Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2921: The son passed away from the father (to book friend "Murong qingq

  Chapter 2921 The son passed on behalf of the father

After checking, Bai Shan confirmed that Sun San was indeed caught by mistake, so he was released, but before he was released, it was because of his behavior of stealing chickens and vegetables that he beat him up and told him: "Being a man Be honest and upright. If you still do this sneaky thing in the future, it will be more than just a few tricks. If you add up, the county can send you to jail to reunite with your brother."

  Sun San was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "The little one dare not, never dare to do it again..."

  Bai Shan asked Chen Danong again, and after comprehensive consideration, he fined the Sun family and compensated the Chen family for some financial affairs.

  Sun San had no opinion at all, and she responded in tears.

  He wants to go home now, as long as he can leave the prison and the county government, let him do anything.

   hit the board, Bai Shan looked outside, "Is there anyone from the Sun family?"

  If not, he would have to send the county government to send the people back.

  The voice fell off, and an old man squeezed in from behind the crowd. He squeezed in hard with his back. When everyone heard him say that he was the grandson family, they tried to give him a place and let people in.

  Old man Sun hunched forward and knelt down before entering the lobby. He felt bad when he knelt down, so he immediately climbed over the threshold and knocked his head on his knees.

  Bai Shan looked at him silently, his eyes moved from his gray hair to his wrinkled face, and then to his cracked hand...

  Old man Sun went to the lobby for the first time. He was a little nervous and touched the ground without raising his head. He stumbled and said, "Master forgiveness, no, forgiveness for adults. I, Caomin, is the small one, and the small one is his father."

  Bai Shan carefully recalled the situation of the Sun family that Sun Lichang had mentioned before, got up and walked in front of Old Man Sun, stretched out his hand to help him up, looked up and down, and looked down at Sun San who was still reaching out to cover his waist.

  Bai Shan sighed and said, “Lao Zhang Sun, it’s better for me to accept such unfilial children and grandchildren for you.”

  Sun San was so scared that he lay down on the ground with a snap, and immediately raised his head to look at his father.

  Old man Sun was also terrified, and immediately knelt to the ground, "My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving."

  The scribe from Qingzhou couldn’t help but say loudly: “Lao Zhang, what else do such unfilial children and grandchildren do? Just let the adults judge him a big unfilial piety and just go to jail.”

  Sun San was so scared that he hugged his father’s leg, raised his head and shouted, "Father—"

  The crowd onlookers couldn’t help but said, “I don’t look like your father, but like your grandfather. It’s because you have unfilial children and grandchildren like you that make you grow old so fast.”

   "The son is not the fault of the father. I want to say that this old man is not innocent, and he can't teach his son. It's better to be born and drown."

  Bai Shan frowned when he heard the words, couldn't help but look at the speaker, and asked: "Xiongtai has the ability to see the future. Once a child is born, he can tell whether they will be filial or unfilial in the future?"

  The other party choked.

Bai Shan said to the frightened Sun Lao Zhang: "But they are right, the son is not the fault of the father, you failed to raise the children, let them be your fault in the disaster, the people's indignation is hard to calm, I will punish you five. The board is ready."

  The crowd suddenly fell silent.

  Bai Shan said again: "But when you are old and weak, let your son replace it. It is also common sense that the son should live on behalf of the father."

  So Sun San, who was hit on the board, was pressed again to hit the board.

  Sun San burst into tears, crying and shouting: "My lord, I know that I was wrong, I know that I was wrong, I will definitely reform and be filial to my father, and dare not let my father make a mistake again."

Bai Shan nodded approvingly, "You are smart, yes, it should be the case, but that is the future, and now the punishment is the past. If you commit the crime again in the future, if your father can't teach you well, you will come to your son to live it again. that is."

  Sun San cried out in pain, and he vowed never to dare to do this again.

  After finishing playing the board, Bai Shan let Old Man Sun go to draw and lead Sun San away.

  Old man Sun was still a little scared, but he couldn’t help asking, "My lord, my little son."

  Bai Shan said: "This county will rule according to the law. Even if it only robbed a chicken and a pot, it would be a robbery, let alone he hurt someone."

  Their atmosphere is not good, and they must be turned around. The best way is to use heavy codes to let them know what they can do and what they can’t do.

  Bai Shan let people take the next one.

  Several scribes from Qingzhou looked at each other, crowded out the crowd, and their hair crowns were about to be messed up.

  "This county magistrate is worthy of being a brave and talented righteous man in the legend. This trial is so wonderful, people who are afraid of being unfilial will have to be careful of their **** in the future."

   "This Beihai County didn't think it used to be, but now it looks like a sieve. In those three or five miles, there are nearly a hundred people doing this kind of sneaky stuff."

   "Is it because they are too poor?"

   "Fart, that Xiaoliu Village doesn't look wealthy. Why didn't you see such a person in their village? It can be seen that it is still a matter of folk customs, and the chief of the village should be in charge."

  "Bai County magistrate should have the same point of view as Brother Cui. Didn’t you look at it? Since the day of the trial, I have been sitting in the lobby for five miles. I also find it interesting to watch them wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads every day."

   "This county magistrate is not very young, but he is very interesting."

   "It's interesting because of your age. Like the county magistrate Lu, although shrewd and capable, it's really boring."

   "Under the rule, there is such a nest of bandits hidden, and the people's livelihood and folk customs are so poor, he can't be considered shrewd and strong."

"Hey, Brother Cui, this is a prejudice. Although I didn't expect such bandit dens to be hidden in Beihai County, after the magistrate Lu took over Beihai County, Beihai County was indeed much better. There is no one third of it here."

  "Yes, although the county magistrate Lu did not find a problem like Dajing Village, he can't be denied for this."

  "So, do you want to try the county exam? I heard that this time, the governor of the county exam will not only select people to go to the capital for the exam, but also to supplement the staff in the counties. I think Beihai County is good."

   "Too poor, right?"

"But the county magistrate is good. With such an identity background and such courage and knowledge as the county magistrate Bai, if you can follow him, even if you can't have a bright future in the future, it will be great to make a career. Brother Cui, are you going?"

  Brother Cui thought, "Then you can't apply for the staff, you have to apply for the master."

   "The White County magistrate does not want Master."

   A female voice came in, and it extinguished everyone's enthusiasm like a basin of cold water. Everyone turned their heads together, "How do you know?"

   Zhou Man said: "What he said. The county government has a chief accountant, a clerk, and clerks. Why should we call another master?"

  Master, he has to pay his own wages.

Brother Cui frowned and said, "Master can be an assistant."

   Zhou Man said: "I can give him a reference."

  Brother Cui couldn't help but worry, "Master Zhou, there are still many benefits for the staff. If Master Bai doesn't like some of the papers, the staff can replace them."

   Zhou Man: "How do you know that I am Lord Zhou?"

Brother Cui: " have said so clearly, who doesn't know that you are close to Master Bai? Who else do you have besides Master Zhou? And not to mention Beihai County, but the entire Qingzhou City, like an adult. There is no second woman with grace."

   Zhou Man was happy when he heard him say this, while the scribes on the side looked at him with wide-eyed eyes. They looked incredible. I didn't expect you to be such a Cui brother.

    see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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