Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2913: Encircle

   Chapter 2913

  He dared not move immediately, but there was still a lot of noise elsewhere in the village, and some people shouted loudly.

  Someone even lit a torch, and when they saw the person who was arresting, they were shocked and angry for a while, and they didn’t know what to do.

  The army and the soldiers scolded them for squatting down according to what Bai Shan said. They only caught the gangsters and did not harm their families...

  More than one family were arrested. If there was only one family, the villagers would not like these bastards, but because they were in the same village, they would still stop the officers and soldiers to take them away.

  You can look around and listen to the voice from outside. It seems that there are quite a lot of people arrested, so they hesitate to resist.

  The movement in Xiaojing Village did not affect Dajing Village. Bai Shan was satisfied, and did not let the soldiers withdraw from Xiaojing Village. Instead, he continued to **** people in the courtyard to deter the villagers. They were not allowed to run out or make noise.

  Bai Shan led Feng Dashan and Jia Erlang to Dajing Village with people, and after a few more people were arrested in the same way, everyone started to act together.

It was late at night, and most of the villagers were in their dreams. The officers and soldiers directly kicked the door over the wall with a torch. When they caught the suspicious person, they shot their faces with the torch and asked their names loudly to confirm that they were them. Bundle people away.

Most of the stunned family members did not react. After they reacted, they chased them out. They saw so many soldiers with knives outside, and there were screams and arrests everywhere in the village. It seemed that the whole village was everywhere. It's like being surrounded by people.

Torches were lit everywhere, and half of the village was lit up with sparks of light. Seeing movement from Xiaojing Village, the soldiers and government officers escorted their prisoners into an orderly retreat, retreating to the intersection and confluence with Zhouman. .

  Man Bao squatted on the ground, feeling that there were mosquitoes buzzing around her all the time, even though she was carrying a medicine packet, and occasionally mosquitoes would come over.

  So this medicine should still be lit, so that the mosquitoes will be dispelled only if it smells like smoke.

   Seeing them escorting the prisoner back, she said: "Leave the two teams to guard, and the rest will reinforce Dajing Village."

  They brought Feng San over, and Man Bao looked at him with the light of the torch and said, "I'm out of breath, why did I use the arrow?"

   "The county magistrate shot it," the soldier said excitedly: "Master Zhou didn't look at it. The sky was basically dark at the time, but the county magistrate was shocked. The master's arrow technique is really good."

  Yaye explained: "This is the best way. This kid is very wild, the fields are vast, and the sky is dark. It really made him turn around and run. It will be difficult to catch him later."

  He said: "I really told him to run out and alarmed Oi Village. Tonight's action failed."

   Zhouman nodded.

  Feng Dazhu, lying on the ground, moved and looked at them angrily.

  Man Bao lowered his head and looked at him. He felt that he was a bit familiar, so he squatted down and looked carefully at the back and said, "The person on the portrait?"

  Yaye only glanced at the sidewalk and said: "Yes, according to Feng Dashan's confession, he is considered one of Jia Dalang's henchmen. Because his family has three brothers in it, everyone is afraid of them. This person can be regarded as one of Jia Dalang's right and left hands."

   Zhou Man: "Why didn't he take them to the county government?"

"The adults guess that he was specially left to manage their staff. If Jia Dalang has a firm foothold in the county government, then Feng Dazhu can work with him inside and outside to do what they want; if Jia Dalang can't get along with the county government, he can also The county government quit and came back to continue to take over."

  Zhou Man looked at the Ya Ya in astonishment, glanced up and down, and then said: "I think you are very similar to a Ya Ya named Zhao Wu."

  Yaye seemed to have a toothache, and his mouth moved before he said: "Master Huizhou, that's the younger brother, and the younger one is Zhao Wen."

   Zhou Man: "One article and one weapon, good name."

  She looked down at the Feng Dazhu brothers who were thrown on the ground side by side, looked at them and said: "Your name is Feng Dazhu, then is your brother named Feng Erzhu?"

  The two brothers' mouths were blocked, so naturally they couldn't answer.

   Zhao Wen answered on their behalf, "Yes, Lord Zhou."

   Zhou Man sighed: "It's really fate. The person in Xiaoliu Village who was hacked to death by you is also called Erzhu."

  Feng Dazhu still looked at her with hatred, but Feng Erzhu shuddered, his face turned pale.

   Zhou Man got up and looked at Dajing Village. The movement there was getting louder and louder. They also heard someone shouting in the field.

  The people who were standing in the field heard the shouting, looked up, and saw a black shadow rushing out in the dark, and there were shouts and chasing behind, they spread their legs and blocked the black shadow...

When the people approached, Sombra also saw them. As soon as he turned his footsteps, he stumbled around a small bend and continued to run. He was familiar with this place. Although he stumbled in the dark, he knew where the ridge was higher. He jumped. After going down, I spread my feet and continued to run...

  The person chasing behind fell down with a thud, two people got up and continued to chase, and the other one went to help the person who fell...

   "Don't don't don't, it hurts to death, it hurts to death, my legs can't move..."

Both Dajing and Xiaojing villages have lit up torches and lights. Soldiers and government officials escorted the captured people to the intersection. The villagers held torches and followed slowly with wooden sticks and hoes, one by one. The point is approaching...

  Bai Shan led Dong Xianwei and Song Xianjian out of Dajing Village, and walked to the soldiers to block him. He coldly raised his eyes to look at the villagers from the two villages that came together.

  Soldiers and government officers also lighted the torches, illuminating the faces of Bai Shan's people in a particularly translucent way, so that everyone could see the expression on his face even far away.

  He no longer has the gentleness and humility he saw a few days ago, with a cold and serious expression on his face.

  The villagers were shocked by his expression, and slowly stopped, but still held up the torch and refused to retreat.

Their family members have been arrested. Of course, they can’t stop there. Some people are just **** and keep causing trouble to the family. The family members are angry; but more people still think that their children are okay, and those bad things are People outside bring bad things, and they can't accept people being arrested.

  Bai Shan’s eyes slid over their faces little by little, and said solemnly: “These people are all suspected of falling into the grass and looting other villages. Do you want to resist arrest?”

  The villagers did not speak, but the few people in the lead took two steps forward with torches, and the people behind followed.

  Bai Shan sneered and raised his hand. A group of twenty soldiers immediately raised their bows and arrows, and drew their bows towards the villagers...

  The crowd was agitated, and the expressions of the villagers who were walking in the front also changed. They could not help but step back slightly, but only took a small step back, and stopped again when they reacted.

   See you at 11:30 in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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