Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2802: Angel to

  Chapter 2802 Angel arrives

Man Bao returned to the yard where she lived. The yards had already held the lamps. Man Bao placed the medicine box on the side. After ordering some supper, she ordered two more lamps for the cakes. She took out a lot of white paper to study. Mo, while thinking about the weight loss plan of Prince Gong and Xiao Shizi.

  Father and son are in different situations, so naturally they can’t share the same plan, and the younger generation still has to go to school, but some things are common, just let them supervise each other.

Man Bao made plans until late at night. After getting up the next day, he exercised. After breakfast, he began to improve his plan. He went to check the daily routine and appetite of King Gong and Xiao Shizi, staring at them after breakfast and lunch. She probably counts the food.

  Manbao decided to reduce their dosage, but increase the number of diets, eat less and more meals, and not fatten the pigs.

  Man Bao was working hard in the Prince Gong’s Mansion, Grand Doctor Lu and Grand Doctor Xiao Tan followed the officials of Yushitai and Dali Temple into the city. They did not stop and went directly to the county government.

  The county magistrate was already prepared, but he didn't expect them to come so soon, but he responded quickly and immediately greeted everyone with surprise on his face.

  They are not the same as Zhou Man. They came here for this case, so they used rice, washed their faces, and went to work. They immediately saw Zheng Gu in the lobby.

  The clothes on Zheng Gu's body are fairly clean, except that his face is a little pale, and there seems to be no problem.

  But whether it is the experienced officials of Dali Temple and Yushitai, or the doctors Lu and Xiaotan who came from the Imperial Hospital, they can see that it is wrong at a glance.

  The two were also welcome, and went straight up to tear apart Zheng Gu's lapels, revealing **** whiplashes inside.

  Emperor Lu sneered, "Look at this trace, it was beaten yesterday? I don't know what evidence the county magistrate Luo obtained?"

  The county magistrate immediately turned his head to look at the head catcher. The head catcher plopped and knelt down and said: "Yes, it is a humble duty and eagerness to confess. I can't help using torture when he sees the suspect for delay in confessing."

  Luo county magistrate roundly smiled and said: "Well, torture, the suspect is not obedient. It is normal to use some methods. What does Master Yu think?"

  Master Yu is an official of Dali Temple. For such things as torture, in addition to the Ministry of Punishment and Jingzhao Mansion, Dali Temple is one of the leaders.

  Master Yu didn't have much expression on his face, and said coldly: "Master Luo said Master Xiao Zheng is a suspect, what's the proof?"

  The county magistrate of Luo immediately reached out and delivered a few papers, saying: "This is a paper from five poor households. They all sued the Luozhou Medical Department for prescribing fake medicines for them."

He took a few pieces of paper from the master again, "This is the prescription from the Luozhou Medical Department, as well as the dregs from the five homes. They are all sealed up and identified by multiple doctors. Among them are The two medicinal materials are fake, and the patient died because of the use of such fake drugs."

Master Yu looked at them one by one, and then handed the things to Master Xia at Yushitai. Master Xia turned over. There were not many things, so he read them in two or more times. He paid attention to the time on the paper and then handed it to the Imperial Medical Office. Physician Lu and Physician Xiao Tan.

  Master Yu asked: "What about the confession?"

The county magistrate    sighed: "Zheng Gu has been reluctant to speak and refuse to cooperate since he was brought back to the court. It is because of this that he can't help but torture his head."

  Zheng Gu looked up, gritted his teeth and said: "You lied!"

  Master Yu ignored him, and continued to ask Luo County magistrate, "What about the confessions of the five plaintiffs?"

  Luo County magistrate was taken aback for a while and immediately looked at Master, Master immediately turned over the case, and then presented a booklet.

  Master Yu took it, and began to read it slowly.

  , Mr. Xia began to ask Luo County Order, “Why didn’t the case be reported? The Luozhou Medical Department also belongs to the court department, and the local county government has no right to directly convict.”

The county magistrate Luo immediately gave the reason that was discussed yesterday. "The next official reported the situation as soon as he learned of the situation, but the dispatched tolerance was delayed, and there was no official document to return. The next official was panicked, thinking it was because the road was The heavy snow sealed him up, the officials in the capital couldn't make it through, and the people's grievances boiled over, so Zheng Gu was taken into custody without authorization."

  Master Xia asked: "When did the crime happen?"

  Luo’s county magistrate has already resumed, saying: "December 13..."

   Seeing that both Master Xia and Master Yu did not have any expressions on their faces, the county magistrate Luo could only take the initiative to say: "But the next official heard that it was at 8 o'clock on the first day of November,"

He said: "After the official check carefully, although there is no conclusive evidence, the Luozhou Medical Department has some problems with the purchase of medicinal materials. Therefore, the official document was written and submitted to the tolerance report at the tenth day of November. People did not come back in February, and there was no official document in the capital. The case came up when the next official was about to send another team of people. Because the death of a person involved a life lawsuit, there had been rumors outside, said the Luozhou Medical Department. China used counterfeit medicines for everyone. People's grievances were difficult to dispel, and the officials were helpless. Zheng Gu was taken into custody, not only to find out the truth about the anger of the civilians as soon as possible, but also to protect Zheng Gu."

  Emperor Lu sarcastically said: "Is it to protect him to use torture?"

  Luo County magistrate only smiled bitterly and did not answer.

  Emperor Lu snorted coldly. He has seen this kind of trick a lot in the palace, and Master Yu and Master Xia are naturally not uncommon in Beijing.

  So no one paid any attention to his wry smile.

  Master Yu flipped through the confession, then passed it to Master Xia, and asked, “Since there has been rumors, before Wujia, who else had a problem with the medicine from the Medical Department?”

The county magistrate Luo lowered his eyes and thought for a while and said: "'s not specific anymore. It's just that everyone says that the recovery is slow with the medicine from the Medical Department. It is obviously a common illness, but it takes more than ten days of medicine. It’s good, and some, just don’t eat well."

Zheng Gu has been tolerating it all the time. After all, the adults are asking questions. He couldn't help but he couldn't help it at the moment. He said, "What a wealthy family can come to the medical office and take free medicine." When some old men came here because of overwork, they were left with a sigh of relief. They just have to take medicine for a long time to regulate their bodies, and eat as long as they live."

"Others are body pain. Medicine can't cure them. It just relieves their pain and makes them die with dignity. In the end, life is not so painful," Zheng Gu said: "If you don't look at the patient's The condition is generally classified as being unable to cure by taking medicine all the time, so that the official is convicted, and the official has nothing to say."

  Master Yu raised his eyebrows, and finally looked at Zheng Gu, and asked: "The only people who come to the Luozhou Medical Department for medicine are the poor? So why does the Luozhou Medical Department continue?"

   "No, there are also wealthy households," Zheng Gu said, "These people collect money."

He said: "Our imperial physician's office has long stipulated that when you ask for a doctor, you must bring your household registration and tax payment certificates. It’s all fixed, and I don’t need too much."

  Of course, their old tradition, some wealthy households will give a red envelope that exceeds the consultation fee when they go to the clinic. These are all personal to them, and they will not refuse.

   Emperor Lu: We are envoys sent from heaven, hahahaha

     See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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