Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2830: Settle accounts

  Chapter 2830 Settling accounts

   Zhou Liru received a bunch of gifts, and as soon as he returned to the new house, he sat cross-legged on the couch and counted them joyfully.

   Liu Huan closed the door and ran over to look enthusiastically, "Look at what they gave you?"

  Zhou Liru opened it to him. Mrs. Liu’s box contained a set of gemstones, which was also very good, but Liu Huan and Zhou Liru had both been to the Western Regions and knew that these gems were not very valuable.

  It depends on the craftsmanship at this time.

  Liu Huan just glanced at it and put it aside, fascinating her to put on the jade ornament given by Mrs. Liu.

   Zhou Liru said: “I’m still young, I can’t hold down this set of jewelry, so I put it away and wait a few years before wearing it.”

  I’m mainly a doctor, and I often use it, and it’s somewhat inconvenient to wear a jade bracelet on my hand.

   Liu Huan didn’t force it. He set it aside first, and went to look through the meeting gifts his relatives gave Zhou Liru. He sighed, “Now you have more money than me.”

  Zhou Li became proud, "I heard from my mother that I still have monthly money every month."

   Liu Huan immediately said: "I have it too."

Zhou Liru, "I still have salary. My sister told me that Xiao Yuanzheng has approved me to enter the Taiyuan Hospital. The salary is not much less than yours."

  Because she does not have a job field, her monthly lumi will increase a little.

   Liu Huan said: "Should we take a ledger and write it down? Is this our private account?"

  Zhou Liru nodded, turned out a blank booklet, and asked Liu Huan, “What percentage of the money we earn should be paid to the public school?”

   "Handing over? If you don’t hand over, oh, the housekeeper picks up Lumi. After picking it out, we will deal with it together. We will still collect the payment."

  Zhou Li nodded, they took 10,000 yuan of pocket money from the public every month, not to mention the lumi, she also had no opinion about the payment.

   "What about other income?"

   Liu Huan was stunned, "What other income do we have?"

   Zhou Liru despised him, "What about the income of the Tianzhuang shop, and our extra income? For example, if I visit a doctor, even if there is no consultation fee, there will be some transportation expenses."

   Liu Huan immediately said: "Naturally, I took it by myself, it is all your dowry."

  Zhou Liru blinked.

Liu Huan said: "My eldest brother never takes money from home. Look at my father, he is all this age and never takes money from home. He has his own private account. You are not stupid to pay money to the public. ?"

  Zhou Li was stunned, "But we eat and live in the public, and we also receive monthly money from the public every month... We are all supported by our grandfather and grandmother?"

   Liu Huan also scratched his head, "How much can my grandfather's salary get? It depends mainly on family business, right?"

  Actually, he is not very sure, saying: "Anyway, the eldest brother and sister-in-law were like this when they were in the capital. We just listen to the words of our grandfather and grandmother."

   Zhou Liru gave him a sideways glance, and said, “That’s not how things are calculated. My brothers will settle accounts. If the accounts are clear, they will not think carefully. Without careful thinking, there will be no jealousy and resentment, and the family will last for a long time.”

   Liu Huan understands: "What to think carefully?"

"Think carefully about taking advantage," Zhou Liru said bluntly: "For example, if we don't ask clearly, we will take advantage of the father in our hearts. You think, now fathers, mothers, uncles and aunts are all living in the capital soon, grandparents There are only two of us at our knees. Not to mention the distance, just a lot of money every month."

She was ten thousand and Liu Huan was ten thousand. The couple received 20,000 yuan from the palace every month, not to mention that they were all at home for food and lodging, and all things like clothing, jewelry, etc. would also go to the office. , I don’t know how much it will cost over the years.

  Even the beneficiary of her could not help being shocked, let alone the non-beneficiary.

"So we have to make it clear that what we should fill in the public office should be filled in the public office. Some accounts need to be confused, but some accounts need to be clear." Zhou Liru said: "Like my family, my grandma has six sons and two. Daughter, my aunt married out. It doesn't count if I live with us. If my sister-in-law is counted, all seven children are counted as in-laws."

"In the annual accounts, farming is for farming, business is for business, and my sister's job field is calculated separately. What should be allocated to each person is allocated to each person, and the rest is used for public use," Zhou Liru said. : "The end of the year for the public to spend endlessly is divided into another wave."

"Our family doesn’t have any monthly money or anything. We have our own private accounts. If you want to spend extra, then pay for it yourself. Like your family, all the money earned by future generations will not be put in the public, but it will be returned to the public. It’s the first time I have seen someone who took money from it."

"Oh," Liu Huan couldn't help but laughed, and said happily: "What is the first time I have seen you? This is the first time I have seen someone like your family. As long as I know of people, regardless of family, those who eat and wear flowers All of them belong to the public."

   Seeing that Zhou Liru didn’t believe him, he said: “It’s true, the family of Zhao Guo, not far from our home, why do you think Zhao Liulang is so short of money?”

   "Because he is too extravagant, spend a lot of money?"

"...That's right, but it's not just for this reason," Liu Huan said, "Because their family doesn't separate, he doesn't have any business in his hands, and he just depends on his salary and monthly silver, which is definitely not enough to spend. . In the past two years, he used the money to blend in with your fourth uncle’s business, and the days passed."

   "I have never heard of the money he earned and put it in the public," Liu Huan smiled and said: "Don't worry, we are not only eating the grandfather's salary, but also the family's property. That is the big head."

He shook his head and said, "What is our monthly money? My father and two uncles spend more. Even my elder brother spends more than us. They don't live at home, but when they use money, That means taking hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars. As long as it's a business matter, my grandfather would never say "no"."

   Zhou Li is speechless, is he so rich?

   Liu Huan thought he had comforted Zhou Liru, but Zhou Liru was still a little uneasy, which was far from the situation in her family.

  While eating supper, Mrs. Liu noticed that she did not seem to be in a good mood, so she smiled and left her to speak.

Zhou Liru hesitated for a while, still truthfully confessed the doubts in his heart, and finally said: "Grandma, we are all grown-ups, and we can all support ourselves. It is already a sin to not send money to our father to support our grandfather and grandmother. Take monthly money here..."

  For those who are unmarried and unemployed, it’s okay to take money from the public, but both of them are now married and established.

  Her grandma is younger than Liu Shangshu and Mrs. Liu. Every year, her father and uncles will give their grandma a share of their own money after sharing the money in the public office.

Mrs. Liu was so moved that her eyes were sore for a while, she took her hand to sooth and said, "Silly boy, your monthly monthly money is derived from the family property, and those things will be distributed to you in the future. Now it’s just that we give you temporary control. Even if the output of these industries is yours, how can they be eaten for nothing?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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