Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2917: Back to Ya

   Chapter 2917

   "My lord, I ran five." The two teams of soldiers and horses closed, and after a count, it was found that people still ran five.

  Bai Shan: "Where did you go?"

  The soldier pointed to the village, where a bunch of people with hoes and sticks were gathered, but seeing that there were many soldiers here, they all carried swords and bows, so they didn't dare to step forward.

  Of course, it’s not easy for the soldiers to rush in to get people. What if the villagers have something wrong?

  Bai Shan turned his head to look at Sun Lichang.

  Sun Lichang trembling out of the queue, he could only lead ahead, and went forward to persuade the villagers, "My fellow villagers, this is the magistrate. They are here to arrest the bandits. You, you can’t resist arrest."

  The crowd became restless, and many people looked suspiciously at the same village nearby, "Did your son steal something?"

  The other party turned pale, and immediately denied, "No!"

  Bai Shan said solemnly: "The bandit leader has already confessed, and many of them belong to your village."

   "That's slander."

  Bai Shan nodded: “That’s why this county has to ask them to go back to the county government for investigation. If it is false, I will naturally release it.”

  "Can the county government release someone who has been arrested?"

   Zhou Man couldn’t help but muttered, “How bad is the reputation of the county government? You also need money to live in a cell. Why don’t you have enough food and nothing to raise a group of innocent people?”

  Bai Shan glanced at her and said to the villagers: "If they are not guilty, what will the county do with them? Can the county government not pay for food and drink every day?"

  Someone whispered: "To ask for money from us?"

  Bai Shan heard it, and said unceremoniously: "This county comes from a family with a wealth of wealth, not to mention that you are just a family, even your entire village can't look down on it."

  The villagers seemed to be an arrow in the chest. Although they relaxed a little after listening to these words, they still felt uncomfortable.

  Bai Shan said: "Hand over the people, otherwise the county will investigate your anti-arrest behavior."

  The villagers were crowded and crowded. Although they hesitated, they did not go away.

  Can he still catch them all?

Upon seeing this, Bai Shan's face darkened, and he turned to the Sun Lichang aside and said, "Write down the names of those who do not want to retreat, and deduct all the grain seeds, farm tools, and cattle provided by the county government, as well as the relief of future disasters. ."

  Sun Lichang's eyes widened, "This, this..."

"Confronting the county government and shielding the gangsters has added burdens and disasters to the country and the surrounding people. The county has not questioned the crime and it is already open, but there is always a price to pay." Bai Shan squinted and threatened to be a little confused. The villager said solemnly: "If you dare to hurt officials, you will all be taken down and convicted."

  Some people in the crowd retreated one after another, and some even went home directly with their hoes on their backs.

  Dongyu Village is different from Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village. There are too many bandits in those two villages, and there are many people who know the truth, so they all have a gangster atmosphere.

  While Dongyuzhuang Village is large, there are fewer people involved, and fewer people know the truth.

  They are willing to help because of their relationship with the village and various relatives, but they can’t toss themselves into the cell.

  In the end, Bai Shan still caught the five people hiding in the village.

  Then they kept moving to another village to arrest people.

  There were even fewer suspects in that village, so Bai Shan didn’t need policies like luring the enemy. He directly asked the soldiers to encircle the village, and then calmly went in and arrested people.

  Unfortunately, some people were not in the village when they were arrested, so no one was caught, plus the two who escaped last night, a total of eight people were not caught.

  Bai Shan asked Dong Xianwei to take 20 people to stay to search for people, and he led the army to **** these people back to the county.

  He said to Dong County Wei: "We have arrested so many people with great fanfare. Now the relationship between the official government and the people is very tense, so you must be careful not to disturb the people."

  He said: "You will search for three days. If they have not returned after three days and you have not found anyone, then there is no need to guard."

  Dong County Wei should go down.

Bai Shan and his party returned to the county office. Because there were too many people arrested and there were still so many people in the prison, he vacated two rooms in the front yard of the county office to keep the rest of the people in, and let others. Go and clean the Chenghuang Temple outside the city, and shut the remaining people in the Chenghuang Temple.

  The number of arrests is the largest in Beihai County in recent years, so when people were escorted into the city, many people were curiously standing by the roadside watching.

  I heard that it was a bandit, but the people were still incredible, "We have bandits in Beihai County?"

   "Never heard of it."

   "I think they are similar to us, could it be a mistake?"

   "You just said that the magistrate's injustice for his political achievements and military merits would be the end?"

   "I didn't say that, you said it."

   "I said just what I said, and I also said it is impossible. If you pretend to be a leader, why bother to **** people back alive and kill them directly, wouldn't it be better?"

  "Can it be like this? What does Lang Jun do, he has such knowledge?"

   "No, it's just a storyteller in a restaurant."

There was a lot of discussion, and some government officials came out with gongs and drums and knocked them loudly, saying: "My lord said, tomorrow will be a hearing in the county office. You can watch it when you have time. In your free time, you have to think about what to be a human being. Minute……"

  The government officer paused. I really can't remember what the county magistrate said, so I don't get entangled at all. Anyway, you will know when you go tomorrow.

  Bai Shan found Zhao Wu when he returned to the county government, and said, “You stare at the cell and the Chenghuang Temple outside the city to see their reactions. These are not necessarily all prisoners, we have to screen them out.”

  Zhao Wu was entrusted with an important task for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised, "My lord, shall I go alone?"

  Bai Shan: "Call your brother and you will be responsible for speaking."

  Zhao Wu’s words are well-known in the county. Bai Shan feels that he is a match for Man Bao, so it is better to send him than the faction.

  Zhao Wu:...

  He looked at the adult, and finally led the task in silence to find his brother.

  People who were arrested had different behaviors, some were self-comforting, some were resentful, and some were crying bitterly.

  Zhao Wu turned around, and couldn't hold back, he went to talk to those who were crying bitterly, "What are you crying, why didn't you cry when you robbed someone? You still murdered."

  The other party saw Zhao Wu squatting in front of the cell and talking to him. For some reason, his tears flowed more fiercely, "I didn't rob, I was wronged. I could steal a chicken in a nearby village at most. How dare I rob?"

  Zhao Wu asked him, "Whose chickens have you stolen?"

  Zhao Wen saw that he had opened up the topic like this, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on the expression of the speaker.

  The other party apparently choked, his tears stopped, "Do you have to go to jail for stealing chicken?"

   "Yes," Zhao Wudao: "My lord said some time ago, why can't you just do it because the evil is too small..."

  Zhao Wen: "Don't do evil for small things."

   "Yes, yes, this is it, brother, you still have a good memory."

  Zhao Wen ignored him.

    My eyes are sore today, and I always feel a foreign body sensation. Drops of eye drops are not helpful. Then when I finished the bath and wiped my face delicately, I vaguely saw a flash of golden light.

     So I stopped my movements, stared at myself in the mirror and observed for a few minutes, then experimented with my hands, and finally pulled out a pale golden eyelash from the bottom of my eyes that was longer than the other eyelashes next to it.

     is almost transparent and very thin. The golden color looks very noble. Then I found the tweezers and pulled it out. There should be no foreign objects, especially the foreign objects near the eyes.

    PS: See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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