Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2840: County Office

  Chapter 2840 County government

  They didn’t use official posts to enter the city this time. Instead, they lined up to enter the city like other people. In fact, they didn’t need to take another passage. There were so many people. They only entered the city after a while.

  As soon as I entered, it was a street. Bai Shan lowered his eyes and looked at it. The road was fairly smooth. There were small stalls on both sides. There were not as many people walking around as Qingzhou City, but it was still orderly.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man simply disembarked and followed the crowd to observe the situation in Beihai County along the way.

The colors of the clothes worn by people here are less concentrated than those in Qingzhou City. Most of them are gray and dark blue. Bright colors are rare, but people’s faces are still vivid. People walk slowly on the streets, occasionally three times. Five groups leaned together and joked.

  Bai Shan walked along this street to the gate of the county government.

There are fewer people in this area. The county government faces the street, but there is a small square in front of it, and a wall is erected on the side. It is a bulletin wall. Generally, if the county government has any notice, in addition to telling each Lilizheng, it will also Post a notice on the notice wall.

  It’s just that under normal circumstances, few people come to see the bulletin wall.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man handed the horse to Da Ji and wandered up to watch.

  There are a lot of notices posted on the bulletin wall. There are wanted warrants for criminals and notices advising Ke Nongsang. The paper has turned yellow and it should have been posted for a long time.

  The latest piece of the paper should be a notice informing the imperial court that a new county magistrate has been appointed, and further forward is the notice that the county magistrate Gao has been promoted to the magistrate of Yidu County and will leave Beihai County soon.

  Bai Shan looked at it and nodded and said, "It seems that the county magistrate Lu has indeed taken care of Beihai County well."

  Man Bao nodded and looked at the yaman who looked at them frequently. She lowered her voice and said, "They want to drive us?"

  Bai Shan followed her gaze.

  The two government officials at the gate of the county government had noticed them a long time ago. They looked at each other, and after a moment, the two government officials came over aggressively, holding on to the big swords on their waists, "What are you doing?"

  Bai Shan felt that they were too fierce and just came to see a notice. Wouldn't it be so fierce that he would scare the people who wanted to see the notice.

   So the handsome face said with a sharp face: "Where is your Fangxian Cheng?"

Ya Ya can also look at his face, and the other party’s clothes look good, and there are so many chariots and servants behind. Seeing that Bai Shan is not very good at talking, they immediately changed their attitude and said: "Our county emperor is in Yazhong. , Who are you?"

  Bai Shan said: "I am your new magistrate."

The two of them blanked their expressions, glanced at the carriage and attendants behind them, and immediately bent over and respectfully said: "It turns out that it's the magistrate, please go inside, the younger one will go to the county prince. "

  After saying that, one person was left to greet Bai Shan and the others, but he ran into the county government office to inform the county officials and the others.

  Fang County Cheng, they received the news from Qingzhou City yesterday, and they knew that the new magistrate had arrived, and they also knew that the Lu County magistrate was hosting them in Qingzhou City.

  They thought that Bai Shan and the others would have to stay in Qingzhou City for two more days, so although they were preparing for the matter, they did not expect people to arrive.

  So Fang County Cheng hurriedly led people out to greet him.

Fang Xiancheng is a black-faced man in his thirties. He is even darker than the Lieutenant Dong Xian behind him. He doesn't seem to laugh very often. So after facing Bai Shanshi's twitching at the corner of his mouth, he found that the smile was not successful, so he just sternly. With a bow on his face, "The next official has seen the county magistrate Bai."

  Bai Shan showed a small smile on his face, and nodded in response: "I have just arrived in this county, and I still need your advice and forgiveness in the future."

  Of course, it’s not that Bai Shan said he was the county magistrate, he was the county magistrate, and there are still procedures that should be there.

   Entering the county government office, Bai Shan took out his letter of appointment and official seal, and after checking that they were correct, the county Cheng looked at Zhou Man, who was standing behind him, and said, “The county magistrate is tired, why don’t you settle down first?”

  Bai Shan nodded, "Let’s settle down today, you still have to work on official affairs."

  Fang County Chengliandao dare not take Bai Shan and the others to the backyard of the county government.

  Generally speaking, county magistrates live in the backyard of the county government.

  There is a small gate between the county government and the backyard, which is used by the county magistrate. People usually don't go in and out.

  So everyone went out of the county government and went around to the back, where there was a big corner door, and you could get in by removing the threshold carriage.

  From now on, the people of the Bai family will come in and go out of this door.

There are two yards inside, but the place connecting the front county government is a small garden, but the small garden is bare, not to mention the flowers, there are no root vegetables, but some grass grows, and some places are left unplugged. Someone is cleaning up the grass.

  Fangxian Cheng quickly explained: “Knowing that the magistrate Bai is coming to take up his post, the county government sent someone to clean up in advance, but everyone is slower, so please don’t blame the magistrate Bai.”

  Bai Shan smiled and nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, we just pack up slowly."

  While he went to the back yard, he asked curiously: “I think there are only a few trees in the garden. Why doesn’t the county magistrate plant flowers and plants when he is there?”

Fangxian Road Road: "When the county magistrate Lu first came, he heard that the soil in Beihai County is not good for growing things. He didn't believe it, so he asked someone to dig some soil and spread it in the garden. Later, he planted some flowers and plants and didn’t survive. , County Majesty Lu simply stopped planting."

  Bai Shan: ……You can also choose to pave the soil, right?

  Bai Shan nodded without comment.

The two yards at the back are side by side. The main yard is relatively large and there are helpers coming in and out. Bai Shan glanced at them and saw that they were scrubbing tables and chairs and so on. He didn't stop him. Instead, he nodded and said to the other county: " Let them all retreat. I have a lot of people with me, so I can just clean up when I look back."

   pointed to Liu Gui and introduced to them: "This is my housekeeper Liu Gui."

   Liu Gui immediately saluted them, and then followed a government officer to gather all the people in the backyard.

  The county government assigns helpers to the county magistrate, not many, usually two or three. The wages are paid out of the county government, mainly to take care of the county magistrate who takes office alone.

  After all, some county magistrates are poor, and they may have a subordinate with them, and that subordinate may be a member of the clan.

The subordinates rationed by the county government are generally domestic servants with a limited number of years. Beihai County has also assigned two to Bai Shan, a woman and an old man, but not a family. The woman looks like she is in her forties, and she does some work in the backyard. Washing, buying, cleaning, and cooking is very versatile. He has served five county magistrates, and is a real old man of the county office;

  The old man is to guard the concierge. He hasn't been here for a long time, only four years, and he was hired by County Magistrate Lu after he took office.

   is a widow and lonely old man. Because he was homeless, he was left in the backyard of the county government by the magistrate Lu and kept guarding him.

  Bai Shan handed over everything and everything to Liu Gui after seeing the two of them, and Fang Xiancheng and the others set a time for Bai Shan to pick up the dust in the evening and then left.

    ask for votes, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for like votes for "Author of the Year"

     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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