Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2946: Doubt

  Chapter 2946 Suspicion

  Bai Shan received the news the next day, and Luo inspectors hurried back to the county to report it overnight.

  The new salt field is indeed very important. He received the news and took a squad of officials to everyonewa.

  In half a day, Luo inspector took people just at the checkpoint. Seeing the magistrate Bai rushing in, he immediately waited on the side of the road.

  Bai Shan strangled the horse and saw two people lying on the side of the road. He frowned and jumped off the horse and asked, "What's wrong with the people?"

   Luo inspector hurriedly said: "I was knocked out yesterday, and I still have some headaches today, so the officials asked them to rest on the side of the road."

Bai Shan looked forward, and the people lying on the grass were not asleep. When they noticed that Bai Shan came forward, they remembered to stand up, Bai Shan held them down, squatted and looked at their faces, and asked, "Where pain?"

  The two people touched the back of their necks and said, "The head is still a little dizzy."

  Bai Shan frowned, Zhou Man said, if the neck is not cut properly, it is easy to cause problems.

  He inspected Luo: “Send a few people to take them back to the county in a car, and take a look at the medical office. The injury can be serious or minor, so don’t do anything wrong.”

   Luo patrols for a while and then responds.

  Bai Shan stood up and looked around, and asked, "Is that where people get in?"

   "Yes, fortunately, Lord Zhou went up the mountain and met someone. Otherwise, the two of them were knocked out and we couldn't receive the news. I'm afraid that if people touch the salt field, we may not be able to find it."

   "Did anyone catch it?"

   "No," Luo Xun said, "We rummaged in the mountains after daybreak, but we still couldn't find anyone."

  This mountain is still quite big, and the mountain is still connected to the mountain in the past. There are more than a hundred of them, there are always gaps, and they don't dare to transfer everyone's hands to the mountain. They must guard the salt field.

  Bai Shan raised his head and glanced at the mountain beside him, thinking.

The county magistrate of   Road will choose to locate the new salt field here. One is because the bittern has been dug up here, which shows that the amount of salt produced by the seawater is not low; the other is because it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

  There is only one road left here when you enter Dajiawa. There are mountains on both sides, and other mountains. The road is blocked. Maybe you can pass through the mountains, but it doesn’t work here.

  Because the mountain facing this side is very steep and there are many rocks, not to mention people, monkeys may not be able to climb up, so as long as there is a checkpoint at the intersection, no one can sneak in.

  And Luo Inspection not only set up checkpoints at the intersection, from here to the new salt field, there are a total of three checkpoints.

  But I didn't expect that the other party would come so many people at once, knock their people out, and after sneaking in, before the next level, they slipped into the mountain, wanting to cross the mountain to reach the salt field.

  Inspector Luo admitted his mistake and said: "My lord, this is because the officials are not well arranged, and the people underneath are also slacking off. This is because someone took advantage of the loopholes and slipped in."

  Bai Shan nodded, and said: "Fix the gap, let's go to the salt field to see."

   Soon a car came and carried the two dizzy soldiers to the car and sent them back to the county seat first.

  Bai Shan watched them go away and asked, "How many people did you release in a level?"

"There are five people at the intersection, and the remaining two are guarded by three people." When he arranged it, he felt that it was enough. First, he didn't expect the other party to be so courageous and dare to attack the soldiers; second, the other party wanted to investigate. Detective will not send too many people.

Luo Xunjian regretted, "Five were knocked out, and it was too late to light the wolf smoke. The other three were okay, but the neck hurts a bit, and the bruise was a piece of bruise. After rubbing it, they are almost the same. These two are more severe and dizzy. My eyes are still dazzling, so..."

  Bai Shan expressed that he understood that he did not need to explain too much.

  He went to see the salt field first.

  Zhou Liwei also didn't sleep all night. At this time, he had just returned from a round of inspections, and he was now leaning against the wall and dozing off.

  Bai Shan reached out and patted him.

  Zhou Liwei woke up instantly and saw Bai Shanbian’s eyes light up, "Little Uncle, are you here?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "If you are really sleepy, go back to sleep first, otherwise you will be so confused, it will not only exhaust your energy, but also can't do much."

   Zhou Liwei nodded, but the person did not leave. Instead, he said: "Little uncle, we didn't catch anyone, but we wandered in the mountains for a long time with torches last night. People should have been taken away."

  Bai Shan said: "Where can I go? Everyone has the sea on both sides and mountains on both sides. They want to go out and they can only cross the mountains without walking, but do you think it is possible for such a large mountain?"

  He said: "In such dense forests, people will get lost when they enter, let alone at night. If I were them, I would find a place to hide and wait until the crisis passed before coming out."

  Zhou Liwei: "But what do they eat and drink in the mountains?"

Luo inspector also said: "My lord, this mountain is actually very dangerous. There are many poisonous insects and beasts, especially poisonous insects. No one knows whether a bug crawling on the feet is poisonous, so no one will stay in the mountain. A long time, up to three days."

  Bai Shan: "So you suspect that they are gone?"

The two nodded together because they had looked for it. Although they couldn't really search every place, they could guarantee that there was absolutely no one hidden in the place where they walked last night, so people could only be frightened. Go away.

   Seeing Bai Shan's disbelief, Zhou Liwei said: "Little uncle, you can't think of them by yourself, they are ordinary people, not so smart, and not so tough."

He said: "Just think of me. If I want to steal something, I will run into the host holding a torch and shouting to catch the thief. I can't turn around and run. "

Bai Shan thought for a while, and he felt that what he said was reasonable, so he meditated for a moment and then said: "That's right, but no one goes out on the road. The mountains and forests are dangerous. Where did they go out? You can't jump into the sea and swim out? That's not it. Is it more dangerous?"

  Zhou Liwei and Luo Xunjian looked in one direction together, and then looked at each other.

  Zhou Liwei: "Actually, I had a suspicion last night."

   Luo inspection: "I have it too."

  Zhou Liwei: "But that road is not easy to walk, and it is far away. We are short of manpower. I am afraid that people will touch the emptiness of the saltworks after passing by."

  Bai Shan: "Tune the tiger away from the mountain? The other party is so powerful? What is that place?"

  Zhou Liwei pointed in that direction and said: "Little uncle, look over there."

  Bai Shan squinted his eyes to look over, and nodded, “I saw it, it’s a sea.”

   "The end of this mountain is facing the sea. It is a cliff. I have seen it in the past. It is very high, with a protruding corner, with the sea on three sides, a very high cliff."

  Bai Shan: "Do you suspect people hiding there?"

   Zhou Liwei hesitated for a while and said, "Maybe it's not hiding, but lost."

  Bai Shan heard it and looked at the salt farm and said, “I’ll take the Yamen to take a look. You guys guard the salt farm.”

   See you at six in the afternoon

     scared me to death. Every morning everyone was talking about breaking changes. That’s just an 8,000-character logo that’s changing every day. It’s not really going to be breaking changes.



  (End of this chapter)

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