Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2887: Different recipes

  Chapter 2887 Different recipes

  Man Bao said to him, “Perhaps because the people are afraid of the imperial court, so even if they know that there is a medical department in Beihai County, they still won’t come.”

She said: "The medical department only exempts people who are too poor and can't afford to suffer from medical expenses. Therefore, other people will not come. The pharmacy is competing for it."

   "But for poor patients, we need to promote them in place. Since they are afraid, we will show up a few more times. When they know that they can really see the doctor for free, they will naturally come to see it."

  Wen Tiandong said: "But when their illness reaches a certain level, they will come naturally. Why should we bother so hard?"

  Man Baodao: "Mild illness can be cured, why must the other party be treated when they are so seriously ill that they have to come to seek medical advice?"

  Wen Tiandong: "...Because when they are mildly ill, they are willing to suffer and do not seek medical treatment. They are severely ill when they come, so we can only treat the severely ill."

   "That's why we have to come out to do free medical consultations, to promote the medical department, so that they can trust us, and develop the habit of visiting doctors when they are mild."

She said: "This is the fault of Xiao Yuanzheng and I. What I have been promoting with you is the importance of the local medical office to the local people, which can reduce the pressure of the local people to seek medical treatment, but I forgot to tell you that the medical office should be a guarantee. The health of the people, as well as the health of the entire environment."

Man Baodao: "We all know that health is a state that can prevent epidemics when it has not taken a sharp turn. Therefore, the Medical Department is not only targeting patients who are already sick, but also targeting patients who are about to become sick, as well as people who have never been sick. ."

"The first is to cure it; the second is to drive it away; the third is to increase defenses and prevent them from getting sick." Man Baodao: "Every local medical department prepares a large amount of anti-heatstroke medicinal materials every year before entering the abundance to make herbal tea. When medicines and other things are given out, they will also prepare anti-cold medicine before the beginning of winter, and help local people to prevent the cold in winter. These are regarded as the second and third parties."

   "Although the methods are different, we are now taking care of all three of them."

  Wen Tiandong meditates.

  This is also the fastest way to let the people of Beihai County know the medical department and adapt to the existence of the medical department.

  Man Bao swayed into the alley of Dahua's house, just when the neighbor next door was carrying water for their house, filling the water tank, Dahua poured a bowl of warm water for the other party, and sent the person away with gratitude.

The people in this alley were fined to carry water to Dahua’s family because of the rumors. No matter who’s turn to pick water, Dahua will prepare warm water for the other party, and sometimes return some vegetables and vegetables that the other party wants to eat. , Come and go, although they were punished, but the relationship is more harmonious than before.

  Dahua's eyes lit up when she saw Zhou Man, and she immediately stepped forward and said, "Master Zhou, are you going out to see the patient?"

  Man Bao responded, stood in the alley and talked to her, and asked, "How is your body?"

"Much better," Dahua just had her confinement, but she still doesn't have to carry water. The clothes at home are also washed by her mother-in-law. She doesn't touch cold water, and she has medicine every day. There are also two fixed eggs. The Guo family is opposite each other. She has to give her meat and fish. After raising her for a month, she is still pale, her hands and feet are cold, but her spirit is much better.

  You can actually see some meat on the face.

  But her two daughters have changed the most.

The two children followed their mothers and could always get some food. The children changed quickly. After just over a month, they had a lot of flesh on their faces, their eyes were shiny, and their eyes were angry. Although the clothes they wore were still Some are worn out, but much cleaner than when Zhou Man first met them.

  The two cuddled beside their mother's legs and quietly looked at Zhou Man, because she had been here several times and gave them cakes every time they came, so they remembered her and liked her very much.

   Seeing her looking down at them, the two children couldn't help hiding behind their mother's legs and laughing, but their little heads couldn't help but stick out to look at her.

  Man Bao felt soft in his heart, and thought they were so cute.

  She stepped forward two steps, reached out her hand to touch their heads and said to the big flower: "I'll change your pulse to a prescription."

   After listening to the big flower, he happily responded, and let them enter the house sideways.

After Man Bao touched the pulse of Dahua, he introduced Wen Tiandong to her, "This is my student, and is also a classic medicine and doctor of the Medical Department. The medical skills are also very good. If you get sick in the future, you can go to the Medical Department. Find him."

   and Wen Tiandong said: "This is Dahua. At 19 this year, she was only born thirty-five days prematurely and suffered a blood collapse. You can show her."

Wen Tiandong knew that this was the test for him, so he immediately sat down to get the pulse of Dahua. He checked her face while feeling the pulse. Seeing that her face was pale and her fingers were slightly cold, he knew that it was caused by the loss of blood and blood, so he listened carefully. Pulse up.

  Wen Tiandong took out the paper to write the prescription, but Zhou Man held it down and said: “You don’t need to prescribe, just read the prescription and I’ll listen.”

  She said: "Paper is precious. Now our medical department is in charge of its own, so we have to save some money."

  Wen Tiandong:...

  He could only read out his own prescription, and by the way explained why it was so compatible.

   Zhou Man nodded slightly, and was very satisfied, "You have a good recipe."

  She took out a piece of paper to write the prescription directly, but it was not the prescription that Wen Tiandong had just prescribed. He looked at Zhou Man with a little surprise.

  But the big flower on the side was illiterate. I heard that Wen Tiandong prescribed good medicine, and thought that Zhou Man wrote the prescription that Wen Tiandong only prescribed, so he was very happy and trusted Wen Tiandong's medical skills by two points.

Zhou Man gave her the prescription, and asked her to hand it to the Guo family on the opposite side to grab the medicine, and then left with Wen Tiandong. After walking out of the alley, Man Baocai said, "The prescription you prescribed is correct, and it is even more beneficial than the one I prescribe now. Better, but this recipe is not suitable for the situation of the Guo family and the Wu family."

  She said: "Your prescription will cost you about two bucks for a pair of medicines in the capital, right?"

  Wen Tiandong had entered the Taiyuan Hospital before he came, mainly to sort out the medicinal materials and check the account book responsible for the purchase, so he said: "About one thousand eight hundred wen."

  Man Baodao: "This way of eating, the Guo family will have to be fried with only a pair of medicine, and the Wu family will also be frightened, so the prescription must also be suitable for everyone's situation."

She said: "At this point, Zheng Gu and Zheng Shao have done better than all of you. The conditions of the Imperial Medical Office were so good. The prescriptions you prescribed are bound by ready-made medicinal materials. Nothing. You prescribe. The prescriptions are too expensive."

   "I naturally know that some prescriptions work well, but they may not be right for the disease. So you have to learn to look at the same disease and prescribe different prescriptions for different patients."

"In situations like the Wu family and the Guo family, unless it is an emergency medicine to save lives, you should not prescribe more than one hundred wen of a prescription. For the medicines for invigorating Qi and blood, ginseng and angelica are excellent medicinal materials, but Codonopsis and Poria And Rehmannia glutinosa is also good."

   Zhou Man taught him little by little, "How many prescriptions do you think there are to replenish qi and blood?"

  Wen Tiandong looked down and counted with his fingers.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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