Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2804: Doubt

  Chapter 2804 Doubt

  Master Yu did not leave, because they needed to take over a lot of things to seal up, in addition to confessions and papers, but also the official documents, medical records, prescriptions, and various medicinal materials they searched back from the medical office.

  All the things about this case will be taken over by them, but there are quite a lot of things, so Master Yu and the others decided to seal them up first and then study them slowly.

  When they are finished, it will be dark.

  The four of them washed their faces as soon as they entered the city. They were all tired and hungry at the moment. They sent someone to take a good look at the things and went to take a shower.

  After bathing, they gathered around to eat, while discussing the case.

Both Grand Physician Lu and Grand Physician Xiao Tan turned over an account book, which was sent back to Zhou Man by Zheng Gu before, and later turned in.

  They have read it more than once, and now it’s just a comparison with the previous books.

Grand Doctor Lu found it, and pushed the two books together to Master Yu, "This is the list of medicinal materials and expenditures purchased in September last year. Compared with this year, the purchases in the same period last year were less than one-third of this year's. In the next two months, the difference was even greater. By November, he purchased five times the amount of anti-cold and anti-epidemic materials in the same period last year."

  Master Yu made a careful comparison, and there was a list of purchased medicinal materials attached to the account book. After pasting, it was folded and stuffed in the booklet so that it could be seen intuitively.

  Master Yu compared it and couldn’t help but snorted, and laughed: “This method is intuitive. How did you think of it?”

Grand Doctor Lu raised his eyelids and glanced at him and said: "When the Imperial Medical Office was first established, it purchased a lot of things, and it was too cumbersome to write the purchase list one by one on the account book when I was busy, so I wrote it down on the account book. Expenses, and then paste the purchase list directly on that page, so that it can be clear at a glance, and save a lot of effort, and then copy it when there is free time in the future."

   But generally speaking, they won't have free time anymore, so the account book has always been like this.

   Obviously, there was a period of time last year when Zheng Gu was so busy, so he was so lazy.

  This year, I have carefully recorded the purchase orders one by one on the account book.

  Master Yu knocked on the table and thought, picked up a steamed bun and took a bite.

Master Xia spread out a long and thick book, pointed to the list above and said: "This is the list of diagnosis and treatment from the second day of October. I found that the number of patients has gradually increased since this day, and it is the same as last year. The time has been twice as long, and it seems that there will be more people in the future."

  He turned a few pages and said: "Moreover, not only people from Luoyang County, but also people from other counties come to seek medical advice."

   "All poor people?"

   "No, half and half," he said, "and quite a bit of it is for medicine."

  Master Xia showed this passage to everyone. There is a pronoun at the end of the list above, which records the names of two people, one is the name of the patient, and the other is the name of the person who took the medicine.

  Master Xia couldn't help sighing: "Remember very carefully."

  It is generally impossible for such a careful account book to be fake, because it has a household registration address, age, and name. It is almost accurate after checking. Fake accounts is not the case.

Even Master Xia, the Yushi, couldn’t help but sigh. When they discussed late at night and went back to the room to go to bed, Master Xia couldn’t help but say to Master Yu, who was in the same room, "Such a detailed account is also in the household. It can be done. Only this point is that the Tai Medical Department is much better than many departments. I don't know how Xiao Yuan is teaching these people."

  Master Yu snorted: "You haven't checked the accounts of the hospital before? Can Xiao Yuanzheng make this account?"

  He said: "I think this is a pedigree, and it has nothing to do with Xiao Yuanzheng."

Master Yu also felt that the accounts looked comfortable. He lay on the bed and said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, Zhou Man has always been a doctor of the Imperial Medical Office, and the establishment of the Imperial Medical Office was based on her suggestion. One of the senior veterans, so other students in the Imperial Medical Office also learned this way of bookkeeping, right?"

  Master Xia smiled and said, "Then it will be much more convenient to check the accounts of the Imperial Medical Office in the future."

Yushitai supervises hundreds of officials. Dali Temple is simply the place where officials, relatives and dignitaries, as well as some important cases, are reviewed. They review the accounts of officials and various departments. Sometimes they get grumpy and want to shake the other side. Spit on your head, at least you are also born in Mingjing, right? Can you grow your brains when you do the accounting?

  But it’s hard to say.

  Both of them are very experienced officials, and they have not less contact with the accounting books that are beautifully done with false accounting, but the details are like this, and there are corresponding warehoused accounting books, which are basically true.

  Sir Yu was thoughtful, “If he wants to make money, he can just do some tricks on the accounts and he can be greedy for ink. There is no need to spend a lot of time on fake drugs. Not only will the patient be killed, but it will also be easy to happen.”

  Master Xia nodded, "I also tend to be innocent. At least, he didn't know about the fake medicine."

   "That is the two possibilities of negligence and being framed."

  At first, everyone thought about the former. I didn’t think Zheng Gu would deliberately buy fake drugs. He is a young proprietor of the world, and he is not short of money. How much money can two kinds of fake medicines bring him?

  Except for people who are naturally greedy, only fools will do such things.

   "If you neglect your duty, you have to check the people who handled this batch of medicinal materials, as well as the drug dealers he purchased."

  Master Yu has already lay down and pulled the quilt to cover his body, "Let’s check again tomorrow. We will see Zheng Gu tomorrow. He is the person involved and should understand this matter better, and..."

  And what, Master Yu did not say.

   "And he purchased so many anti-cold and anti-epidemic medicinal materials," Mr. Xia said quietly: "Obviously it has been foreseen that there will be a cold disaster in Luozhou. What about the disaster in Luozhou, why did the capital not receive the disaster report from Luozhou?"

Today’s diligence and love for the people, repeated orders and five orders, wherever there are disasters must be reported, especially in the previous years after the Shengzhou floods were concealed and delayed, which caused considerable consequences. The emperor dealt with many Shengzhou officials in angrily, and the localities did not dare. To conceal the disaster, as soon as there is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, go to the capital.

  You control whether the emperor and the court will give any relief, please tell up anyway.

  The emperor and the court did not give money and food casually. In most disasters, locals were asked to help themselves, and then officials from Yushitai or Dali Temple were sent to patrol the place. The court would only allocate funds for assistance when encountering a larger natural disaster.

  So Master Xia reasonably suspected that Luozhou officials concealed the disaster in order to prevent officials from Yushitai and Dali Temple from patrolling the disaster.

  Master Yu was so skeptical, but without evidence, you can't just say such words, even if they both handle the same case this time.

   See you at four in the afternoon

     I saw a comment yesterday, saying that the live swallowing keyboard can offset all the owed changes, and there was a momentary heartbeat.

     But think about it, forget it, and make it up honestly



  (End of this chapter)

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