Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2806: Scared

   Chapter 2806

  Everyone can only turn around and go out, bypass the gate and enter an alley.

This alley only allows a carriage to pass through. There are two corner doors, one of which is locked from the outside with a big lock, and the corner door behind is... wide open, and many people are standing there outside the door. Both reveal two people.

  The two men turned their heads inadvertently and saw a group of people in official uniforms coming towards them. They were shocked, and immediately shouted: "The officials are coming—"

  So many people ran out from the corner gate and ran away. Some people were carrying baskets in their hands. The eggs that were too late to lay flew out, drawn a line in the air, and flew directly towards Master Yu and the others.

  Man Bao reached out and took one, with a soft sound, the egg liquid dripped from her fingertips, and some fell to the ground and hit the wall...


  The treasurer Zheng also followed out in a hurry to take a look, and he was relieved to see that it was them.

  He forced a smile to step forward, "The adults are coming..."

  He saw the egg in Zhou Man's hand, his eyes widened slightly, and he hurriedly said to the side: "Quickly go in the house and wash, come here, come up with a pot of hot water."

They only found a lot of things on the ground after entering the corner gate. There were rice and noodles, and a jar with pickled vegetables, eggs, bacon, and two lamb legs that were fresh at first sight. They were sent by someone else. of.

  Master Yu retracted his gaze to look at the composition of the backyard, but Master Xia's expression became much more relaxed, and asked, "Who are those people?"

The treasurer Zheng Da replied cautiously: "They are all patients that I have seen before. I heard that I have come home and took some things to visit. We also didn't want to accept it, but the adults suddenly came when they refused. Everyone ran away as soon as they were frightened."

  He said: "I will have someone send them back in a while."

  Master Xia asked: "Do you know who they are and where is their home?"

Shopkeeper Zheng: …he really doesn’t know, not only he doesn’t know, maybe even Zheng Gu can’t fully recognize it. He has seen so many patients. If it’s not for the patients and neighbors who often come, who can remember so many patient?

  Master Xia knew it at a glance, and said, "Since you can't send it back, don't waste it, just stay."

  Man Bao said, “Put things at the door and let them pick them up by themselves.” She paused and said, “Let Zheng Gu write a guilty letter and post it.”

  Man Bao asked, "Where is Zheng Gu now?"

   "It's in the house," the treasurer Zheng said immediately: "He has injuries on his body. He had a fever last night, so..."

  Everyone went to the main hall and waited.

The backyard is not all where Zheng Gu lives. It is divided into three small yards. The one on the left facing the street is where Zheng Gu’s family lives. On the other side of the alley, there is another corner door to enter, which is divided into two yards. It is the family of Classic Medicine, and there is also a small courtyard shared by two doctors hired by him.

  Don’t look at it being divided into three small yards. It’s actually not small. At least a family with one or two people is more than enough to live in. It's not too rich, but it's not crowded.

  Because it has been copied, things are a bit messy, but the main hall is cleaned up, and the things that need to be sorted are also sorted out.

  Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at Zhou Man together.

  Master Yu, they suddenly thought of a question. Among them, the highest official position seemed to be Zhou Man.

Man Bao hadn’t noticed it yet. After entering the hall, he found a chair that couldn’t get up and sat down. Seeing that Master Yu and Master Xia were still standing, they stood up again and explained, "Don’t worry, I will definitely not interfere. , I just came to see my apprentice, and you can ask whatever you want later."

   She sighed: "I want to know the truth, and the two adults also know that I am pushing the construction of the Imperial Medical Office. If such a problem arises, even if Zheng Gu is not my disciple, I can't shirk the blame."

  Master Yu looked at the remaining positions, too lazy to argue with Zhou Man about the issue of intimacy, pointing to the first person on the left and saying: "Master Zhou, please sit down."

  Man Bao just recalled, if she stayed, it seemed that she should indeed sit in this position.

  She hesitated for a moment, and then sat down on the first left.

The shopkeeper Zheng asked his servants to give them tea and tea. There were not many servants. Except for the cook who was cooking in the kitchen who was sent by Anjia, the others were brought by the shopkeeper Zheng and Master Zheng Si from the capital. People, there isn't even a girl in there, it's all the servants and Jia Ding.

  But this is also convenient, especially when he is supporting Zheng Gu out.

  Zheng Gu wore thick clothes, his face was a little pale, but his cheeks were a little red, and he was feverish.

   Zhou Man raised his eyes and glanced at him, frowning slightly.

  Zheng Gu saw that her eyes were hot, and he saluted her first, "Master..."

   Zhou Man nodded, and took a careful look at Master Yu and Master Xia. He endured, but still couldn’t hold back, he waved to Zheng Gu, "Let’s take a look at your pulse."

  Zheng Gu first saluted Master Yu and Master Xia before stepping forward, rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hand.

  Master Yu and Master Xia should be out of sight. They waited for Zhou Man to stop and asked, "How is Master Xiao Zheng's body?"

  Can withstand their cross-examination?

  Don’t faint halfway through the question.

   Zhou Man thought they were concerned about Zheng Gu’s body, and was a little touched, and nodded, “It’s fine, it’s a low-grade fever. Drink plenty of hot water and take two more medicines.”

  Master Yu nodded in relief, and said to Zheng Gu: "Since Master Xiao Zheng's body is not too problematic, let's start."

  The clerk behind them immediately took out their notebooks to find a place to sit, and together they looked up at Zheng Gu on the opposite side.

  Zheng Gu:...

  He couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Master.

   Zhou Man raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and pointed to a place opposite to Master Xia and said: "What are you doing in a daze? Sit down and reply."

  Zheng Gu sat down, so the two masters and apprentices sat on the left, and the four of Master Yu sat opposite them with the two clerks behind them.

  It's not like interrogating him, it's like interrogating two of them, their master and disciple.

The thought of    flashed by, Zheng Gu moved a little uncomfortably, ignoring the whiplash on his body, he sat in a hurry and said, "Adults ask."

  Master Yu asked: "Where is your classic medicine?"

  Zheng Gu sighed: "It's gone."

  Master Yu: "...He can run, can his home still run?"

  Zheng Gu said: "His family, two doctors, and the subordinates of our three families are all imprisoned with me."

This is what Zheng Gu wanted to say, saying: "I'll just wait for the suspected person. There is really no need for my family to be involved. I also ask Master Yu to be kind enough to let their family come out. The weather is cold at this time, and he is not treated so well in prison. of."

  Master Yu thoughtfully asked: "When did the classic medicine run?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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