Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2792: Share with Qing

  Chapter 2792 Sharing with Qing

  The emperor who was about to suggest that Emperor Liu and Emperor Lu felt that Zhou Man was not very good, and he was not blind, so he naturally knew that Zhou Man and Prince Gong had a bad relationship.

  Each time we meet, either Wang Gong is angry with Zhou Man, or Zhou Man is angry with Wang Gong. The relationship between the two is still inferior to that of Prince Gong and Prince Gong.

  At least Prince Gong and Prince Gong can maintain peace on the face.

  The emperor looked at the queen, he didn't think the queen would not be able to see this.

  The queen smiled slightly and said, "The concubine thinks Zhou Man is pretty good."

She said, "Needless to say, her medical skills are the best in the hospital except Xiao Yuanzheng. She is young, and she is cold today. Other doctors suffer when they go out. Although she also suffers when she goes out, she is young and upset. You can hold it."

  “The most important thing is that I heard from the people of Prince Gong’s Mansion that Saburo’s diet is intemperate, and he has gained nearly 20 catties since returning to Luozhou this year.”

  The emperor couldn't help but sat up straight, his face sinking.

  He always thinks that it’s good for people to be fat, and the third child is fat and cute, but since Zhou Man gave King Gong to lose weight, he also knew that being fat was not good.

  In the past, Xiao Yuan was not good at persuading them deeply, but after Zhou Man gave King Gong to lose weight, he also broke up and talked about it. Only then did he know that obesity would cause so many problems.

  Although Saburo has increased leg problems, it is undeniable that his body has improved a lot after losing weight, and his face has become more rosy than before.

  Even if he hurts a leg, every year he is diagnosed with Ping An pulse by the hospital, and his body comments are even better than in previous years.

   Seeing that his heart was moved, the queen continued: "Your Majesty, not to mention the entire Taiyuan Hospital, but the Manchumen and Martial Arts are drawn out. How many people can there be a way to make Saburo lose weight honestly?"

  The emperor began to ponder, "Wei Zhi should be counted as one, and Yin Li is fine, except for the two of them..."

  The emperor thought about it seriously, shook his head, no more.

   "Yes, you can't let the important ministers of the DPRK do such a thing, and Zhou Man is suitable for both his temperament and his responsibilities."

  The emperor nodded slightly, but turned to look at the queen and smiled: "Are they just these two?"

  The queen knew that she couldn't hide from the emperor, and smiled slightly: "Mingda begged to come to the concubine. She has always been sensible. When she rarely asks me, the concubine can't help but respond."

She sighed: "Furthermore, the Luozhou Medical Department's affairs are not small, and not big. If it is really the fault of Zhou Man's disciple, the law should be dealt with according to the law, but such crimes will not involve family members. Although the concubines are not. I saw that little lady, but she was only married, so she didn’t think so much, she might be younger than our Mingda Changyu, and she was pregnant again..."

The emperor knew that the queen was a little lady who cared about Zheng Gu, and was not about to intervene in the local medical department. After thinking about it, he nodded, "Then let Zhou Man go, but only one thing. You have to tell her not to allow her. Kisaburo."

  The emperor sighed: "Saburo is not in good health. If he regenerates his anger, what if he gets out of anger?"

  The queen smiled and said: "She is an imperial doctor, do we still need to tell you about this kind of thing? She knows it herself."

  The emperor stopped saying more, he had another plan in his heart.

  He looked at the queen, and then at the queen.

  The queen raised her head to look at him, "What's the matter?"

The emperor smirked at her, and took her hand and sat down next to her, "Zitong, the establishment of the Imperial Medical Office was your proposal. You have also helped me watch the establishment and development of the Imperial Medical Office over the years. , Why don't I give you the management of the local medical department?"

   "That won't work," the queen refused without thinking about it, and said: "Your Majesty, the harem will not be involved in politics, so as to avoid the dictatorship of foreign relatives. This is a lesson of blood and tears from the ancestors, and I can't forget it."

   "I can trust the Zhao family."

The queen smiled and said: "The concubines also believe in the current elder brother, but the hearts of the people are changeable. This is not a matter of our generation. There will be other queens after my queen, and there will be other relatives after the Zhao family. Some Rules cannot be broken."

  The emperor opened his mouth and couldn't say anything against him for a while. He knew that the queen was right, and she had been doing very well.

Although she will give some suggestions on matters that the court has not resolved in politics over the years, she has never been strong in political affairs. Even if she gives advice, she has been quietly and never revealed it to others. Therefore, the former court has always been in harmony with the harem, and no courtier will ever feel that the harem Intervene in politics.

   And the queen is virtuous. When it comes to trust, the public trusts the queen more than he is the emperor.

  He knows that the queen has done a good job, and he has set the best example for future queens.

  But the emperor wants more, he wants to share the world with her, he wants her to personally manage the imperial medical office that he recommends, and...

  The emperor got up, circled the hall two or three times, and finally stood still in front of the queen, waved to Aunt Shang and the others.

  Aunt Shang had been holding her heart since the emperor spoke. When he waved them to retreat, she quietly glanced at the queen, bowed and led the people to retreat, and then closed the door of the palace.

  She personally guarded the outside to keep people away.

   and others are gone, the emperor said: "You strongly recommended me to open the Imperial Medical Office. You have paid a lot in recent years. You should also know that it is not easy for the Imperial Medical Office to open a medical department in the local area."

  The queen listened carefully.

The emperor sighed and said: "I know, at this time, you prefer Zhou Man to go to Luozhou not only for Saburo and the little lady of the Zheng family, but also for the Luozhou Medical Department, but also for other local medical departments, and even those who have even the medical department. A poor place that has never been established."

  The queen sighed deeply, "Since your Majesty has seen it through, why do you want to say it?"

  She said: "The ministers and concubines cannot participate in the affairs of the court."

  "The first batch of female students from the Imperial Medical Office will complete their studies next year and send them to various medical offices, Zi Tong, if you manage the Imperial Medical Office, they will definitely be able to play a stronger role than in Xiao Zizhan's hands."

"Your Majesty, I can't ruin the whole government for the sake of an imperial medical office," the queen was naturally entangled in her heart, but for long-term purposes, the consequences of the harem's intervention are much more serious than the results obtained at this time, "Shu Chen concubine Can't follow fate."

The emperor sighed, "The Luozhou incident shows that the local medical department still has many problems. The first one is that they cannot cooperate well with the local government. If things go on like this, the medical department will disappear from the locality in less than 20 years. ."

  The queen tightened her sleeves, closed her eyes and opened them again, and she became more determined. “So the concubine wants Zhou Man to take a trip to Luozhou, and she should also take a walk.”

   "There is Doctor Liu in the palace, and there will be several female doctors selected next year, and she is considered a successor."

As long as the Imperial Medical Office can continue to train female doctors, and there can be more intelligent people like Zhou Man, and the emperor supports the development of the Imperial Medical Office, then it will be able to gain a foothold locally, and female doctors will be able to expand medical care for women everywhere. Then her original intention can be accomplished.

  Although the process will be more difficult, she may not see the results, but she is very satisfied if she can not bring bad results to Dajin.

  The emperor was angry and distressed when he heard the words, so he rubbed his forehead and said, "The queen should teach the princess more."

  He originally thought that if the queen was willing to make a move, the Imperial Medical Office had a queen as a backer, and would stand firm in the place as quickly as possible. Who knew that the queen was unwilling.

  The emperor sighed and turned to leave.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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