Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2884: Converge

  Chapter 2884 Convergence

  Send manuscripts can also be sent to the office later. Zhou Liwei left early the next morning, not today.

  There is no need to rush this moment. In the final analysis, Bai Erlang himself is anxious, and he will send the manuscript here as soon as he gets it.

  Shiijiro knows that if he makes any excuses at this time, he will only anger him even more, so he lowers his head and listens honestly, not daring to reply and find reasons.

  Mr. Zhuang gave him a meal, and seeing his teacher lowered his head, he felt better.

  He asked: "What is in that box?"

   Baijiro lowered his head and honestly said: "It's some of my manuscripts."

  Mr. Zhuang frowned, "What manuscript, Xixing's biography manuscript?"

  Shirajiro nodded cautiously.

  Mr. Zhuang frowned. He still couldn't say anything bad for a while, so he could only sigh: "Fine, you go."

  White Jiro looked at Mr. Zhuang cautiously, and asked in a low voice: "Sir, is there any problem with the manuscript?"

"No problem," Mr. Zhuang said flatly: "When you came back from the Western Regions, Zhou Man had already been punished for delaying the trip. Even if your manuscript was printed in a book and was seen by Hundred Officials and Your Majesty, they were also fine. The same reason can no longer be used to fine Zhou Ming."

  It means that their life will not be too good for a period of time in the future.

  Mr. Zhuang raised his eyelids and glanced at Bai Erlang leisurely.

  Bai Erlang was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen. He ran to Yinor with a dazed expression, and asked anxiously: "You are smart, what do you say?"

  Yin may look inexplicable, "I thought you had thought of this before writing, didn't you think of it?"

  Hakujiro: "...They didn't expect that I didn't know, but I definitely didn't expect it."

   Yin or shook his head and said: "The manuscript has been seen by Your Majesty, what else can I do?"

  He said: "You still write according to your original plan. Anyway, the can is broken, so just break the can."

  Hakujiro stayed on the spot for a while, but finally felt that Yin or what he said made sense, so he decided to break the jar.

The emperor has been waiting for Bai Erlang's manuscripts and asked once a day. The emperor personally urged Bai Erlang, who was lazy and had to rest for a day after writing three or four manuscripts. I still have to write at home, and it's too hard.

  Without a draft, the emperor who was more interested in chasing after the emperor pulled Yin Li to speak.

  There is no way, he is afraid that he will discuss the beautiful scenery in Bai Erlang's article with the queen again, and she will let go of the restrictions on Mingda, so he should still talk to Yin Li.

  Yin might have gone west at that time, and he thinks there is still a common topic between him and Yin Li.

  The main source of information on the westward journey is intelligence and court documents:...

He could only bite the bullet and listen, and after writing it down, he went back to find out about his son. As for the emperor, it didn't matter if he didn't answer at the time. Anyway, he just wanted someone to listen to. Seeing that he was enthusiastic about it, it didn't matter. It's not like he wants to hear his opinions.

  When the emperor finally chased the manuscript of the Western Expedition, Zhou Liwei and Wen Tiandong and his party finally arrived in Qingzhou.

  However, they did not stop in Qingzhou City, and went straight through Qingzhou City to Beihai County.

  The group of people were shocked when they saw the tattered Beihai County, and could not help but stop.

  The people in the **** urged them, "Let’s enter the city quickly, and the sun will go down if you don’t go out. This kind of small city has a curfew, and the city gate is closed as soon as it gets dark."

  Zhou Liwei was speechless, "It looks more broken than our Luojiang County."

  Wen Tiandong also became a little nervous, "Why did Dr. Zhou drop the medical department in Beihai County?"

  Zhou Liwei took it for granted: "My uncle is here, and the medical department will naturally fall in Beihai County."

  Wen Tiandong comes with a fan filter and insists: "Sir, she is not such a person with love for children."

  The two discussed, and finally took their family into the city, and the group went straight to the county government.

  There are not many people on the road at this time. It is clear that the sun is still hanging in the sky, but there is a touch of sunset. It is the time for dinner. Shouldn't this time be the busiest time in the city?

  Wen Tiandong's heart is getting colder as he goes, but Zhou Liwei is very experienced, and said to him: "The farming is busy, it should be about to plant rice seedlings at this moment, and the paddy fields are to be rectified, so there is no time to come to the city to go to the market."

  Wen Tiandong nodded, “It’s good to see Dr. Zhou.”

  The group of people arrived at the gate of the county government and looked up. Although the county government looked very old, but fortunately it was not broken, they quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Zhou Liwei stepped forward, and the gatekeeper frowned and stopped him and asked, “Is there anything important? If it’s not urgent, then come back tomorrow. The county magistrate has already issued an office.”

  Zhou Liwei: "...I am looking for my little uncle."

   "Who is your little uncle?"

   "It's the magistrate."

  Yaye's complexion instantly improved, and a big smile appeared on his face, "It turns out that it is the prince from the uncle's family here, please come in, please come in."

   Zhou Liwei did not go in, but asked: "The county magistrate has ordered the office? Did you go back to the backyard? Then we won't go in, just go to the backyard."

  The government officer hurriedly said: "The magistrate is still in the county office, and he did not go back. A few of you will ask you to come in first, and the younger one will report to you."

Zhou Liwei went to the side of the carriage to help his wife down, Wen Tiandong also helped his little wife down. This time he took office and brought his wife here, as well as a girl and a little boy. Because there are few people, so Wen Jia and Zhou Jiacai decided to ask the Escort to protect them all the way.

  Fortunately, they repaid other goods, so they are not expensive.

The group of people went in, before they saw Bai Shan, they first saw the guards of the Bai family. They were very excited to greet them in the clothes of the yakuza, "It's the prince of the second uncle's house, the prince of Erlang, please come inside, our lord In the office..."

   turned his head to see Bai Shan walking out, and immediately smiled and saluted and retreated to the side.

  Bai Shan laughed when he saw Zhou Liwei, "Are you here? I thought it would take a few days for you to arrive, but it's fast enough. Let's go. Let's go home and talk."

  Wen Tiandong stepped forward, saluting: "Bai County Order, I don’t know where is Zhou's Order?"

  Bai Shan looked up at the sky, "She is probably still in the medical department at the moment. I will ask her to come back."

   "No need," Wen Tiandong said embarrassedly: "It's fine for the next official to find it by himself, and my family is here too, so I just want to settle down."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “I’ll accompany you over there. The medical office is not far from the county seat. Liwei, you go back to put your luggage and pack your things first. Your yard has already been cleaned up. Go and rest first.”

   Zhou Liwei responded.

When the escorts saw that they had found someone, even if the task was completed, they made an appointment with Zhou Liwei and Wen Tiandong to check out tomorrow, and then took the people and goods to the inn in the county to stay.

  Bai Shan watched them leave, then turned to ask Zhou Liwei, "What kind of goods are the escorts escorted by?"

   "Porcelain and some cotton silk, I heard that they were sent to the south, and I have to come over by sea."

  Bai Shan touched his chin and nodded. I wonder if they are not interested in salted fish.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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