Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2821: Prince's suggestion

   Chapter 2821 Prince's Suggestion

  The prince walked out of the Tai Chi Hall and was about to return to the East Palace. Halfway through the walk, he thought about it, but he went to the duty room of the Zhongshu Province.

Master Bai Shan and Fang were looking at the zhezi inside, and some clerks sent zhezi in between, and some took the zhezi and sent them to the Menxia Province and Tai Chi Hall. When everyone saw the prince coming in, they stopped their movements and got up to salute, "pay respect to the prince." "

  The prince nodded, and directly nodded Bai Shandao: "Bai Sheren, I have something to say to you."

  Bai Shan collected the things at the desk and went out with the prince.

  In the cold weather, the prince was too lazy to invite people to the East Palace to speak, and walked directly to the Baiyu Bridge outside.

  The two stood on the bridge and talked while blowing the wind. This has the advantage of being empty everywhere, unless someone is hiding under the bridge, otherwise no one can hear them.

Prince    asked Bai Shan, "Do you want to release it?"

  Bai Shan should be surprised after a moment.

  The prince asked: "Do you have a favorite place?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said, "Jiannan and Jiangnan are good."

  The prince smiled, "You will choose, deliberately avoiding the Central Plains."

  There are many people in the area of ​​Central Plains. The local gentry is prosperous, and the people's lives are stable and stable. Without major disasters, the people and officials will not think about change. It is not easy to make achievements in the Central Plains.

So Beidi, Jiannan and Jiangnan are the best areas. You can see from Yang Heshu's choice. He chose Jiannan at the beginning. Luojiang County was poor. At that time, there was a flood and there was a lot of wasteland and a lot of people were lost. .

  It’s easy for a talented person to come to such a place to use it, and naturally it is easy to make achievements.

  He chose Xiazhou as his second place.

  Xiazhou is connected to the grassland, and nomads live on one-third of the land. The people are strong, and they can attack and retreat. It is also a good place to accumulate experience and make achievements.

  Of course, the premise is that the people who go there can hold on, otherwise the talents are mediocre and the confidence is lower, and they will eventually become the tool men of the local rich family.

  The prince looked at Bai Shan very appreciatively and said: "Your Majesty has circled three places for you, Jiazhou in Jiannan, and Jiajiang County magistrate in Jiazhou, who died of illness in October last year. This year, one person will be selected to take over as the magistrate."

"The second place is Taizhou in Jiangnan Province, and the county magistrate of Shifeng County under it has been promoted; the third is Qingzhou. Last year, the magistrate of Yidu County was escorted to Jingzhong and the magistrate of Beihai County. After taking over from Yidu County, Beihai County was left vacant."

  Bai Shan moved in his heart and asked: "Where does your Highness want the minister to go?"

  Since this is the place circled by the emperor, obviously he can go anywhere in these three places. What about the prince?

Bai Shan was just a small middle school scholar, and only a county magistrate wanted to be released, but the emperor was so careful to personally choose places for him, and then told the prince, let the prince arrange, he used his toes I want to know the intention.

The prince thought about it on his way, and said: "Taizhou is too far, and the climate difference between north and south is too great. You have never been to Jiangnan, and your majesty deliberately released Zhou Man. Now the medical department is only in Northland and Central Plains. The establishment of the area has never reached the south of the Yangtze River, so Shifeng County can ignore it."

"Jiazhou, it's not bad, but I think Qingzhou is better," the prince did not hide it, and said bluntly: "Qingzhou is rich in land and resources, but the population is small. Because Beihai County is close to the seashore, there are many fishermen there. It is very poor, but Beihai County also has an advantage. It is connected with Laizhou. Last year, when Feng Shangshu went to Laizhou Bay in Beisha City from Laizhou Bay, at least one-third of it was in Beihai County."

Qingzhou’s organizational system has undergone several changes. Before, Qingzhou was not called Qingzhou, but Beihai County. Now Laizhou and Dengzhou were originally under Beihai County’s jurisdiction. The Emperor first changed Beihai County to Qingzhou. The division in the middle was not clear. Beihai County was once included in the area of ​​Laizhou, but now, it has been more subdivided eight or nine years ago, and now has the current division.

But the prince heard from Feng Shangshu that there are still some problems with the division there. Just like the former Wannian County magistrate Guo County has been secretly trying to grab land from the neighboring Yongzhou Liyang County, Beihai County has always wanted Grabbing Laizhou and squeezing to the other side to become the governor of the state is ambitious;

However, Laizhou has always rejected Beihai County, even the county is unwilling, because although the name Beihai sounds good, there are no shortage of wealthy and wealthy businessmen in Beihai County, but the proportion of the poor is larger and the arable land is not much, so Laizhou does not like Beihai County. .

But the prince thought this was a good place. He said: "Now the area of ​​Liaodong is fully owned by me, Dajin. It is a long way from the land to Andong Doho, but the sea route is very fast. Silla Baekje is a vassal country. There are a lot of business travellers, if you are done, it is not impossible to **** Laizhou Bay from Laizhou."

  Bai Shan is still very kind, and said: "That's not good, can you still call it Laizhou Bay if you grab it?"

  The prince said faintly: "You can rename it to Beihaiwan."

  He said: "Only one thing, if you do it well, you can go straight up when you come back."

  Bai Shan replied after thinking about it, "The minister will go back and consider it."

  He has to go back and ask Mr. and Man Bao.

  The prince nodded and said: "New officials will take office in March and April. You have one month to consider and another month to prepare."

  Bai Shan said: "The minister will give your Highness an answer as soon as possible."

The prince nodded and turned to leave.

  Bai Shan himself also likes Qingzhou, and asks Mr. Zhuang.

Mr. Zhuang touched his chin and said, "The prince did think of a good way for you. It's just for the people's livelihood for the officials. If you go for the credit from the beginning, you will lose your heart."

He said: "You robbed Laizhou Bay, but it is just icing on the cake on Laizhou Bay. Laizhou can do it on its own. This is a good thing for Beihai County, but for the entire Dajin, this is just a change of left hand for right hand. What's the meaning?"

  Bak Shan nodded, "Students think so too, but Qingzhou has a vast land and resources, and it is not very far from the capital in terms of distance. The most important thing is that it can directly communicate with Silla Baekje, so I still like it."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded, "Let's go, and ask Man Bao, if she likes Qingzhou, you two can decide."

  Bai Shan responded, and then said: "Sir, your majesty wants to give me to the prince."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded and said, "I can see it as a teacher, so what do you think?"

  Bai Shan said: "I am a courtier of Dajin, and a courtier of your majesty. It is the duty of a minister to guard the orthodoxy. It is harmless to the country. I don't mind getting close to the prince."

  He paused and said, "But your Royal Highness has become impatient these days."

  Bai Shan said: "Your Majesty is strong this year, and he values ​​the prince. There is no need for the prince to cultivate his confidants so quickly."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded approvingly, but said: "This is what your majesty meant, right?"

   "Your majesty can have this plan, but the prince can't."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded and said: "Tomorrow I have a class, and I will answer questions for the prince."

  Bai Shan is relieved. Now the court is very stable, he doesn't want to start some unnecessary disputes.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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