Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2855: View

  Chapter 2855 Viewpoint

  The shopkeeper said: "This prescription is really wonderful, but we have never used it before. But I listened to your description yesterday. Obviously, this medicine alone is not enough."

  He said: "This medicine is to replenish qi and blood, but she was bleeding heavily yesterday, and her metrorrhagia must not stop today, but she has the courage to prescribe medicine to stop the bleeding. Obviously, there are other ways to stop the bleeding."

  Both of them thought of Zhou Man’s famous acupuncture and moxibustion, their eyes brightened, "It must be acupuncture, she must have used acupuncture."

The doctor thought so too, and lowered his voice: "When I went to see the parturient yesterday, her face was not bloody. I looked at the blood stains on the yard and bed. The bleeding must have been fierce at first, but the amount of bleeding was already severe. When she is very young, she can deliver babies in that situation, and she must use acupuncture."

  After all, he brought the medicine Zhou Man used. He saw her grab the medicine again, and he knew the effect of the medicine too much.

  However, the compatibility of the three drugs yesterday is still worth pondering.

  The doctor thief took out three prescriptions from his arms and said: "This is the prescription I wrote down after staying up late last night to remember."

  The shopkeeper immediately took a look, and the two continued to think about new prescriptions.

And the big rich lady returned home cursing all the way. She almost came home from the Guo family who had cursed the Guo family all the way. The people in the Guo family opposite heard her cursing and endured it at first, but when she saw that she kept talking, she just kept talking. I couldn't help it anymore, so I went out and scolded her.

  Man Bao heard it in the house and couldn't help feeling, "The relationship between your neighbors is so bad?"

  The big flower lying on the bed heard the words and said with a cold face: "The Guo family are all wicked people, and the Wu family doesn't know what evil they have done, so they are the opposite of theirs."

  Man Bao scratched his head. If they had money, Man Bao would suggest that they sell the house in this place and buy a new one.

  Otherwise, the evil neighbors are on the side, and they are angry every day, the body can be angered, and the life span is reduced a lot, why bother?

  But the Wu family has no money, obviously they can't afford the cost of moving, and they don't have the courage.

She thought about it seriously, and decided to help them and Bai Shan, so she said: "If you use one day's medicine today, tomorrow should be better. Would you like to let your mother-in-law go to the county government office tomorrow? "

  Stunned, "Ting Tang?"

Man Bao nodded and said with a serious face: "Friendly neighborliness is a virtue. Isn't there a saying that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors? But your two obviously live in the opposite door, and the relationship should be better, but you have a bad relationship. Not to mention the absence of virtue, even the law is violated."

  She said: "I think this is the reason for your lack of knowledge, and you don't know the law, so you are unscrupulous."

  "If you know what behavior is against the law and the pain of punishment, you will be restrained in your daily actions. Even if you can't be friendly and neighborly, at least you will not happen again like yesterday."

  Da Hua was worried when she heard the words, "Miss, it should be the Guo family who broke the law yesterday. It has nothing to do with our Wu family, right?"

  Man Bao said: "Wu Dafu is not breaking the law when he is attacking people with a knife?"

  Da Hua widened her eyes and couldn't help but sit up halfway, "You mean the head of my house cut someone with a knife? That, that..."

  Man Bao realized that she didn’t know anything, so he comforted her and said, “Don’t worry, although he carried the knife and chased him, he didn’t cut anyone.”

  Big Flower was relieved.

   "But it can't cover up that he broke the law," Man Bao said: "So he is now in jail with the Guo family and his wife."

   Dahua was full of anxiety and asked: "Is it serious? How would the county grandfather judge him?"

  If Wu Dafu goes to jail, and she does this again, life will be even worse.

  Man Baodao: "It depends on your attitude of admitting mistakes."

  She pointedly said: "Dahua, why are you splashing water at the opposite door?"

  Dahua paled and did not speak.

Man Bao said, "But I think the root cause of this incident is not in you, but in your mother-in-law and husband, as well as the people from the Guo family opposite. You are a daughter-in-law who has only been married for a few years. Obviously the two have had a long-term relationship. You are naturally on the side of the Wu family because of your position."

"You are too weak. Obviously you can't influence the relationship between the two families." And he hasn't tried to improve the relationship. Man Baoyin said this sentence and said to Dahua: "So let your mother-in-law go and have a look. If your family doesn't If you plan to move, the Guo family will not leave. Then in the next few decades, or even hundreds of years, your two will always be opposite each other. You are really willing to have an affair with an opposite neighbor until your mother-in-law’s age or even death. ?"

  Dahua tightened the quilt on her body, obviously not wanting to concede first. She gritted her teeth and said: "The Guo family killed my child."

  Man Bao sighed: "He was not killed by the Guo family, he was killed by your family together."

  The flower was shocked and looked at Zhou Man in disbelief.

Although Man Bao sympathized and pityed her, she did not simply sympathize and pity her. She said: "The child's nutrition is very poor. Obviously the fetus is not very good, not to mention that you provoked the thing yesterday, even though she pushed it. You wrestled, but I think you had expected it a long time ago, but you didn't expect her to be so strong and the consequences would be so serious."

  Man Bao tore off her fig leaf and said bluntly: "But I think, kid, you decided at the beginning, didn't you?"

  Da Hua didn’t expect Zhou Man to be so sharp. The hand holding the quilt lost its color. She avoided Zhou Man’s gaze with a guilty conscience, and said: "She pushed me, I, I..."

Under Zhou Man’s clear gaze, the big flower really couldn’t make up, so she could only close her eyes and smash the jar and said: “Yes, I did it on purpose. The child will not survive even if he is born, my mother-in-law said earlier. I can’t afford to raise so many children at home, and she will drown when she is born."

She collapsed her shoulders and said numbly: "Anyway, it's about to die. It's better to die earlier. She has no memory at this moment. She died when she was born, or died directly in her abdomen. It was better to cry than when she was born. It's much better to die again."

  She was afraid that she would be reluctant to bear it.

  Man Bao pursed her mouth tightly, her chest filled with breath, bumping around made her feel uncomfortable. Realizing that Dahua didn't know that she gave birth to a son, she didn't break it, but said, "So you killed him together."

  This time Dahua did not refute.

  Man Baodao: "The county magistrate also knows about this."

  After listening to the big flower, I finally became anxious, "Then, will I be arrested?"

  Man Baodao: "Who knows, it depends on how the county magistrate decides."

Man Bao looked at the worried big Huadao with his head down: "Girls, it's nothing if you have a stronger personality. If you are stronger, you can live a better life, and the people around you can live a better life. My mother is also born in this life. I have a lot of children. When the most difficult time, the family can only feed the children by eating porridge and water, but no matter which one, she has never given up."

  She went to see the older girls and the second girls playing in the mud on the ground outside, "Compared with adults, they are really weak, but they all have the instinct to survive. Why do you give up your own and other people's lives?"

  Da Hua listened for a moment, and looked at the two daughters outside, not knowing what she was thinking.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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