on the capital side. If the two departments can’t pull the staff, there is also the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and even officials from Jingzhaofu can also be seconded. , But the local people must not be interrogated by people themselves.

  Unless it is an urgent case, this kind of violation of the rules can easily lead to unjust, false and wrong cases.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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