Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2876: Xinyanchang

   Chapter 2876 New Salt Field

  Man Bao looked down at her shoes. She was riding a horse, so she wore boots directly today.

  She turned her head and glanced at the cakes and September's shoes, enviously, she also wanted to wear these small shoes.

Bai Shan had already sat down on the beach, and then began to take off his shoes and socks, and greeted Zhou Man, "It's fun to take off your shoes. The sand is soft and fine, and the rocks and sand we played by the river when we were young It’s not the same as mud."

When Man Bao heard it, he sat down beside him, kicked off his shoes and took off his socks.

After seeing it in September, I wanted to take it off, but the cake on the side had already kicked off her shoes, and she greeted her, "Take it off, wow, it's really soft, huh, it feels a bit like sand in the desert. , But it's not like..."

Man Bao was already barefoot carrying a skirt and chasing the tide. Bai Shan followed her, and dug a lot of shells from the sand to show her, "This kind is also very beautiful. I heard from the fishermen that the bigger ones can be eaten. , But not much meat, so not many people will eat it."

The two of them looked like they hadn't seen the world very much. They were so surprised when they saw a stone. Man Bao took out a stone as big as his head from the sea, and exclaimed: "There are so many holes, how can this be? Forming?"

  The two transported the stones to the beach, squatting and pondering for a while before they said, "It seems that some are connected, and some are not."

  Man Bao thought for a while, took a pearl hairpin from his head, "try it."

  Bai Shan glanced at it and said, “It’s too costly. You still have to pay for the craftsmanship when you return to inlay. The craftsmen in Beihai County may not have such craftsmanship.”

  He said: "Let’s take it home, and try to find loose pearls when we go back."

  So the three guards behind Daji lifted a big rock.

The group played on the beach until the evening. The two of them walked farther and farther, and then they saw a fenced area on the beach. Three low houses were built inside. There were many large stoves on the fenced open space, but only Half built.

The area surrounded by    was washed down for a while, and Bai Shan stood outside and looked at it for a while before pulling Zhou Man in.

  But the place where it broke is at the other end, they can see from a distance, but there is still a long way to go.

  After a while, the two of them didn't even see the door, so they jumped over the wall and went in.

  Daji, they held the stone silently and followed them in.

  Jiuyue stood under the wall and stared at the cakes as they climbed up. She turned around and stretched out her hand, "Come on, I'll pull you."

   Zhou Man has already jumped off the wall, patted the soil on the skirt that was accidentally wet, and said to the cake on it: "Otherwise, you go to the beach and wait for us first?"

  The cakes have already pulled September up, and both of them felt so strenuous to come up. They wanted to go in for whatever they said, so they shook their heads and refused, "We are going to go in."

  Everyone jumped in.

  Daji looked for it in the house, and said to Bai Shan: "There is nothing in the house, but there are some thatched bedding, which should be left by the people who used to build the house."

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man said, “This is the salt field that was built by the county magistrate in Lu.”

  Man Bao glanced around and said, "The forest doesn't look like it's been burned from a distance."

Bai Shan said blankly: "Trees can grow again, but you can look at the size. The trunks have only been grown for two years. They are cruel enough. I don’t know if I restart this salt field, they will I won't come to burn the mountain again."

  Man Bao frowned and said nothing.

Bai Shan inspected the salt field that could not be built, and then sighed, "The county magistrate Lu is also very hard, but according to the opinions of the princes of the court and the brothers of Tang Xuexi and Yang Xuexiong, the situation in Beihai County is considered good. Yes, it can be seen how many places outside are not controlled by the court, but local gentry and tycoons have the upper hand."

  Man Bao asked: "This is an unchanging trend. If you want to break it with your own power, I'm afraid you can't do it, and you know that the control of the court is better than the control of the local gentry?"

Bai Shan smiled and said, "I know what you mean, so Xuexi Tang is right. He should improve the Dajin Law. If nothing is said in this world, even 70% to 80% of things can be done in accordance with the law. , It won’t be messy that day."

   Daji who followed them couldn't help but reminded: "Lord, lady, it's not early, we should go back, you might as well think about the present."

This is a problem.

  Bai Shan sighed, “I know that the most important thing for cooking salt is firewood.”

Man Bao also looked at Qingshan and sighed, "This green mountain is still very beautiful." She said to Keke in her heart: "No wonder you want me to include all plants. Your plants are short of so many, do you also have boiled salt? The reason for this? I remember that you mentioned it for a long time, and your salt is very cheap."

Keke: "...Host, I suggest you search for ancient salt-making methods. In the future, the world will not need to worry about salt, or even nutritional intake. As long as you are a smart creature, the Federation will guarantee it. Your basic survival resource."

  Salt and other things don’t have to worry about.

  Man Bao was longing for it. She has been envious of the world where Koko came from when she was a child. It would be nice to know when they will have one-tenth of theirs.

   "Let's go," Seeing her in a daze, Bai Shan took her hand and walked out, "Let's take a look at the nearby village."

  Man Bao regained his senses, leaped over the wall with him, jumped to the ground and went back with Bai Shan.

  There is a fishing village near Dajiawa, which is very small, so it is called Xiaowa Village.

  The village chief squeezed out four houses for Bai Shan and the others. When they saw them, they even bowed and said, "My lord, the hot water is ready for you. Do you think you want to use it now, or use it after eating?"

   said again: "The chicken was killed at home and it is being stewed. Adults can eat it when they wait."

  Bai Shan glanced at the master book of Song, smiled and nodded, and Zhou Man went to wash first, changed clothes and went out to eat.

  Bai Shan pulled the village chief to sit with him, and asked him about the sea conditions in the past few days and the harvest last year.

  The village chief was a bit cautious, Bai Shan didn’t care, and said to him: “You will accompany the county to walk around tomorrow, are there people in the village who are sick or have old illnesses?”

He pointed to Zhou Man and said: "This is an order from the Medical Department. She came to the countryside for a free clinic. She will inform the people in the village tomorrow that if she feels unwell, she can come to Master Zhou and ask for medicine. "

  The village chief raised his head and glanced at Zhou Man carefully, then immediately lowered his head and asked: "Free consultation?"

   "Yes," it was Zhou Man who spoke this time. She said: "The free consultation is free of consultation fees... and medicine."

  Man Bao glanced at the low houses outside the yard, and felt that there were no middle-class houses here, so he added the words at the back.

    I have to catch a plane back tomorrow. It’s too late and may not be able to update in time, so let me tell everyone in advance and don’t always do it.

     Finally, you are all my thousands of girls and boys, hahahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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