Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2843: shop

  Chapter 2843 Shopping

  In the spacious office on the other side of the county government, some people are also discussing their new magistrate, but there are only three people.

  The second, third, fourth in command of the county government, the county lieutenant and the chief book.

  Yesterday, Song Master Book went to the countryside. No one was there. I only saw Bai Shan today. I couldn’t help but sigh, “Bai County magistrate is really white. I don’t know how long it will take to get a tan.”

  As soon as these words came out, Wei Dong Xian couldn't help but look at Fang Xiancheng.

  Fangxian Cheng's expression remained the same, without lifting his eyelids, he asked directly: "Is the account book ready for the county magistrate?"

"I've been prepared long ago. The preparations have been made since the imperial court has made the new county magistrate. Beihai County is so big, how many accounts can be settled?" What happened to Master Song's thoughts, and said with a slight smile: "Look at our adult. Being a pies obviously doesn't care about these details. People who buy a gadget in the capital may be worth our one-year salary."

  Fang County Cheng slightly frowned and said, "Don’t talk nonsense, can we arrange the county magistrate?"

Lord Song said: "There are only three of us in this room, and no one else will hear it. What's wrong with the discussion? As the saying goes, once the emperor and the courtier, we changed a county magistrate, so naturally we have to change our behavior. It’s still the same as before, what if the White County magistrate doesn’t like the Lu County magistrate?”

  Fangxian Cheng's brows were so frowning that he could catch the flies, and after holding his breath, he said, "Just keep your heart."

  The main book sniffed.

Lieutenant Dong Xian hurriedly finished the battle between the two of them, and after the atmosphere eased again, he couldn't help but talk, "But our new county magistrate is really rich. You may not have seen it yesterday, but I did. Yes, the baggage cart of the mule horse drawn at the back is full of luggage."

  "What is it that the luggage cart is not luggage?"

"Humans," said Dong Xianwei confidently: "My family has two or three burdens when they go out. I don't think it is too much. The rest of the place is full of people. As a result, they just pulled two cars with their luggage. The boxes were behind the boxes, obviously they were loaded according to the maximum load, and I looked carefully, and the boxes above were all good boxes, and there was a cart with luggage in the back, which belonged to the people. So we, the White County magistrate, are rich and wealthy."

He smiled and said: "I think that when the magistrate Lu came to our Beihai County when he took office, there was only one car and two servants. Although the wife came from behind, only three servants were brought. The two children were together and the luggage was also included. It’s only half a car."

  Song’s master book saw that Fang County Cheng’s brows seemed to have a tendency to frown, and he smiled slightly: “It’s a pity that I’m younger, otherwise I can meet together to wait for a drink in the spring building after I’m in the office, hahahaha...”

   County Lieutenant Dong couldn’t help but smile, “What’s wrong with this? Chunfeng is the first-class young man, the magistrate is the most welcome girl in the building.”

  Fang County Cheng held his forehead with a headache, so he just got up and left.

Lieutenant Dong Xian wanted to stop him, but he was held by Master Song. When Fang Xiancheng had left, he snorted and said to Lieutenant Dong: "The county magistrate will meet with all parties tonight. After dinner, we You can call the county magistrate to wait for a play in the spring building."

  Dong County Lieutenant: "...Master Bai is waiting for the Spring Tower, who is the cheaper one?"

  Song’s master book thinks of Bai Shan’s face, really, who is it?

Bai Shan only had lunch now. He picked Zhou Man a chopstick dish and told her about the situation in the county office. "The county magistrate of Laiqianlu only commented on two people with me, one is Fangxian Cheng. , Saying that he has a righteous degree, and the other is Song Zhubu."

Bai Shan smiled when he said that, "Yesterday the master Song was absent, so you didn't see him. I saw him today. He looks very ordinary on the surface. The county magistrate Lu said that he knew well and came from the Song family in Beihai County. ."

  It can generally be said that a certain family in a certain county is a famous local family, and the least influence is not small.

   is like the Zhou family. When people mention it, they only refer to the Zhou family in Qili Village. It does not refer to the old Zhou’s family alone, but refers to the entire village’s family surnamed Zhou.

  Because before, the Zhou family could only talk in the village, even if they were put in the village, they had never heard of it.

  Man Bao asked, “I mentioned his origin specially, is it still related to his family’s influence as his master book?”

  Bai Shandao: "It might be something to do, but I turned over some accounts and records of the house today, and some of the recent ones are still okay. It's not a wine bag or rice bag. It must be capable."

  For the magistrate of Bai Shan, he doesn't mind how the other party was in the position before, but what he cares about is whether he can do things.

  After lunch, the two of them took a break. Bai Shan continued to work in the county government, while Man Bao took Daji and cakes and wandered out.

  West cakes still want to set up a car, but when he sees the good luck, he looks at Zhou Man, and Zhou Man said: "What kind of car is set? Yesterday, I looked at the county seat of Beihai County and our county seat in Luojiang County. It is just as big as ours.

  Daji thinks so.

  So the three of them walked to play, no, they went to buy things.

  Today is not a market. There are vendors on the street, but not many, and there are fewer pedestrians. Manbao took a walk for a while before realizing, “It’s busy farming season now.”

  Daji nodded.

   "No wonder there are so few people." Man Bao felt relieved, otherwise it would be too difficult for Bai Shan to manage this county with so few people.

  Man Bao strolled around, not just shopping at the small stalls on the street, she almost entered the store and bought what she needed, but she didn’t shop around and asked about the price.

The store saw her as a fresh face, and the Mandarin spoken was a little different from theirs. They knew she was from a foreign country, but they didn’t know if she came with a merchant or a traveler. She couldn’t hold her back for a while, but saw that she was well dressed. With another beautiful girl, she couldn't help but raise the price.

  Man Bao sighed regretfully, did not buy, turned around and went out and said to Da Jixi cake: "It's a pity that the store is rushing customers, otherwise you can still buy it."

  The sound is not loud, but the people in the store must have heard it.

  Good luck:...

  He glanced at the narrow Zhou Man without speaking.

  Man Bao left the bewildered store in the store, and moved to the next one with a cheerful expression on his face.

  Man Bao looked up at the plaque of the drug store-Renhetang. Manbao had heard of it and met with the doctor of Renhetang in Jingcheng. He talked about symptoms, but he has not been to Renhetang.

  Look at another pharmacy two stores away, hey, this is familiar, Baicaotang!

  She's familiar, just across from the Jishitang in the capital, they go early in the morning, and the doctors on both sides can sit face to face with a bowl of wontons and eat at the entrance of the store.

  Man Bao raised his feet and smiled and went in.

The apprentice who greeted her had a meal when she saw her. It was not that he recognized Zhou Man, but he greeted so many people every day, smiled and went to the drugstore, and smiled so happily. It seemed that he had seen this. Once, this was really a long experience.

  The apprentice thought to himself, with a smile on his face, and said, "What does the guest officer want? Is it for consultation or medicine?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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