Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2811: Found

  Chapter 2811 found

  Master Yu said meaningfully: "It doesn't have to be abnormal, and it doesn't have to be that he wants to expose the body."

   "What do you want to do?"

   "I want people to find this corpse." Master Yu made people carefully measure these footprints, and then checked the vicinity before measuring the snow pit, and rummaged in it before giving up.

He didn’t find anything, but he measured the thickness of the snow. He waved to the five people standing next to him and asked with a smile, “Look at this thick snow. It hasn’t been melted since the beginning of winter. ?"

  A middle-aged man lowered his head and said afterwards: "This is a shady land, with the sun behind it, it can melt a little under the sun. This place is difficult. It is estimated that it will not melt until the temperature rises in the beginning of spring."

  Master Yu asked: "How many snows have you fallen this month?"

"Four games, it only lasted for more than an hour last night, in fact, it was not that long. The last snow was heavy. It was first for most of the day, and then it was off for an afternoon and then for another night. It crushed several of the villages. The house."

  The county magistrate Luo came up and coughed twice. The people immediately bowed their heads and dared not speak.

  The county magistrate squeezed a smile and said to Master Yu: "Master Yu, the year is not good this year, and the next official has written to report on the snow disaster."

  Master Yu smiled and nodded. Instead of holding the five people for questioning, he waved his hand and said: "Okay, you can follow the county government to sign and postpone it and let your prince to take you back."

Seeing the five people tense up, Master Yu smiled and said, "This matter is not related to you, but because you are the ones who found the body, you need to sign and detain. If we have other questions later, we have to come to your door to find you. of."

  Master Yu finished speaking, someone escorted the five back to the yamen to wait for the chief to come and receive them.

The county magistrate Luo couldn’t help saying: "Master Yu, their village is not far from Luoyang City. Why should they let their chieftain go there again? If there is a problem afterwards, just ask someone to go to the village and call someone. They dare not stop. Come."

  Master Yu smiled and said, “It’s better to follow the procedure. They always have to sign the statement.”

  But the confession has been recorded on the spot, so you can sign and draw it now.

  Luo county magistrate was reluctant to contact Master Yu with the local chief, but Master Yu had already turned around and ordered the body to be taken back to the county government with five witnesses.

  Master Yu got into the carriage, exhaled, and whispered to the clerk: "This person is not capable."

  The clerk smiled and said, “The next official checked his evaluation. The year before, it was inferior, but last year it was medium. It can be seen that it’s okay.”

  Master Yu snorted, and then sat up straight, "You just said what was his evaluation the year before?"


Master Yu frowned, "Luoyang County is Shangxian, where there are fertile fields, wealthy merchants, spacious streets and numerous shops. It is one of the most important cities in the Central Plains. You don’t have to worry about population growth. You can basically resist natural disasters. How did he? Got an inferior rating?"

  The clerk didn’t know. He thought at the time that since he was going to Luoyang to investigate the case, he would search for the Luoyang county magistrate's information. At that time, he went to the staff to read it, and he saw an inferior and medium one. As for the reason...

  The clerk seriously recalled for a moment, and said not quite sure: "Luoyang seems to have a drought the year before?"

   "It's just a small drought, it's not a big drought." Master Yu said: "I have to go to the governor's mansion in Luozhou."

  "Didn’t He Cishi is already seriously ill, just waiting for the newly appointed official to take over?"

  "He became seriously ill this year. You always remember the events of last year and the year before, right?"

  Speaking of this, Master Yu became angry. He Cishi resigned in May, but the court has not found a person to succeed Luozhou Cishi.

  I blame the King Gong, he is blocking the way, even if Luozhou is Shangzhou, no one likes to come here to take office.

  I was afraid that he would accidentally become the second pre-Assassin of Yizhou.

  No one knows if the quiet King Gong is really giving up, if not, he also secretly learns how King Yizhou is plotting a rebellion, right?

  At that time, the same foul is the fate of the former governor, and the different foul is the fate of Bai Qi.

  Master Yu shook his head to get rid of all the messy things in his mind, and then went back to the county office after pulling the car with the corpse and went to see him for an autopsy.

  He said to him: "Look at the back of his neck. Is there any damage from a blow?"

  仵廵 stripped the person clean and turned it over, shook his head and said, "No, but there are bruises on the wrists, and there are drag injuries on the hind feet and the back of the calves. It should be caused by being dragged before death."

   "Then look at your head."

  As soon as he went to check his head, he said in a short while: "There is an injury."

  Master Yu stepped forward to look, and said, "It's a hit, but isn't it fatal?"

   "Can you stun someone?"

   "It's okay," Yosaku glanced at the red corpse spots on his body, and said, "He was knocked out and threw to death on the road?"

   "No, it was knocked out and thrown into a snowdrift to freeze to death."

  仵 had a chill. In this kind of weather, people may freeze to death if they spend the night outside, not to mention thrown in a snowdrift. If they don’t freeze to death, they may suffocate to death.

   "He has been buried in a foot of snow, and calculate how long he has been dead."


  Master Yu went out, but instead of staying at the county government, he left a guard and said: "Look a little bit to see if there is any Lizheng to lead them, and check whether their identities are correct."

   Then he left. He went back to find Mrs. Xia who was still in the settlement, and said to him: "We have to visit He Cishi."

   Master Xia frowned and said: "Although He Shishi still holds the post of governor, but he has long been no matter what. Didn't we only see the long history of the governor yesterday?"

  Master Yu said: "We are going to visit the sick this time."

  Believe in him to have a ghost, but Master Xia still got up.

  Emperor Lu also got up, he quietly said: "Well, is there anyone more suitable than our emperor to visit?"

  Emperor Xiao Tan also said: "He Cishi is ill. Your Majesty has sent the imperial physician Shi to see him twice. We have his pulse case in the hospital."

  Master Yu sympathized with them after reading the account books for most of the day, and nodded and said: "Okay, let's go together."

  He Cishi is dying. He wants to return to his hometown, but the emperor has not found someone to replace him, so he can only hold on to his death.

  But he has been in bed for a long time, and the affairs of the governor's house are basically handed over to Changshi.

  The servants of the He family introduced the four to the main hospital. If it were not for the two imperial physicians accompanying them, the wife of the He family might not want them to come in to see people.

  Through the light of Imperial Doctor Lu and Imperial Doctor Xiao Tan, Master Yu and Master Xia successfully saw He Cushi who was lying on the hospital bed.

  He Jishi barely raised his eyelids to look at them.

  Emperor Lu gave him his pulse, and Dr. Tan gave him a prescription, but he was not very optimistic about his condition.

  He Cishi didn’t pay attention to the prescription. No one knew his condition better than him, so he didn’t care about the prescription at all. He just panted and asked them, "Do you have anything to ask me?"

  Although he was too ill to get out of bed, there was an angel in Luoyang. He still heard the report about why he came.

   Although you have been in the army, you may not be able to see it now, but you still have to add more. I hope you come out again, and you will be happier to see this chapter when you get your mobile phone.

     See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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