Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2986: Different

  Chapter 2986 is different

  Generally speaking, when a woman gets married, she inherits some of the family property—the dowry, which is considered to be the separation of her family.

But Zhou's family is different. Zhou Lijun had her own private property before she got married, and her private property was linked with Zhou's property, and she did not separate after she got married. Now, as the business grows, it is even more difficult to separate. NS.

  She is still in charge of Zhou's general accounts now.

   So Bai Shan compares back and forth and said: "No matter in terms of relationship or ability, Lijun is the best."

   And the character and ability of Xiang Mingxue are there, obviously more suitable than the relatives of Qili Village.

   Zhou Man thought for a while, and felt that this was the best solution, so he also sat at the desk and planned to write a letter.

  Bai Shan spread out the paper for her, took out the ink stick to study the ink, and said enthusiastically: "Come on, I'll take care of you to write a letter."

   Zhou Man took the pen he handed over and asked: "If Lijun advertises all the business, wouldn't the caravan want to do any business in the future?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "As long as the fourth brother can get the qualifications."

Zhou Man then smiled and wrote while writing: "Last year, General Guo wrote to us saying that my patented medicines are particularly useful and want to purchase large quantities on behalf of the army, so I recommended him the treasurer Zheng of Ji Shitang. "

"But the correspondence has been exchanged twice, and this business is always unresolved. In the final analysis, no one can send the finished medicine to the Western Regions. It will cost too much for Jishitang to send someone specifically to send the medicine, and the price of the medicine will also rise sharply." She said: "General Guo’s people can’t contact the capital privately. It’s best to hand it over to the fourth brother. It’s best to send him to the grasslands or the Western Regions, and then send people to the desert to fetch them. OK."

  But the amount of the medicine is large, and the amount involved is large, and Thu Lang can't take it in and out of the customs at will. If he comes a few times, there is more money in the account, and he will definitely be checked for household registration.

  If the business is placed under Zhou Lijun's name, and Thu Lang is only acting as a steward to **** the goods, then there will be more business.

  Like this kind of patent medicine, as long as Ji Shitang says hello and pays the commercial tax, you can enter and exit the customs. It's very simple.

  Bai Shandao: "Even the salted fish from Beihai County can go out through the hands of the fourth brother."

   Zhouman: "...Do you want to sell salted fish to the grasslands and the Western Regions?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "Don't you think salted fish matches them well?"

  He said: “There is a lack of salt over there. Every time you cook, you just need to tear off some salted fish and put it in the vegetables. The salt can’t be sold to the grassland, but the limit on salted fish is much less.”

   Zhou Man, "Then be careful when someone continues to smuggle salt."

  Bai Shan nodded, "I also have this concern, but I can't give up food because of choking. The most important thing at the moment is to sell the salted fish, and I can't keep the price down."

He wanted to make the fishermen's life easier, so he wanted to increase the price of salted fish. He said: "In addition to the grasslands and the Western Regions, there are also some less salt. The salt-expensive inland land is also a good place. Unfortunately, I know places. It's still too few. I saw Brother Tang Xuexiong and asked him for advice."

   Zhou Man nodded, and asked as he wrote: "Where are Tang Xuexiong now?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said, "Still in Dengzhou, right?"

  He had a good estimate. At this time, the prince was standing on the seashore of Dengzhou looking into the distance. Tang He and Xia Yushi walked to him and reminded: "His Royal Highness, it's not early, we should go."

Prince    did not move, but pointed to the sea where the side could not be seen and asked, "Silla and Baekje are on the opposite side?"

  Tang He said: "In theory, the opposite is true."

  The prince glanced at him, turned around and got down the big rock, and got on the horse after returning to the road, "Let’s go, let’s go back quickly."

   said that a fast horse is a fast horse. They don’t talk about being slow when they come all the way, but they definitely stop to inspect the city when they arrive, but when they go back, they hardly make more stops.

  It was only June 18 when they returned to Qingzhou City.

  The prince changed his clothes and freshened up and asked Guo Cishi who had come to visit, "Has Bai Shan handed in the official salt?"

  Guo Cishi was taken aback for a while and then shook his head, "No."

  He explained: “It was within the time limit until June passed.”

  However, the prince didn’t even mention it. Although it’s not an error before July, the county magistrate still hasn’t given it yet when there is enough official salt?

  It’s now the 15th of June, isn’t Bai Shan in a hurry?

  Guo Cishi couldn't help looking at the prince.

  The prince didn’t know what he thought of, so he snorted and said, “Send someone to Qingzhou City. I’ll just say that I’m back and I want to see him.”

  Guo Cishi should go down.

  Bai Shan received the letter from the Cishi Mansion and immediately sent someone to everyone to spread the word, "Let Zhou Liwei bring the salt," he emphasized: "I bring it personally!"

  Bai Shan sends Cui Yuan to help.

  There is no trivial matter in matters involving official salt. Cui Yuan lifted his spirits and asked, “How much do you want to ship?”

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "As many as you can, you can ship as much as you can."

  Cui Yuan listened and took all the cars that could be mobilized from the county government to everyone.

  Zhou Liwei filled most of the salt in the storeroom, and was escorted to the county seat by the soldiers and officials, while Luo Xunjian took the remaining soldiers to guard the salt field.

   Seeing so much salt, Zhou Man guessed that the prince was about to leave, so he said, "I also want to go to Qingzhou City."

  Talk to the prince about the medical department, and send it off by the way.

  Mingda and Shirajiro were going even more, so the next day the group set off in a mighty manner.

  Yin or glanced at the long convoy that followed, then retracted his gaze and asked Bai Shan, "Have you figured out how to deal with the remaining official salt?"

  Bai Shan said: "Since I have gone to Qingzhou City, it is naturally sold to all counties in Qingzhou."

  The prince came quietly when he came, but he went to many places in Qingzhou during this period, and went to Laizhou and Dengzhou. When he left, he was very dynamic.

  Guo Cishi saw that so many county magistrates wanted to come and send the prince personally. He did not favor one or the other, and directly sent letters to all county magistrates and asked them to send letters, expressing his importance to the prince by the way.

  In addition to the official salt for the governor, the remaining salt is for other counties.

  Unlike Beihai County, other counties either do not produce a high amount of salt, or simply do not produce salt.

  Those counties who have to transfer official salt from other places every year are said to be transferred, but in fact they also need to be paid, which is equivalent to buying.

  Official salt in various places must be purchased by the government, salt farms or other government offices, and then sold in salt shops.

  Salt, which is not controlled by the government, circulates quietly on the market, that is, private salt.

  Official salt, even if it was bought and sold between government and government, it was not cheap. He was counting on the money to fill the county's treasury, and he had to pay for the redemption of land with Master Song.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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