Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2971: Secretly rub

  Chapter 2971 Secretly rubbing

  As soon as they left, only their own people were left in the yard. The prince thought so. These people are all available to him, and he will be regarded as his own for the time being.

  The prince lifted his chin slightly and said: "Let's talk about it all."

   Tang He did not speak, Ning Yushi looked at Bai Shan and reconfirmed, "Sure enough, can the salt come out?"

  Bai Shan said with certainty: "Yes."

  Ning Yushi didn’t doubt him either. His eyes were bright and he said to the prince: “His Royal Highness, the salt tax in Jiangnan can be checked, and even the salt policy in the world can be changed.”

   "Father, the emperor thinks so too."

  This sentence is like a reassurance for Ning Yushi and Tang He. Both of them breathed a sigh of relief and said in unison: "The minister is willing to serve your majesty and be driven by your majesty."

  The prince said: "Then start from the saltworks in various places. Of course, we can't go straight to the saltworks, so we must first rectify the officials to ensure that the roads to and from the salt are smooth."

  Tang He flashed their planned itinerary this time, and it was on the way out of Qingzhou and Jiangnan salt and grain in and out.

  If the sky in Jiangnan changes, they not only have to ensure that places outside Jiangnan are not affected by Jiangnan, but also have to provide enough salt to Jiangnan, so salt must also go in.

  Tang He and Ning Yushi looked at each other, and said: "The transportation of Jiangnan..."

"My father has made his own arrangements. What we have to do is to rectify the management of the officials along the way, and to ensure the salt production in the salt field," the prince and Bai Shan said: "I don't know what requirements are there for the place where the salt is dried? Can it be near the sea? Or only. Can Beihai County?"

  Bai Shandao: “It has to be a place with plenty of sunshine and little rain. Of course, the high salt content of seawater is naturally the best.”

  He said: "Everyone, the Waxin Salt Farm was left by the former county magistrate. He chose this place very well. We can still see the bittern when we dig down in some places by the sea."

  The prince understood, "Listing the method of drying salt in detail will be useful in retrospect."

  Bai Shan responded.

The prince groaned: "Since everyone is suitable and the method of drying salt is started in Beihai County, then you should build more salt pans. As long as there is sea water, you don’t need to stick to the seaside, you can go further in. Just dig a large trench to pass the sea in directly."

  Because he found that the crops were sparsely planted, and some places were deserted in areas other than mountains. The weeds on it looked sparse, and it seemed that nothing could be grown.

  Bai Shan said in distress, “That’s right, but Beihai County is poor and has few manpower. Whether it is digging ditches, opening salt pans or drying salt, a lot of manpower is needed.”

The prince frowned.

  Otherwise, he has nothing to do with manpower.

  Don’t look at the voices from various places saying that there is not enough land. After you become a child, you will not have enough land, but the population is not very large.

   "The lone can't make you a man at once. Are there many widows in your territory? The lone sends you some soldiers? Let them have more children."

  Tang He couldn't help but bow his head for joy.

  Bai Shan: "...Your Majesty, it's too late to have a baby. It will take at least 17 years to become a child, right?"

  Even if the bridal chamber is pregnant with a child today, it will take ten months to be born.

  But he did not refuse the prince to send soldiers to him. “After today, everyone’s Wa Salt Field must be eye-catching, and it really needs more people to protect it.”

  It just so happened that as soon as a person arrived, he would let the soldiers patrol the fields. They couldn't do patrols every day. Everyone took turns and went to open a wasteland if there was nothing to do. If you can grow food, you can grow food. If you can’t grow food, you can dry salt.

Bai Shan’s abacus was cracked, and he said to the prince: "His Royal Highness has also seen it. Everyone has a long line along the coast. If salt pans are built, a lot of salt will be produced every day. So much salt will be taken away. Land transportation is not time-consuming and labor-intensive."

The prince thought of Laizhou Bay. Before he had time to speak, Bai Shan had already spoken up slightly: "There is a place in Beihai County called Longchi, which is a natural ferry, and Laizhou Bay is outside, and it is not far from Dajiawa to Longchi. If a sea boat departs from Longchi, the salt of Jiawa can not only go south to Jiangnan, Lingnan and other places, but also reach the Pingzhou area of ​​Youzhou in the north."

  The prince raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Shan. Although he felt that there was no need to build another ferry, he still listened.

  Bai Shan continued: “When Guanyan arrives in Youzhou and Pingzhou, you can enter Taiyuan and the grasslands. It saves the steps to Laizhou, and the journey is much safer.”

  At present, sea routes are still safer than land routes.

  Of course, this security is aimed at man-made disasters, not natural disasters.

  The prince thought thoughtfully, "Do you want to compete with Laizhou for the ferry and ship to go to sea?"

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, and emphasized: "It is to attract more businessmen to come here."

He temporarily divergent thinking and hypothesized: "If salt can be transported from Longchi, it will definitely not be shipped empty when it comes back. Silk and porcelain from Jiangnan can be transported by ship, as well as the fur medicinal materials of Youzhou Pingzhou, cattle and sheep. Horses and other things, they can complete the exchange in Longchi, and it will be safer for the salt ship to follow the caravan on the same route."

  Tang He moved in his heart, "Doesn’t this change the current route of water transport?’

  The prince, who was not very mindful, sat up slightly and thought, “In this way, it will be inconvenient to set the ferry where the official salt goes out in Laizhou.”

  After all, he has Bai Shan available in Qingzhou, but he is not very familiar with Laizhou.

  Bai Shan nodded repeatedly, looking at the prince with piercing eyes.

  The prince pondered: "But this is not something that can be done in one or two years. It is difficult to scale up without four or five years, or even five or six years."

  Bai Shan thought for a while and gritted his teeth: "The minister is willing to stay here until this matter is completed before leaving."

  The prince raised his eyebrows, "Are you really willing to stay here for five or six years?"

  With Bai Shan's ability and qualifications, he came out to accumulate experience when he was released outside. In addition, he now has the merits of the salt drying method. Even if he is promoted and left, no one will say anything.

  However, the purpose of his release is to experience and will not leave so early, but the prince and the emperor had planned for him for three years at the beginning.

  Three years later, he can be transferred to other places to continue his experience, to stay in Beihai County for six years...

  The prince smiled slightly, and nodded: "If this is the case, the lonely should go down, isn't it just to build a ferry? You can build it."

   Ning Yushi coughed heavily and reminded: "His Royal Highness, this matter must be approved by the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry."

  Listening to Bai Shan's plan, obviously it is not a small ferry, it is not Qingzhou to give money, but to allocate funds from the national treasury.

  Bai Shan felt that he would have to wait for the national treasury to allocate funds, so I don’t know how long to wait, so he hinted: "Perhaps Qingzhou can advance part of it."

  The prince was really interested, and leaned forward, "Oh?"

Bai Shan held the gaze of Ning Yushi's "you treacherous nephew" and said to the prince: "It is summer now, and the summer and autumn harvests are coming soon. After that, there will be taxes. If the national treasury can't come up with the money for a while, you can go from Qingzhou. Some advances."

  In other words, the things that Qingzhou should be handed over to the national treasury are spent first. In fact, it is still regarded as the national treasury's money, but the process of first sending it to the national treasury and then setting aside by the national treasury is omitted.

  The prince thought this method was good, so he nodded and agreed.

  Of course, he agreed. In fact, it depends on the emperor and the princes in the court, but Bai Shan also won the prince?

   See you at seven in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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