Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2925: Preparation for Dragon Boat Festival

   Chapter 2925 Dragon Boat Festival Preparation

  Waiting for Man Bao to come out lazily taking a bath, Wu Yue had already changed the sheets and quilts, Bai Shan leaned on the bed and yawned, and when she saw her come out, she gave her a place.

   Zhou Man had already taken a bath and was already a little energetic, and when she saw him yawning, she couldn't help but hit one. She climbed onto the bed, pulled the quilt and lay down and closed her eyes.

  Bai Shan pulled a bit of the quilt away and pushed her, "I still want to talk to you."

   Zhou Man yawned and asked, "What did you say?"

  That Cui Yuan handed me an article before leaving. I read it, but I think it is not bad. I think his ability is not weak, and I want to ask him to be my staff. "

   Zhou Man reluctantly opened his eyelids to look at him, "Don’t you want staff?"

  Bai Shan said: "But there are indeed many affairs in a county, and some trivial affairs are not convenient for the county lieutenant to do."

   Zhou Man nodded after thinking about it. Her medical department is small, and sometimes she finds some things very trivial and boring.

   "Then please!"

   "You deserve to be refreshed, I want to look into it again."

  After all, the staff is no better than others. In the future, he will be his confidant and will likely follow him all the time. Therefore, morality is especially important, and the best goal is to be consistent with oneself.

Zhou Man was so sleepy that she could hardly open her eyes, and her eyelids drooped again. She said, "Use it first, and investigate slowly, just like the fourth brother invites a man. You will know how to be a man if you are familiar with it. What's your ability?"

  Bai Shan thinks too.

  As soon as his mind was resolved, Bai Shanbian was also sleepy. He blew out the lamp, then lay down and hugged Zhou Man, and fell asleep as soon as he tilted his head.

   Although tired, but when the time came the next day, the two of them woke up without being asked.

  Just woke up and didn't want to get up, the two of them lay on the bed and talked with their eyes open.

   Zhou Man calculated the time and then said: "I still go to the office for one day today, and the day after tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. I will take a break tomorrow, so good!"

  Bai Shan:...

   Zhou Man turned to look at him, "Do you not let the county government let go?"

  "This time the bandit case was extremely troublesome, and people from other states and counties came to watch the excitement, so I decided to only put it on the day after the Dragon Boat Festival, and other people would still go to church normally."

   Zhou Man sympathized with him, "You have to make up a lot of money for the officials, right?"

  Bai Shan said, "Working overtime on holidays and holidays requires rewards. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't give them. They won't resign because of this, right?"

  But Bai Shan feels that since they have worked hard and lost the opportunity to have fun with their families, they should get some compensation.

  He was very confident, "The county government will have money."

  Because the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the governor's mansion also sent official documents. He will host a banquet on the afternoon of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the county magistrates are invited to attend.

  Some remote county magistrates received the official documents two days earlier, and some have already set off for Qingzhou City today.

   Although Beihai County is poor, the county seat is not very far from Qingzhou City. Therefore, he received the official document today, and he could go to Qingzhou City again that day.

  Bai Shan also arranged this. Not only did he go on the same day, he also planned to go there after taking part in some activities in the county town.

  He said, "It just so many scribes from other places come to our Beihai County. This Dragon Boat Festival activity should be carried out well."

  Fang County Cheng hesitatingly asked: "How do you want to do this?"

   "Can there be Nuo opera in the county seat?"

  Fang County Cheng touched his nose and said, "There are some folk actors who can sing and dance, but they are rare."

   He smiled awkwardly, “It’s not like the adults come from a big place like the capital, I’m afraid they can’t look down on their little tricks.”

  Bai Shan said nonchalantly: "Let's have fun with the people, go and invite them, and I will see them when I finish the case at noon."

  Fang County Cheng can only send people out to call people who occasionally perform Nuo opera to the county government office.

  So at noon, Bai Shan saw a dozen or so young and old, with only two young and strong Nuo opera teams.

  And the two young men were as thin as bamboo poles, leaning against the wall, looking like a fool.

  Bai Shan was taken aback.

  He has grown up so much and has seen many Nuo operas, but this is the first time I have seen such a Nuo opera performer.

  Bai Shan looked at them up and down, hesitated for a while and asked: "What songs do you usually dance?"

   ""Meng Jiangnu" and "Catch the Yellow Ghost"."

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief. These two tracks are often performed. Fortunately, fortunately, he smiled and said, "Then you guys will play "Meng Jiangnu"."

  A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd as soon as he heard it. When he lowered his head and raised his head again, he faced Bai Shan with a bitter expression. He pinched his throat and shouted at Bai Shan sadly: "Fan Lang——"

  Da Ji, who was standing behind Bai Shan, couldn't hold back for a moment, he burst out laughing, then lowered his head and tried hard to hold back his laugh, tears almost bursting out of his eyes.

  Bai Shan facing the actor:...

  Fangxian Cheng all shuddered, looking at Bai Shan with indescribable words, he just said no, right?

Bai Shan walked out of the small living room with a dazed expression, and came to the main courtyard before regaining his senses. He said, "Let them play "Catch the Yellow Ghost". There is no lyrics, just pretending to be ghosts. Isn't it difficult to act?"

  Fang County Cheng: "My lord, they just said that the countryside likes to listen to them singing "Meng Jiangnu", so they are more familiar with "Meng Jiangnu"."

  That's really **** up.

Bai Shan rubbed his forehead and said, "There is still a day and a half. The scene of "Catch the Yellow Ghost" is not difficult. They can practice first. Don't worry, they won’t lose their wages. The people will reward you. All belong to them."

  Fang County Cheng asked immediately: "My lord, do you just act in a play?"

  Bai Shan asked sadly: "Can they still perform other shows?"

  Fang County Cheng was silent, and then said: "But one is not enough."

"What does it matter? The main street in Beihai County is so long. Let them perform all the way, back and forth." Bai Shan rubbed his forehead, "By the way, pull out some glutinous rice from the grain store. Please invite someone. Pack some small rice dumplings and send some to the people along the way in the future. The right is to have fun with the people."

  He gave Fang Xiancheng full authority over what to do.

  Fang County Prime Minister responded.

  Beihai County is not big, and there are not many people in the county. They don’t need to prepare a lot, they can prepare in one day, which is not difficult for them.

  At this time, Zhou Man was also discussing with Wen Tiandong, “We will make some medicine packs, and then put them in front of the medical office to collect them. After they are taken back, they will be made into sachets, which can repel filth and prevent insects.”

  Wen Tiandong had no opinion at all. Right now, he took some medicinal materials from the pharmacy. They were dried mugwort leaves, atractylodes, Shanna, Angelica dahurica, vanilla, etc., and a large bag of realgar.

   Zhou Man asked people to move the table and chairs to the entrance of the medical department, and then asked them to cut the paper. She and Wen Tiandong sat on the side of the table and began to pack the herbs.

One or two kinds of medicinal materials are packed in a paper bag. It doesn’t need a lot. A paper bag the size of a palm is good. Someone passing by the medical office saw it and asked when he heard that it was free, so he immediately said: "My lord, give me ten. There are many people in my family."

   Zhou Man only gave her one, and said with a smile: "Then they have to get it by themselves. I can only get one by one person here."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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