Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2852: Old grudge

  Chapter 2852 Old grudge

  The old grievances between the two families mean that they can't be said for three days and three nights, and the implications are so wide that the entire alley is involved.

  This is not the time for the neighbors to be able to take care of themselves, because both the Wu family and the Guo family can name their neighbors.

  For example, Wu Dafu thinks that the Guo family took away a stone that his house placed on tiptoe at the door. There was a hole in the one that went out. He deliberately moved a stone from another place to pad it, but the stone disappeared the next day.

  The household on the left of his house told him that it was the Guo family who had taken it. Then the witness will come out?

  So the neighbors began to stand up in the hall. At the beginning, they didn't even want to offend the two families. As a result, this trivial contradiction was the most difficult to clarify. Naturally, it was the easiest to find out who shared these words with them.

Speaking of the latter, neither the Wu family nor the Guo family can remember who identified and passed on these trivial things that make them infinitely contradictory. I didn't say it myself.

  This time, Bai Shan opened the trial for an hour and a half. Until he was hungry, he slapped the gavel and said, “I’ll be here for the trial today, and we will continue tomorrow. You will all come to the hearing.”

  Bai Shan did not say what would happen, and everyone did not dare to take this risk.

  So Wu Dafu and Guo Dacai’s couple were still locked up.

  I was closed for one night, and I was held in the same morning today. He said all the grievances he had accumulated in his heart for many years. Wu Dafu felt much better and calmed down slowly. He wanted to go home a little bit.

  At this moment, I don’t know what happened to his big flower, and his son, I don’t know if it’s buried.

  Wu Dafu raised his hand and wiped his tears, got up and was jailed with Guo Dacai and his wife.

  Compared with Wu Dafu, the faces of Guo Dacai and his wife are more pale and ugly, because the current situation is very unfavorable for them.

  Although the contradictions are mutual, it is rumored that Wu Dafu’s family will not give birth to a son, and the Guo family did say it, and it was confirmed by the neighbors;

   And the three of Zhou Man also testified that the Diao family was the one who overthrew the rich family.

  A baby died, and the rich family didn’t know their life or death at this time. The Guo family didn’t expect this ending either. It’s impossible to say that there is no panic in the heart.

  Diao's mind was restless all day, even Guo Dacai didn't scold her at all, but was afraid that he would be implicated.

  Waiting for everyone to leave, Bai Shanbian and Man Bao arrived in the back hall and asked with a smile, "What are you going to do this afternoon?"

  Man Bao said, "Master Song helped me go to the city's tooth shop. After a while, I met them in the county government office, and then went to see the rich family."

  Although there is no consultation fee, and even the medicinal materials must be brought by her as a doctor, Man Bao still thinks it is his own patient, so he still has to go and take a look.

  Bai Shan nodded and said: "Besides Daji, bring two more guards."

  I'm afraid that something will happen to her.

  Man Bao nodded.

  Fang County Cheng waited in the back hall, saw the two people coming, immediately went forward to salute, could not help but ask, "How do you plan to judge this case?"

He thought that Bai Shan would pronounce the sentence today, but he did not expect that he would postpone it until tomorrow. Moreover, many of the things he said in the second half of the day had nothing to do with the case. He was not sure if Bai Shan had no experience, so he could not grasp the rhythm, or Deliberately.

  Bai Shan said: "Let Guo Lichang also come over to hear the judgment tomorrow. He manages the alley. This county wants to talk to him."

  Fangxian Cheng paused for a while and bowed his head.

  Bai Shan smiled and invited Fang Xiancheng, “I’m hungry in my belly, so let’s eat first. How about Master Fang eating with us?”

  Fang County Cheng couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Man, who was standing on the side.

   Zhou Man smiled and said, "It just so happens that the medical department has something to ask Fangxian Cheng for advice."

  She glanced at Bai Shan and said, “The magistrate of Bai Shan has just arrived in Beihai County, so the two of us don’t know enough about Beihai County. The medical department needs to be built by Laofang County.”

  Fang County Cheng was taken aback for a while and was overjoyed, and asked: "Does Lord Zhou want to locate the medical department in Beihai County?"

   Zhou Man said: "The new governor's history has not yet arrived, so there is no way to determine an address in Qingzhou City. I decided to put the medical department in Beihai County first, and wait until the governor's history arrives."

  Fang County Cheng immediately said: "Then I will disturb Lord Bai and Lord Zhou at noon today."

  Go to the backyard of the county government for a meal with the two of them. The three of them ate and talked. Not only did Zhou Man understand what he wanted to know, but Bai Shan had a deeper understanding of Beihai County.

  It is rare that Fang Xiancheng actually supported the establishment of the medical department in Beihai County, and even considering Zhou Man’s problems with the new governor before taking office, she wanted to urge her to set the address of the medical department as soon as possible.

  So after using the meal, he simply accompanied Bai Shan and Zhou Man to see the dental office found by Song's master book, and selected the location of the medical office for them.

  With Fang County Cheng joined, Zhou Man and Bai Shan are even less likely to be scammed.

  Man Bao carefully selected the houses brought by the Jamaican companies. Regarding the houses they recommended for sale, he asked, "Don't buy, just rent, is the landlord willing?"

After looking at each other, some people said, "These houses are only for sale, not for rent."

  Some also said: "The landlord of this house is willing to sell and rent."

  The three people discussed together to select three buildings, and then said: "Let’s take a look tomorrow."

  The master book of Song could not help but go to see Fang Xiancheng. He didn't understand why the three of Kung Fu in the morning was so good. It is he who talked with the county magistrate and Lord Zhou the most today, right?

  Man Bao chose three houses with intentions and went back to Wu's house with the medicine box, while Bai Shan continued to familiarize himself with the affairs of the county government.

  The Wu family is still bleak, and the Guo family on the opposite side is not much better, but fortunately, there is no more noise.

When   Man Bao arrived, the door of Wu’s house was closed tightly, but the courtyard could be seen from the wall.

There are two little girls sitting in the yard. The big one is holding the dirt and playing with the small one. The little one is probably hungry. She is holding the dirt and stuffing it into her mouth. Her sister grabbed it and stretched out her little hand. Pat off the dirt in her hand, and then put her dirty fingers into her mouth.

  The little girl ate her sister’s finger and stopped making trouble.

  Man Bao darkened his eyes and pushed the door in.

  The two children were frightened and turned their heads together to look at them.

  Man Bao stepped forward to pick up one, and another cake, and asked, "Where is your grandma?"

  Neither child could speak yet, but the older one could understand. With a little finger pointing towards the front room, Man Bao held her and opened the door.

  Dafu Niang is feeding the Dafujia’s medicine, her face is stinky, she has been complaining about the difficulties at home, but she still bears with not telling the Dafujia that she gave birth to a son, and did not tell her that Wu Dafu was arrested.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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