Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2849: Murderer Two

  Chapter 2849 Murderer Two

  Bai Shan asked people to take the big rich away, but the big rich lady could only sit down on the ground, crying and watching the Ya Ya **** the big rich away.

  The neighbors onlookers hushed and carefully glanced at Bai Shan who was standing in the yard. Seeing that he was stern, but did not scold the rich lady, they moved forward two steps tentatively.

   Seeing that he didn’t respond, he carefully stepped forward to support the rich lady, and comforted her in a low voice: "Don’t cry, it’s still important to live, and the rich family doesn’t know what’s going on..."

  The rich lady cried louder.

  Man Bao found the two children who were forgotten in the corner and shrunk into a frightened ball. He picked them up and handed them to Granny Jin. "Thank you for taking care of them for two days."

   Granny Jin glanced at the rich lady who was still sitting on the ground crying, took the child with a sigh, and agreed.

  Hidden and watched the crowd of doctors, and withdrew his gaze intently, and saw Zhou Man standing by and talking to Granny Jin.

  He leaned over, wanting to find out with her how she saved the life of the mother in this situation.

  Seriously, the fetal position hanging upside down is difficult to give birth, and there was heavy bleeding after a fall. In this case, the blood collapses at the beginning of the birth, and it is the most common situation that the child bleeds and died before the child is born.

  So he was very curious, what method did she use to stop the bleeding first, and then let the mother give birth to the child so quickly.

  I’m just a little embarrassed. I just got a scam in the afternoon. No, he’s not a scam, right? The tonic he prescribed is correct...

  The doctor leaned forward. Just as he was about to speak, Bai Shan also walked up.

  Although everyone does not talk to Bai Shan, they have been watching him quietly.

  Bai Shan walked towards Zhou Man and asked, "Are you ready, do you want to go home?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Okay, let's go."

  The doctor was dumbfounded, and everyone in the yard was dumbfounded. They didn’t react until the two of them walked out of the yard, but no one dared to call Zhou Man again, so they could only watch Zhou Man and Bai Shan leave together.

  The neighbors reacted after the people left, and they surrounded the rich lady and said, "It turns out that this lady recruited officials."

   For a while, I didn’t know whether to praise her for good luck, or to sympathize with her.

   Although this lady saved the rich family, she also put the rich in jail.

  The rich lady only feels that this day is like a dream, her face is dull at this moment, and she can't even perform basic movements like crying.

  The doctor is not these ignorant women. As a doctor in a drugstore, although he does not have much power, the news is definitely better than these women.

  He quickly guessed the identity of the white-faced officer and this extraordinary lady.

  For a while, my heart felt like hot oil, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I carried the medicine box and left.

  He ran all the way back to Baicaotang. The door of Baicaotang was closed. He didn't care, so he knocked on the door and went straight to the backyard after entering.

  The backyard of Baicaotang is separated by two blocks. On one side, there is the shopkeeper's family, and the other is the backyard of Baicaotang, which is used as a warehouse and for the doctor.

   "The shopkeeper, something has happened."

  The shopkeeper asked calmly: "Have you healed someone?"

   "Oh, what has treated me badly, am I the other quack? I basically won't be cured if I can't be cured. Do I know who I met today?"

   "Doctor Shao of Renhetang, two families away? Are you fighting?"

   "No," the doctor said aggrieved: "I met Master Zhou, who was ordered by the Qingzhou Medical Department, that little genius doctor in Beijing."

  The shopkeeper immediately sat up straight, staring at him with wide eyes, "How did you meet her? You have friendship with her? Is she really as amiable as the letter from Beijing says?"

The doctor said depressed: "What Jingli said is simply nonsense. Can a woman in her teens and 20s use the word amiable? Kind, but reluctant, but too cunning. She even visited our drugstore today. I pretended to be a patient, and said to ask her, I gave her a soup for regulating menstruation and replenishing blood."

  The shopkeeper never thought that their fate with the legendary Lord Zhou started from here, and there was a moment of silence.

"But it's not the most important thing. Where did I go? Oh, yes, I went out for an outpatient clinic today, but it wasn't actually mine. I just provided some medicinal materials. The patient belongs to Master Zhou... "

   Just as the doctor was telling the story, Man Bao and his party also returned to the county government. Bai Shan personally watched the government send the three to the prison, and chose the next cell for the two of them.

  Beihai County is poor, and even the cells are reflected. The two cells are not a wall that Bai Shan usually sees, but a wooden fence.

  So the three can see each other as soon as they look up.

  Bai Shan said to the officer: "Wake up at night. They are not allowed to fight, nor between husband and wife."

  The officer should be sent down, because the county magistrate specifically instructed, so the officer pays special attention to these three people.

  When Bai Shan returned home, Man Baocai washed it out and was waiting for him to eat with his wet hair.

  Bai Shan sat down opposite her and asked, "How about the mother?"

   "Not so good," Man Bao said, "She is losing a lot of health, and her foundation is not good. This time the bleeding is fierce, and I don't know if it can be better."

Man Bao's expression was very bad, and he said to Bai Shan: "The rich family was deliberately causing a quarrel. Obviously, they didn't plan to have this child at the beginning, but the other party didn't expect the Guo family to be so horrible, facing her. Pregnant women can do this heavy."

  At that time, Man Bao turned his head and saw the push. He could see clearly. When the pregnant woman was pushed to the ground, both legs were raised, which shows how strong this push is.

  Bai Shan also said about his investigation, "I asked my neighbors, the conflict between the two families has been around for a long time."

He said: "Just live at the opposite door. The Guo family put the firewood at the root of the wall. Turning their heads can throw half of it. They suspected that it was the Wu Dafu family. The Dafu family brought water back. The bucket bumped twice and spilled water. The Guo family can stand at the door. I cursed for a long time ago, saying that the Wu family had poured the ground and hurt people by slipping their feet. There are too many things like this, and there are too many to mention."

  Man Bao sighed, "Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. The relationship between neighbors is like this. How can life be fun?"

  Bai Shan nodded: "I think the root of this conflict lies in the pregnancy of the rich family."

  He said: "Wu Dafu and his wife have given birth to two children, both are daughters. Not long after this third child was pregnant, there were rumors in the alley that she was still pregnant with a daughter."

When Bai Shan said this, he pursed his lips and said: "The Dafu's family was beaten by Wu Dafu for this, but the child was not beaten. These days, the rumors are even worse. Everyone says that her belly is small and round. Looks like a daughter."

  Man Bao was so angry that she couldn't even eat rice. "She can't even eat enough to eat. She wears loose clothes and can't even see her belly. Isn't she small, can she break the sky?"

  Because of this, she did not see that the other party was pregnant.

   And she moves very neatly. Obviously, she didn't work less when she was pregnant, and she didn't even care about the fetus in her belly. Otherwise, a seven-month-old pregnant woman would help her belly while walking.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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