Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2942: Pay

  Chapter 2942 Compensation

  Unfortunately, he stayed in Oi Village all night and no one came to him.

  There is no self-recommendation, and no recommendation.

  Bai Shan thought about it. There are not many households surnamed Qi in Dajing Village, only 12 households, and the rest are basically Jia surnames. In addition to Zhao and Liu, there are two surnames, but these two surnames have fewer households.

  The surnames in Xiaojing Village are basically Feng and Jia.

  It is not easy for Qi Dalang to sit firmly in this position, so he just wanted to wait. After waiting all night, since no one recommends himself or recommends him, then Qi Dalang is set.

  At least, he has this heart, and it seems that the person is suitable for the moment.

  Bai Shan found Qi Dalang and said to him: "I will move Jia Erlang's family away. If they don't think the chief culprit, you can take care of them."

  Qi Dalang stood upright with his hands down and responded quickly.

Bai Shan couldn't help but lightly tapped his finger and said: "Qi Dalang, this county trusts you. I only hope you trust this county. I hope in the future you can tell the truth about the situation in the village, whether it is good or bad. "

  Bai Shan laughed at himself, "Where can it be worse now?"

  Qi Dalang felt ashamed, and quickly replied: "Adults don't worry, young ones must do their best."

Bai Shan nodded slightly, "I will send people over for questioning every once in a while, and I will also come to inspect when I have time. If you have any difficulties, please let me know. As long as the county can do it, the county will definitely help you. Our goal is the same, which is to reverse the folk customs of this place and let the people live well, right?"

   Qi Dalang's chest was full of breath, and he could not help responding loudly: "Yes!"

  The two reached a consensus, and Bai Shan and Qi Dalang were very satisfied.

  Before leaving, Bai Shan also presided over a group of criminals to compensate victims for their losses.

  Those people grab things and spend them. There are not many remaining assets in the family, but they are definitely better than the people in Xiaoliu Village who have been completely looted.

  It is impossible to pay back all the things robbed, but Bai Shan also paid as much as possible.

  Because it is too far away from the county government, Bai Shan did not take the things back to the county government to pay the compensation, but directly paid the compensation on the spot after the picking.

  Zhao Shan’s family is also a family member of the victim, so they also lost some things, all from the assets of Jia Wu’s family.

Jia Erlang took his mother and younger siblings to pack their belongings, and stood silently in front of the others. After Bai Shan glanced at them, the Zhao family, who had been making noises and clamoring for too little compensation, said: "They are willing to leave Dajing Village. What do you think of paying you for the house you live in?"

  The Zhao family is unwilling. They are not from Dajing Village. What is the use of this house?

Zhao Shan’s wife would only cry with tears, while Zhao Shan’s brother said loudly: "My lord, this house is not good, it looks like it is about to collapse, and our family doesn’t live in Dajing Village. We want this house to have What's the use?"

  Bai Shan sighed and said: "The Jia family is here now. Now they don’t have any long items except a few sets of clothes. What else can they pay you?"

  Zhao Shan’s brother glanced at each other, gritted his teeth and said: "There is still a field, sir, let them pay us the field."

  The family surnamed Jia was reluctant, and shouted: "This is the land of our Dajing Village. Why should I pay you?"

  Bai Shan’s eyes were cold, and the Lieutenant Dong Xian on the side shouted: "What is the noise? Didn't you see the adult talking?"

  The smile on Bai Shan's face is gone. The cold face makes people look stressful and a little scared.

  He said: "How do you think the copper coins you hold now came from?"

  Bai Shan said: "The county government confiscated the fields under their respective names and replaced them with copper money to compensate you."

He smiled coldly, "This county can be sentenced to compensate you for their fields. On average, each victim can pay about eight cents to about two mu of land. If you are willing to ask for the land, you can pay back the copper. After the county has eliminated the accounts of the county government, the land will be yours and the land will be yours."

  As soon as the words came out, no one moved.

  Everyone looked at the copper coins in their hands, then looked at each other, and finally they all said nothing.

  Bai Shan sneered, “It’s not difficult to get a land, but after you get the title deed, how many people can plant this land here?”

  "This county considers you. If you want to choose another one, I won't stop it."

  The person in Xiaoliu Village immediately said, "My lord, the fields in our village are enough for cultivating. It is so far away from our village that I can’t grow it. I am waiting for the copper to pay for it, not the land."

  Although the value of the land is much higher than the copper coin in the hand, the land must be planted to be valuable.

  Do they dare to come to Dajing Village to farm?

  Can the food be recovered safely after planting?

  The people in Xiaoliu Village are not stupid. After this case, several villages became enemies. Not only did the people in Dajing and Xiaojing hate them, they also hated how well the people in Dajing and Xiaojing villages are.

  Especially the mother and daughter of the Kim family, every time they see people in Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village, their teeth tremble with hatred, and they won’t want the fields here.

  After the people in Xiaoliu Village confessed, the Zhao family brothers reacted, yes, they want this field to be useless.

  But it's useless if they want a house!

  The two brothers looked at each other, and they were a little confused, "Sir, this house is also useless for us to hold."

  Bai Shan looked at Zhao Shan’s wife and children, and said, “Speaking of which, Zhao Shan was killed. Your mother and son were the biggest victims. I think this child is in his twenties, right? Have you married a wife?”

  Zhao Shan’s son Zhao Dalang glanced at his mother and shook his head.

Bai Shan said: "That's easy. Dajing Village and Zhaojiazhuang are not very far away. The fields are connected together. I think your house is also simple. Since you are not married, you should plan to marry a wife. There is a house. Although the Jia’s house is not very good, it is better than it is spacious. Your mother and your son can move in. The county thinks that the villagers in Dajing Village should welcome your mother and son."

The situation of Zhaoshan’s wife and children is different from that of Xiaoliu Village. It was only Jia Dalang and Jia Wu who killed Zhao Shan, and only their family was involved. Unlike the situation of Xiaoliu Village, the looting of Xiaoliu Village made the three villages enemies at once. .

  People in Dajing Village are not disgusted with Zhao Shan’s wife and children.

  The villagers in Dajing Village looked at Zhao Dalang vaguely, then glanced at Mother Zhao, and immediately said: "Yes, let them move in, sir, we will not make trouble."

  Especially if there are girls in the family who are not married, they worry about the reputation of the village now, so they say: "Yes, let them move in."

  Brother Zhao Shan couldn’t help saying: "My lord, since they don’t object, then we need land instead of a house."

  Since everyone can live in, it is also okay to come and plant the land. How can the house be valuable?

  (End of this chapter)

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