Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2996: Regardless of

   Chapter 2996

  He was afraid that his father would let him settle in the business, so he quickly said: "Father, I think Man Bao said it is good, so he put the business under the name of Lijun, the family is the flesh and blood, can Lijun cheat us?"

  Zhou Lijun: "……"

  Frirang and Satsara nodded again and again, and they did not want to separate. If they do, the business is mainly run by their three small families, and they are at risk of losing their business status.

Although Man Bao said that he can also be admitted as an official in the imperial examination with a business certificate, there are many restrictions, and it is even more difficult to go further. Some people have a business certificate, even if they are talented, it is difficult for them to achieve the fifth grade in their lifetime. .

  Although they think the fifth product is very powerful, but the children can go to the next level, why should they stay underneath?

  They don’t say how powerful they are, at least the household registration can’t be a hindrance to children, isn’t it?

  Listening to Manbao, if you are a merchant at home and become an official, Yushi’s eyes will be like two lanterns on the door, and you can’t wait for you to pull it out after eating a meal.

  Such aggrieved, it's better to be an improper official.

  Of course, this is far, they just said that they are near. Although these three youngsters are considered to be alone in the outside world, they are considered proficient in doing business on their own, but the family affairs still mainly depends on a few brothers, especially the elder brother.

  Thursday Lang Neng went out for half a year and didn’t worry about his home at all. Isn’t it because he has his eldest brother and sister-in-law at home, can he have no worries?

  If the family is separated, his wife will take a few children at home, it is not safe to sleep outside.

  So the three of them turned their heads to look at Zhou Dalang and asked him, "Big brother, what do you think?"

   Zhou Dalang: "...I listen to my father."

  Lao Zhoutou quickly answered, "Then it doesn’t matter!"

   After finishing speaking, he looked at the old wife, his voice was lower, and asked: "What do you think?"

  Qian also relieved his heart and said with a smile: "Since you don't want to divide, then don't divide it."

  She looked at Zhou Lijun.

  Grandma and Zhou Lijun discussed this with Mingxue early. She also discussed this with Xiang Mingxue for a long time. She had already come up with the articles of association and nodded: "I agree to put all the family's business under my name."

  Everyone exhaled.

  Zhou Lijun said: "I have discussed with my grandma, since I want to put it under my name, then put it clean."

  She turned her head and glanced at Xiang Mingxue, and said, "Ming Xue said that these things can be remembered in your name, but business is not."

  Commercial fields are considered as fixed production, as long as they are not operated by themselves, they are not counted.

  So after everyone discussed, they decided to put all the shops under the name of Lao Zhou. He is the head of the household, so there is no problem in putting it under his name.

  I used the money from the public when I bought it, but the investment in the business was different. It was divided up at that time. Now this part has not changed. It should be as much as everyone’s.

  Just need to add something.

For example, transfer all the shops under the name of Lao Zhou's head, and then Zhou Lijun signs a lease contract with Lao Zhou's head, and then gets it into the file in Yamen. This business is hers in name, but privately, they will sign another at home. If you make a good contract, you just need to divide your share.

The restaurants in Beijing and the shops in Yongzhou are all recorded under her name. She only bears the name of the restaurant. Because it is in charge of Wuri Lang and Zhou Lang, she has to sign an employment contract with them, and they will withdraw from the restaurant every month. Wages...

The business of shops and facial creams in Yongzhou has always been in charge of Zhou Lijun, and it is not changed now, but Zhou Lijun is not doing nothing for nothing. Every year, she can get more than half of the business from the shop. This is also the case before. It hasn't changed much.

  As for the businesses that Thu Lang and Tue Lang are doing now, they are all recorded in her name. She has signed employment contracts with them, and the caravan belongs to her.

   Regardless of family, these are just a different form of existence. There are not many things that need to be changed. Xiang Mingxue can do it by taking Zhou Lijun and Thu Lang twice to the yamen.

But this is tomorrow. When the old Zhou sees his sons, he is still happy. When he is happy, he is rare to be generous. "Lijun can't take care of these things for you in vain, and take out a sum of money from the public every year. Come to her."

  But how much do you give?

  Old Zhou struggled for a while, then looked at his old wife, hesitated and said, "Ten hangs for you?"



  Thursday Lang felt that his father was too stingy, and said: "Father, give me at least two pennies a month, right?"

  Old Zhoutou: "How much was that year?"

   "Twenty-four hangs."

  Lao Zhou's head is painful.

Zhou Lijun wanted to say no. After all, her business has always been tied to her family's side. She just has to bear a few more names, and at most go to the yamen a few times a year, but seeing that grandpa feels so distressed, she No objection immediately.

  Lao Zhou moved his head and saw that no one objected, he could only nod his head and said, "Okay, that's so much."

Xiang Mingxue couldn't help but flashed a smile in his eyes, and when he returned to his home with Zhou Lijun, he asked, "This is not a lot of money, and you don't have to ask for it. Why not refuse?"

  Zhou Lijun said: "Take it, take it, and use the money to buy something for Grandpa and he will be happy."

  Xiang Mingxue smiled and shook his head, "You, you just like to tease grandfather."

   Zhou Lijun and Xiang Mingxue bought a yard outside and moved out soon after Zhou Man was released. It was not far away, just over the Changqing Lane, not far from the yard of Bai Dalang and Baishan.

  The disadvantage of living by herself is that there are fewer people in the family and there are more things she needs to worry about. Now she goes out every day, either with her own children, or with Xiang Mingxue, or she is sent back to Zhou's house for her aunts to take with her.

  The advantage is that she is more at ease. Inside the wall is her own territory. She does what she wants. Even if she eats in the room at night, no one talks about it.

  Xiang Mingxue took her hand and walked back, smiling: "Tomorrow, I will go to the county office with you, but Luojiang County..."

   "Take my dad. I will sign the paperwork by then. If you ask him to take a steward back, they will know what to do."

Xiang Mingxue thought the same way. He thought about it and said, "Your family should also buy a few people. You can still take care of you in this generation. What about the next generation? A loyal servant needs to be raised from an early age. So, not to mention aristocratic families, even ordinary wealthy families will raise loyal servants for backup."

  "In addition to subordinates, you can also use relatives. Does your family have any useful relatives?"

  Of course there are. There are so many people in Qili Village, but they have to be chosen carefully. This is a mutual achievement, and it will be bad if there is resentment.

   Zhou Lixin and Zhou Liru just came to listen and went home after listening. Zhou Lixin was living in Zhou's house at this time.

  Guan Yong applied for an official position in the capital after taking the test of Zhongming Jing, Zhou Lixue and Zhou Ligu's rankings were compared, so they filled the official position of expatriate.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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