Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2858: severe

  Chapter 2858 Severe

   Going to church the next morning, Bai Shan still asked the Guowu family and their neighbors to expose their shortcomings to each other, but they also grasped the measure and did not make the scene too ugly.

  In fact, the biggest grievance of the two families is also this time of pushing and pushing, but freezing three feet is not a day's cold. The two families have accumulated many grudges in the previous generation, and they are all trivial things.

  But trivial matters are also the most toasting goodwill. The grudges in the hearts of the two families are not small, and even now they have not accepted each other.

Bai Shan did not make a judgment directly after their statements. Instead, he said to the people: "You in the alley can't get rid of the matter of arguing about disputes and spreading rumors. If the Guo family is the first offender, you will be From sin."

When everyone heard it, they were faintly unconvinced. What does this have to do with them? It was the Guo family who said that the big rich family was pregnant with a girl. How did they know that it would be a boy, and the big rich family was ruthless enough, even if it was a girl, it was unnecessary. Go to provoke the Guo family, but the Guo family's are also ruthless. The rich lady is pregnant and may not pay attention to her temper, but she does not hesitate at all, and she uses all her strength to push people.

The pots of blood and the blood-stained quilt the day before yesterday still gave them too much shock. The Wu family has already died of a child, and according to the meaning, it is not certain whether the rich family will survive, but these What does it have to do with them?

  They did nothing.

Bai Shan naturally saw their disapproval, and sighed and stood up and said, "Let’s go, let’s go to Wu’s house. The biggest sufferer of this incident is in Wu’s house. You have to listen to what she said. ."

  Guo Lichang, who was called to listen to the hall, immediately said: "How dare you bother the adult to move? The adult sends someone to call her."

  Bai Shan said: "Ma's had a heavy bleeding the day before yesterday. She has already lost most of her life, and is not out of danger. Letting her live at this time is tantamount to killing. The county has all hands and feet, so how can she move?"

  Guo Li said: "How can you let the adults condescend, this is not in compliance with the rules."

  Bai Shan turned his head to look at him, and asked, “This county has never heard of such a rule. On which law does Guo Lichang look at this rule?"

  Guo Lichang was silent for a moment.

Compared with the veterans who can cite scriptures in the DPRK and can stir up three points unreasonably, Guo Lichang, who can't even memorize the "Law of the Great Jin", is really easy to deal with, because he has many reasons for "I think", "The world thinks", when I dig deeper, it is just "a certain thought", and there is no source.

  So it's easy to deal with.

  Block Guo Lichang, the people in the county government knew about it yesterday, and even the preparations were made, so naturally, things won’t happen at this time.

  So everyone moved to Wu's house smoothly.

  The neighbors immediately ran back to watch. This time, it was not just the host and the hostess in the alley. Everyone in the alley, including children of all sizes, quietly squeezed in to watch the excitement.

  Even the neighbourhoods in the nearby streets were alarmed.

The alley is not big and there are too many people. Not only the Wu’s yard is full of people, but the neighbors on the left and right are also full of people. Everyone climbed on the wall of the yard. , They still want to climb to the tree of Wu's family.

  Man Bao stood in the crowd watching the excitement. Daji and the guards were afraid that she would be crowded, so they surrounded her. Bai Shancai sat down on a chair in the center of the yard and saw her as soon as he looked up.

  The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

  Bai Shan looked around and saw that everyone who should be there was also there, so he slapped the gavel to calm everyone down.

The Ya Ya escorted Wu Dafu and the three of them. Da Fu Niang listened to the hall in the morning. Although Bai Shan did not say anything, she gradually realized that the situation was not good for them, because in the hall he once again ordered a big flower and splashed water towards the other side. As far as the day before yesterday was concerned, it was the dispute she provoked, so she also had to bear certain responsibilities.

  The rich lady took a look at the room, hoping that the county magistrate would be a little bit more biased when he sees the misery of the daughter-in-law.

  The Guo family is more upset than the Wu family, and it is very unfavorable for them to be tried here.

  Bai Shan looked at the three kneeling people and asked again: “The case has been tried from yesterday to today. This county will ask you again. Can you tell me where I went wrong?”

  Wu Dafu doesn’t think he is wrong. He died of his son and his wife became like that. If he doesn’t get ahead, will he still be a man?

  So he kept silent.

  It was Diao’s first shouting: “I know, I know it’s wrong, I shouldn’t push Dafu Niangzi, no matter how she is pregnant, it’s a big deal that she will splash water at my door in the future, and I will not see it anymore.”

  Bai Shandao: "You are obviously not convinced that you can say such a thing."

He yelled: "The grievances between your two families have been around for a long time. Yesterday’s things can be discussed alone, but they cannot be discussed alone. Go ahead. If it were not for your rumor that the Ma family could not give birth to a son, you might even be cursed. , What happened the day before will not happen either."

  Diao's face became stiff, and Bai Shan only asked questions twice in the courtroom. She was basically inconclusive. She did not expect that he would directly make such a ruthless conclusion in front of so many people.

  Bai Shan looked at Guo Dacai and asked, "How about you?"

Guo Dacai still gritted his teeth and insisted that he didn’t know anything and was very innocent. He said: “Ma’s splashing water was sudden, and Diao’s fight with her also happened suddenly. It was not premeditated. I was not at home at the time. I don't know anything."

  Bai Shan shook his head slightly, Lizheng on the side looked impatiently, and cursed the idiot in his heart. He forgot to say a few words yesterday, and they didn't know the severity.

  You are not stupid. When you go to court, you have to admit one-third of the fault if you are justified. First, get the favor of the county magistrate, not to mention that they are not the one who is justified.

  Bai Shan then said to the Guo family and his wife: “You have been ignorant of such a thing by spreading rumors and arguing about it?”

  He said: "The husband has the responsibility to teach his wife, not to mention that you are still the head of the family, and you have the same responsibility for getting along with your neighbors. You can't be exempted because you are a man. Have you taught your wife not to talk?"

After Bai Shan finished speaking, he looked at Father Guo standing in the crowd, and said sternly: "And the root of this is from your previous generation. Although the grievances between your two families have long been unable to tell who started first, you can’t. Denial, your Guo family is the first crime in the matter of spreading rumors. Guo Lai, as the head of the household, also has an unshirkable responsibility."

  Father Guo in the crowd did not expect that Bai Shan would call his name again. Seeing everyone looking over, he felt embarrassed, his dark face rose red and he couldn't help lowering his head to avoid people's gaze.

  Bai Shandao: “According to the law, those who hurt others can be sentenced to three years’ imprisonment if there are serious consequences. Diao, you are telling the truth and spreading rumors to the neighbourhood is the cause of this incident. The crime of making use of the tongue can be sentenced to five years.”

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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