Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2976: choose

  Chapter 2976 Choice

  Bai Shan and the prince quietly settled the matter, and no one told them, let alone Ning Yushi, even Tang He didn’t know about it.

The prince    didn't ask Bai Shan where so much reimbursement came from, and Bai Shan did not take the initiative to mention it.

  Having seen the salt field, the prince also took a look at Bai Shan's tightly covered warehouse, and nodded with satisfaction when he saw the salt stored in it, and then led the people to leave the salt field.

  Ning Yushi and a team of guards stayed behind. They had to watch the salt in the salt pan dry before they were willing to leave.

  While understanding and expressing their intentions, they returned to the county seat and went around in the county where they lived in Zhouman, then said, "It looks pretty good."

  Satisfaction Zhou said: “We bought some things after we moved in. I don’t know if you and Bai Er will come, otherwise we will definitely arrange another room for you.”

  The prince walking in front heard what she said, looked back at her, and simply asked: "Zhou Man, how is your medical department?"

   Zhou Man refreshed, and went forward to reply.

The prince    entered the main hall. After hearing her report on the progress of the Qingzhou Medical Department, he said: "Since the medical department on Beihai County is on the right track, Qingzhou should also be set up. Don't slack off."

   Zhou Man promised: "Yes, the minister will not slack off."

  She paused and couldn't help but whispered: "His Royal Highness, the medical department develops that I don't need people for the time being, I need money."

  The prince almost sprayed the tea he had just drunk into his mouth. He said angrily: "Ask Bai Shan to go."

   Zhou Man stared, "The local medical office is subordinate to the imperial medical office, and the treasury allocates money."

  The prince turned the teacup in his hand and said, “Bai Shan wants people and is not short of money, and you have medical skills in your hands. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can definitely help him keep more people.”

  He lifted his chin slightly and said, "Will you still be short of money when you were introduced?"

   Zhou Man blinked and turned to look at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan standing aside:...

  Don’t be fooled by the prince, he doesn’t know if he will pay or not, but you can always ask the prince for some money.

The prince    had already got up and said: "Okay, your county government is too small, it's not too late, let's go back to Qingzhou City."

  Guo Cishi who was waiting on the other side became happy when he heard the words, and immediately said: "His Royal Highness, the carriage is ready, and you can leave at this time."

  The prince nodded slightly, and told Mingda and Bai Erlang, "If you want to stay in Beihai County, I won't stop you, but I'm not allowed to cause trouble."

  Mingda responded, “Don’t worry, prince brother, we are very obedient.”

  Of course, the prince believed in his sister, but he did not believe in Shirajiro very much.

   So he glanced at Bai Erlang warningly, and when he looked at Yin Or Shi, his face became more gentle. He only nodded to Yin or mildly, confessing that Bai Shan took good care of him, and then turned and left with Tang He.

  "If there is a difficult case that cannot be solved, hand it to Master Tang for review." After leaving this sentence, the prince took the person back to Qingzhou City.

  Guo Cishi was relieved to see that the prince and Bai Shan had finally separated, so he looked a lot better at Bai Shan who sent them out. He smiled and said to Bai Shan, "Go hard."

Bai Shan responded respectfully and watched Guo Cishi lead his subordinates to follow the prince and leave, and his eyes met with the immediate Lu County magistrate. The two of them nodded slightly, and then Lu County magistrate and his staff went to chase Cishi. .

  Zhou Man stood beside him, and when the prince and his party completely disappeared in front of her, she was relieved, "Finally left."

  Bai Shan turned around and nodded her nose, "The princess is still here."

   Zhou Man shrugged his shoulders and said, "Mingda won't mind too much, right?"

  She looked back at Mingda behind her.

  Mingda smiled and said: "In fact, the prince brother is also very friendly and peaceful."

   No matter what the prince is, it’s hard to get along with the kin in peace, right?

   "Let's go, let's go back and discuss where to go for dinner at night." As soon as the prince and the others left, Zhou Man and Bai Shan were refreshed. They only felt relaxed, and finally they were in the mood to entertain three good friends.

The prince    didn’t live here, Zhou Man and the others moved back to the main courtyard, and then they cleaned up the guest room and let Mingda Baier and Yin or stay in.

  However, Zhou Man still asked Mingda, "Are you going to live with us or go out to rent a yard?"

   Mingda said: "Buy one."

  Everyone turned their heads to look at her together.

   Mingda said: "Since you are staying in the county magistrate of Beihai, we will definitely have a chance to come again in the future. It is better to buy a yard and live in it. It will be more convenient to live in the future."

  Mingda said that you buy it, and the house in Beihai County is not expensive. This is not worth mentioning in her opinion.

  She told her to go down. Bai Shan is the county magistrate again. Housing information can be found directly at the county government. She is not short of money. Within the next day, the waiter bought a yard near the county government, and the people began to clean and decorate it.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man naturally sent their subordinates to help, and the maid also began to buy things in the county town.

  The steward of the Song family trot into the hall and whispered a report to Master Song: "Master, Master Song is here."

  Master Song raised his head.

  Song Master Book came in from the outside with a haggard face, raised his hand and bowed, "Uncle."

  Master Song squinted slightly, he could see that this nephew’s respect for him was no longer in the past.

  Master Song showed a faint smile on his face, and pointed to the position beside him and said: "San Lang is here, sit down."

  Song's master book did not sit there, but chose a chair below, and said anxiously: "Uncle, the county government is busy, I finally took time out of my time..."

  Master Song smiled slightly when he heard this: "In this case, I will make a long story short. The last time you called someone to spread the message, it was a bit unclear. You said that the nobleman from the capital is the prince?"


  Master Song clenched the teacup in his hand and asked: "I don't know why the nobleman came, everyone is over there..."

Master Song sighed and said with a headache: "Uncle, you also know that my identity is sensitive, and the county magistrate is hiding everything from me. Although I know that the nobleman is the county magistrate, I really don't know what's wrong with everyone. ."

  Master Song frowned.

  Four days ago, the county town suddenly became lively, and there were noble people coming to their Beihai County. He glanced at it from a distance, and Guo Cishi had to accompany him.

  He sent someone to find Song Zhuo that day, but the county government said that Song Zhuo had gone to the countryside.

  This reason...makes Master Song's heart irritated, but he is indeed not at home when he arrives at Song's main book.

Before he could find out anything, the coral tree and silver that Qingzhou City suddenly sent them back the next morning. He wanted to visit Guo Cishi and ask why he did it in person, but Guo Cishi went to everyone again. , That area was martial law by soldiers, let alone go in, even close.

  He can only wait.

  In the past few days, he also asked about it. The nobleman Guo Cishi accompanied was the crown prince!

   Among those who came with the crown prince, there were also two Yushis, a Jingzhaofu official, who was said to be extremely powerful. They went out to make inspections in Beijing. Obviously, Guo Shishi did not dare to commit crimes against the wind.

  And...Bai Shan is the prince’s companion!

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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