Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2892: Rapport

  Chapter 2892 Harmony

  Guo Cheng thought about it, and said after a long while: "It will cost a lot to open a medical department in Shouguang County, right?"

   Zhou Man nodded, "It won’t be less, but it won’t be done in a short while. Today, the Imperial Medical Office is still too few. Let’s first do a good job in the medical department of Qingzhou City and Beihai County."

  Guo Chengcheng breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded: "Okay."

  Guo Cheng needs someone to support him urgently, even if it is the Medical Department, and there is Bai Shan beside Zhou Man.

   "Do you want to build a medical department?"

"No, no," Man Bao had sent someone to inquire about a suitable yard in Qingzhou City before, and he said directly: "There is a nice yard not far from the county government. There is a big road in front of it. It is very spacious. I didn't want it in the past. It's the county school and the government school again, I asked, that yard is a former governor's hospital, if adults don't mind, it is better to assign that yard to our medical department."

  Now Guo Cheng believes that she has come prepared, and that she really wants to set up a medical department in Qingzhou City, otherwise, how could she even choose a place in advance?

  Guo Cheng thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

  In order to show his sincerity, he immediately sent someone to take the title deed of the yard and give it to Zhou Man.

   Zhou Man accepted it, and then followed the master to go through the relevant procedures, and directly placed the yard under the Qingzhou Medical Sign.

  Man Bao was particularly satisfied with this, and took cakes and Da Ji to see the yard.

It can be used as the courtyard of the other courtyard of the governor. It is naturally not small. Although it is also a three-entry courtyard, there are two rows. There are four small courtyards in the backyard alone, not to mention that the first two entrances have side-by-side yards. .

  Man Bao was very happy and exhaled: "This place is spacious enough, and there will definitely be more patients."

  Daji couldn’t help but ask, "Lady, do you have time to get the medical office here?"

   "Why don't you have time, just squeeze," she said: "And Wen Tiandong is here? But we still have to recruit some more people, not only doctors, but also literati who can handle general affairs."

  "As long as Beihai County goes well, there will be routines in Qingzhou, and it will be much easier to do."

  Man Bao still has to go to Guo Cheng for recruitment.

  "County exam?"

   "Yes," Man Baodao said, "I originally wanted to pick people from the Ming Jing section, but it was too late this year. I asked the staff that all the candidates in the exam this year were assigned, and..."

She was a little embarrassed and said: "The official position of the local medical department is still relatively low, so the candidates of the Mingjing Department are not willing to choose the medical department, so I think about recruiting a few people in the local area first. Two people come here."

  Guo Cheng: "...What subject does Master Zhou want to choose at this time?"

   "Just choose the Ming School," Man Bao said, "Of course, if there are Ming Laws and Ming Jing, I can also."

  Guo Cheng:……

  The opening of the exam is a major event. There are several ways for students to take the Mingjing exam in Beijing.

  Second, students from county or government schools can go to the capital for examinations;

  San was born in Bai Ding, but did not enter the county school and the school. They need to take the exam in the county and the state first, and then go to the capital to take the exam after obtaining the recommended qualifications.

  Most students belong to the second and third types.

  But Dajin can't help people coming and going, so it doesn't limit the place.

   Therefore, Bai Shan is a native of Longzhou, but he can be admitted to Yizhou Fu School, while Zhou Lixue and the others in Beijing can also pass the qualification examination organized by the Jingcheng Academy.

  The talents that Zhou Man wants to recruit now are equivalent to only selecting candidates from county examinations, which greatly relaxes the criteria for selecting talents.

  This is also a common occurrence. Some of the posts of the county officials are self-recruited by the county officials. Because they don’t even have a grade, those who have passed the National Mingjing Examination will not do this kind of work.

  Students who have passed the national examinations in subjects such as Mingjing, Mingma, and Mingru, the lowest rank for an officer is also a county lieutenant and master book.

  This is already the lowest level, and all the next steps are anonymous clerks and clerks.

  The people underneath are either passed on from father to son, or passed on from brother to younger brother; or they are recommended by others, and they are really talented to pass the examination; or they are the county-level examinations.

   And Zhou Man and Bai Shan asked Zhou Lizhong to read the book and take the exam at this level. It didn't test that many knowledge points. If you make a clear calculation, you can pass the county-level exam if you write a better accountant character.

  It's difficult to just go up.

  However, at this time, Zhou Man’s subordinates who are in urgent need of tactics have very low requirements. They can keep accounts and can manage accounts. More advanced, wait for next year's Mingjingke exam.

  Man Bao sighed, there has been a shortage of talents everywhere in the past two years.

   "My lord, can the county test be held?"

  Guo Cheng counted the time and said: “According to the usual practice, the prefectures have to select candidates for the Beijing exam in October. September is the state exam, and August is the county exam...”

  He said: "So much in advance, I'm afraid the students will panic, and they may not be prepared enough."

  The risk of taking the exam in advance is too great. Guo Cheng smiled and said: “Why don’t I let someone tell me, how about holding an exam for the Medical Department directly? At that time, Master Zhou can also come and choose people in person.”

  Man Bao's eyes flickered slightly, "Can this be done?"

  Guo Cheng smiled and said: “Naturally, recruiting talents, this is normal, but the medical department is special. I don’t know what kind of talents Lord Zhou wants?”

  Man Bao said energetically: "My lord, since it's an examination specially for the Medical Department, how can I give the examination questions?"

  Guo Cheng: "Huh?"

"Of course, I came out with the adults," Man Bao reacted, and immediately slapped his **** and smiled: "When the time comes, our two sets of papers will be put together for the test, and then the papers will be graded and scored. Since it is a selection, of course It’s time to choose the most suitable one."

  Guo Cheng thought for a while, and felt that this person was required by the Medical Department after all, and it would be good for Zhou Man to participate in the preparation of the papers, so he nodded.

   asked with a smile: "When will Master Zhou produce good papers, and when do you want to set this test?"

  Man Bao began to think, "Propaganda also takes a certain amount of time. Adults must let all counties have the propaganda in place. Then the time cannot be too short. Then, how about we set it in June?"

  Guo Cheng readily agreed.

Man Bao smiled and said: "Since adults want to recruit wise men, it is better to add a few more pens when writing official documents, saying that the medical department will also recruit doctors, no matter what doctors they are, they can come to the medical department to find me, through me After the interview, you can enter the medical office as a doctor, how about?"

  Even the exam was set for her, and Guo Cheng would naturally not begrudge such a few lines, so he readily agreed.

  Man Bao was overjoyed. Guo Cheng consciously had a good relationship with Zhou Man and was also very satisfied, so he personally sent the people out of the governor's mansion and watched them disappear on a horseback to the corner of the street.

    See you at ten thirty in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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