Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2879: Believe

  Chapter 2879 Believe

  For two days, Bai Shan did not mention building the stove. Instead, the village chief led the villagers to drive three or four salt pans by the sea, and drove directly into the sea to dry.

  Song's master book squatted for two days, feeling that Bai Shan was a white toss, but seeing him hit the south wall without looking back, he rarely expressed any objection.

  However, the seaside is too hot, so Song Zhubu said to Bai Shan: "My lord, there are still many things to be done in the county government. Why should I go back to the county government first?"

   "No need," Bai Shan said, "There is Fang Xian Cheng over the county government. Let the village chief take care of the new saltworks. Let's inspect the next village."

  Song master book: "...sir, let them handle this salt farm? What if they secretly boil the salt?"

  Bai Shan disagrees, "Private salt is a serious crime, their family is here, and I have opened a salt farm here, why would they not think about it like that?"

  "I haven't figured out who will manage the salt farm. I'll talk about it when I think about it. Anyway, the sun won't be able to get the salt out of the sun for a while, just keep it."

  Song main book:...

The village chief beside    was heartbroken.

Bai Shan found him privately, circled several places for him and said, "I have visited these places in the past few days. These places have the highest salt content, and some underground even has bittern, so your salt pans have to be dug from here until now. Here, if there is bittern, it is melted and dried in the salt pan."

  The village chief was taken aback, and asked quickly: “There is bittern, which can be used by boiling it with water, why should it be melted in the salt pan?”

  Until now, the village chief does not believe that the sun can release salt.

  Bai Shan insisted, “I’m right. Now you first dig the salt pan to dry the salt. I will come back in a while.”

  Although the village chief is worried about the future of the village, Bai Shan pays his wages, and he already knows about the secret cooking of salt in the village, so the village chief dare not listen to him.

  He could only respond with a sigh,

   Seeing his obedience, Bai Shan assuredly took people to other villages and started patrolling. At present, it was mainly about spring planting. Bai Shan also took a look at the situation of wheat by the way.

  Man Bao took a cart of medicinal materials and followed him all the way to the free clinic. After she finally exhausted the cart of medicinal materials, they went back to the county.

  Dong Xianwei and Song's book, who were originally black, are even darker, but Bai Shan and Zhou Man have always been wearing hats, and they may be born. They didn't get a lot of tan, which made Song Zhu's jealous.

  As soon as he entered the city, Song Zhubu subconsciously wanted to follow them back to the county government, but the servants in his family came up and said, "Lord, the old lady is unwell."

  Song's master book immediately said: "Bai county magistrate, first go home to see the old mother, the county government..."

  Bai Shan nodded immediately and said: "Go, there is us over there in the county government. Ask the old lady for me and let her take care of her body."

  Song's master book responded, and immediately picked up the robe and hurried home with the servant.

  Man Bao watched him run away, and said, "I wanted to be polite. If I don't get well, I can go out for the clinic."

  Bai Shan said: "Don't scare him now, let's go back."

  Man Bao nodded.

  The county government was very quiet, and it looked particularly peaceful on the surface. When the two entered the county government, Fang Xiancheng immediately greeted them, and the three went to the office to talk.

  Lieutenant Dong Xian looked around and went to find his subordinates.

  'S subordinates saw him with a horrified expression: "Lieutenant Dong, you are finally back. Do you know what happened in the past few days?"

  Dong County Wei calmly asked: "How big is the matter?"

The other party lowered his voice and said: "Fang County Cheng checked the salt farm's accounts while the county magistrate and you and Song's master book were away. It turned out that something was wrong and immediately took the Song manager from the salt farm. Not only that, the householder The two clerks on the other side of the room have also been taken down, and they are all locked up in prison at this time."

  He wanted to cry without tears: “It’s okay if you come back half a day earlier. This morning, Fang Xiancheng took us to copy the home of the three of us.”

  Dong County Lieutenant asked curiously: "Did you copy something out?"

"It's copied out. There are a lot of precious silk, satin and silk, and several sacks of copper coins. Not to mention that Song Guanshi is only in his early thirties. Even if he has been working for another 30 years, he will not be able to make money with his little money and the family's fields. There are so many things, now he can't tell the origin of the things, plus the accounts are wrong, unless the county magistrate gives favor, otherwise he is dead."

   County Lieutenant Dong said: "The magistrate Bai is not going to show favor. You can let them die."

  Most things are discussed by the magistrate Bai and Fang Xiancheng.

  Although Bai Shan re-uses Fangxian Cheng more than him now, Dong Xianwei is the person who accompanies him the most after Bai Shan comes to the county seat.

  He kept watching how the county magistrate handled local affairs and relations.

  Seriously, although he was a little aggressive, he had to say that he did this much faster than the county magistrate in the past and then took power after the slow layout.

Of course, the results must be stark. If Bai Shan wins, then Beihai County will be the one who has spoken out; if Bai Shan loses, those companies will not only be the same as before, but even stronger than before, maybe the way forward The county magistrate’s operations over the years will be ruined.

  However, Lieutenant Dong Xian was not in a hurry. He and his subordinates said: "These gossips will not be talked about in the future, we just listen to the orders, and we will do what the boss orders, you know?"

  'S subordinates nodded in a daze, and asked: "Do you not remind Master Song of this matter?"

  He remembers that their boss has a very good relationship with Song Zhubu.

The thought flashed through, and their boss patted his head. Lieutenant Dong Xian said angrily: "Do we need to remind? People have gone home early. We are a group of government officials in charge of public security. For the common people, please protect the adults, don’t make trouble by the treacherous people, and worry less about the rest."

  Subordinate: "Oh."

Lieutenant Dong sent away his subordinates, turned his head and glanced at the office over there, and couldn't help sighing. It seems that the county is going to be in chaos again. I don't know who suffered this time or both.

  It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to be a fisherman, otherwise it would be too good to be a fisherman at this time.

  In the office room, Bai Shan looked through the account book. Fang Xiancheng was very considerate. He deliberately painted the questionable account in red and marked it on the side, so he could understand it at a glance.

  He handed the pamphlet to Zhou Man to read, and asked, "I only caught one manager?"

  Fang County Chengdao: "My lord, Beihai County has to pay a certain amount of salt to the Qingzhou Provincial Governor's Mansion every season. If too many people are caught, the sea salt can't be boiled, and it will be guilty at that time."

  Bai Shan said: "If you don't catch them, can they cook the salt on time?"


  Bai Shan said straightforwardly: “We will arrest all the people who can find out the problem now, and then interrogate them. All those who ask will be arrested, and then we will investigate.”

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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