Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2915: Split the **** in two ways

   Chapter 2915

   Zhou Man looked down at the soldier with the broken leg, a little worried, "What if someone else is injured in the back?"

Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "You gave us all the medicines for the trauma, and two people ran away. Although people were sent to guard the intersections when entering Dongyuzhuang, there are fields and forests here. We will do so in a short time. Surely you can't catch people."

  The people who are guarding the intersection of Dongyuzhuang are mainly used as a deterrent, so that people who run away cannot go to Dongyuzhuang and other villages on the road, and Baishan and the others have more time.

  He glanced at Sun Lichang, and whispered to Zhou Man: "Even if Sun Lizheng comes forward, the possibility of us catching everyone is not high. We are too few."

  The people in Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village are the most important part. He must be escorted back. Otherwise, he will be **** off if he picks the sesame seeds and loses the watermelon.

   "I have estimated that if soldiers are sent from Qingzhou City, they should be there in these two days. You and Song Xianjian escorted these people back. If you meet these people on the road..."

   Zhou Man immediately said: "I will take them over."

  A smile flashed in Bai Shan's eyes, and he nodded, "Yes."

   He lowered his eyes, lowered his voice and said, "If Qingzhou City does not send reinforcements, then you can only borrow troops."

  There are not many people who can trust and use Bai Shan, and he can only do things like borrowing soldiers.

  However, he is confident that Qingzhou City will send reinforcements, as long as County Majesty Lu and Cishi Guo are not stupid.

  Manpower was arranged before Bai Shan. Song inspector took away 70 soldiers and escorted the captured people back to the county government. Bai Shan and Dong Xianwei took the remaining people and Sun Lizheng to Dongyuzhuang.

  However, they did not leave immediately, but sat down to rest and waited for dawn.

The genius Mengliang, the two teams that were just separated began to take out the dry food to eat. After the gnawing, Bai Shan took the people and left for Dongyuzhuang. Zhou Man sent them away, turned his head to look at Song Inspection, and laughed. : "Inspector Song, shall we set off now?"

  Inspector Song actually didn't want to lead the team back to the county government. He even wanted to follow Bai Shan to arrest people. Unfortunately, Bai Shan insisted on selecting Dong County lieutenant.

  He sighed, as if seeing greater credit slowly flying away from him, he could only nod his head and said, "Okay."

  So the group also set off.

As long as the people caught were not seriously injured, they were all **** in a string and escorted forward. Those who were seriously injured were placed on a stretcher, and then selected a few that looked more pleasing to the eye and let them carry the stretcher. , It's just that a rope is tied to the waist, and the other end of the rope is tied to someone else's hand, which is also a string.

  Connected in this way, let alone these bandits, the soldiers in their barracks can hardly escape without special training.

  Because there are too many people in series, as long as one action can't keep up, the people on the whole line will be dragged down. It is good for them not to trip themselves.

  This is the experience accumulated over the years of escorting prisoners in exile in various counties.

  A small team of ten people can **** nearly a hundred prisoners. In addition to the deterrent power of the court and the force value of the corps itself, the method of restraining and escorting is also one of the important reasons.

  If it weren’t for these people who were just arrested, the wildness hadn’t disappeared, and it was too awkward, they wouldn’t have to **** so many people back.

  The injured yaman was carried by his own people, but he was also uncomfortable. He had been suffering from the pain and his face turned pale.

  The yaman who knew him well looked at him, and quickly went to Zhou Man, "Master Zhou, Brother Ping seems to be very serious."

   Zhou Man got off his horse and took a look. Seeing that his lips were so painful that he turned pale, he said: "This is painful..."

  She thought for a while, it was not realistic to boil medicine at this moment, so she asked the person who was carrying him to step aside and use acupuncture to relieve his pain.

   does not completely isolate the pain, it just makes him feel better.

   Zhou Man said: "Go ahead a little bit, and I will have someone give you a painkiller when you stop at noon."

  Ma Ping couldn’t help asking, "My lord, is my leg going to be lame?"

   Zhou Man: "Don’t, don’t, you have a good chance of getting back to normal. The most important thing for a fracture is bone setting and ossification. Make sure that these two pieces will be fine for your bones."

  Ma Ping swallowed and asked, "Can you set bones?"

   "Yes," Zhou Man told him with certainty, and replied: "King Gong's leg is the right one of our hospital."

  Ma Ping: ...I heard that the reason why Prince Gong didn't fight for the crown prince was because he had a lame leg.

  Ma Ping's tears fell, and he was not comforted at all.

   Zhou Man looked at his reaction in confusion, and was about to ask in detail. A soldier rushed from the front, yelling: "Master Zhou, Qingzhou’s reinforcements are here, they are in front."

Zhou Man was shocked, patted Ma Ping on the shoulder, turned and ran to the front to take a look.

They separated from the team for some distance, but not very far. The front was the turning place, and they heard the movement while turning, so Inspection Song asked the soldiers to go ahead to check the situation, and ran back to say that Qingzhou’s reinforcements had arrived. .

  But when Zhou Man ran to the front, the reinforcements were still out.

   Zhouman: "...Didn't you say that the reinforcements are here?"

  Inspector Song: "What the scouts found, they have already been contacted. Let's wait...coming."

   Zhou Man looked up, and saw two men in inspection uniforms leading two teams of soldiers and horses running quickly.

  Except for the first few people who rode horses, the rest are all running over...

She glanced at this speed, secretly calculated the distance from here to Qingzhou City, and figured it out. This is the rush to come as soon as she received the news, otherwise at this speed, if there is a little delay in Qingzhou City, it will definitely not be possible. Time has arrived.

The two inspectors walked up with the soldiers. At first, they only saw Inspection Song and did not intend to dismount, but when they saw Zhou Man, who was standing next to Inspection Song, and the other side was looking forward to it. Looking at their faces seriously, the two of them couldn't sit still.

   Glancing at each other or dismounting and saluting Zhou Man, "See Lord Zhou for the next official."

   Zhou Man nodded slightly and asked: "Did the county magistrate Lu send you, or Guo Cishi?"

  The two looked at each other and said: "Guo Cishi and Lu County magistrate sent us to come together."

  Zhou Man tweeted in his heart, looked behind them, and asked, "How many people did you bring?"

  Inspector Li said: "Adding the government officials sent by the Provincial Government and the county government, there are a total of 250 people."

   Zhou Man was very satisfied, "Enough."

  She turned her head to look at Inspection Inspection Song, "I will take them to rendezvous with the Bai County magistrate, and you will **** these people back."

  Inspector Song hurriedly said: "Master Zhou, let me go. The injured still need your diagnosis and treatment. Look at this..."

"I'll grab two pairs of pain-relieving and swelling medicines for a while. You can let him boil the medicine. He wants to fix the bones. After the swelling disappears, he has to send it back to the medical office. There will be Master Wen there." He lowered his voice and asked Inspector Song, "You take them, can you suppress them?"

  Inspector Song looked at the two inspectors, and was speechless for a while.

  Of course he can't suppress the two of them. Didn’t you see that they were reluctant to dismount even when they met?

   See you at seven in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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