Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3012: You're going to be a father

  Chapter 3012 You are going to be a father

When Bai Shan ran to the medical office, Zhou Man was sitting and eating snacks. After drinking the sour plum soup, she suddenly felt hungry. She was still very hungry and hungry. The kitchen was too late to make something for her, so she took the snack. Nibble.

  But this didn’t seem to make her feel full, so when she saw Bai Shan, she immediately stuffed the remaining half of the snack into her mouth and got up directly, “Let’s go home for dinner.”

  Bai Shan subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the big sun on the horizon. Isn’t it a bit too early to eat dinner?

  Wen Tiandong hurriedly said: "Sir, you can go back, I will look at the medical department."

  Bai Shan looked up and down Zhou Man and felt that she looked good, so he was a little puzzled, but he stepped forward to support her, "Are you unwell?"

   "Ah," Zhou Man dragged him out, "I will tell you when I go back."

  Bai Shan followed her home confused.

  As soon as he got home, Zhou Man exhaled, and busy and Wu Yue said: "I'm hungry, go to the kitchen to see what I can eat."

   Entering the room, Bai Shan felt that her mood was a little wrong, so he stared at her, "What's the matter?"

   Zhou Man sat on the couch, touched his neck, looked at Bai Shan uninterestingly, and said, "Uh, that's right, you are going to be a father."

  Bai Shan widened his eyes:! ! !

   Zhou Man waited for his response.

  Bai Shan's gaze slowly fell on her stomach, swallowed, and slowly walked to her and sat down next to her, still keeping his gaze on her.

   Zhou Man then turned his head to look at him. Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, he stretched out his hand and waved in front of his eyes, "No reaction?"

  Bai Shan reached out and grabbed her, put it on her knees and whispered softly: "I know, you treat me slowly."

Zhou Man sat and waited for him to relax. He felt that he was too hot next to him, so he wanted to take his hand back and sit aside, but Bai Shan grasped her hand tightly, "Don't move, I have to take a little longer. "

  Full week:...

Bai Shan took the time of a stick of incense to accept that he wanted to be a father. In this stick of incense, he not only thought about what to do and what would happen in the next year, but also thought about the child’s growth and study after birth. When it comes to adulthood.

   Then he couldn't think of a place farther away.

  Bai Shan reached out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, turned his head and asked Zhou Man, “Are you feeling uncomfortable now?”

   Zhou Man shook his head, “I had heat stroke just now, but it’s healed now.”

  Bai Shan frowned slightly, "It's too hot. You are in the house again when you give someone the medicine and the needle is hotter than the wind blowing outside..."

  Because many patients in the Medical Department are women, they will definitely not accept Wen Tiandong's needles, so Bai Shan weighed it up and said: "I will send you some ice back."

   Zhou Man, "Where did you get the ice?"

  Beihai County is not a capital city. There are no ice cellars and no merchants selling ice in the entire county.

  Bai Shan said: "I let people buy it from Qingzhou City."

  He squeezed Zhou Man’s hand and asked, “What else do you want to eat, I will ask someone to buy it for you?”

   Zhou Man originally wanted to say a lot of things, but suddenly he didn’t want to eat it anymore, "I want to eat noodles and porridge."

  It’s a very simple recipe. You don’t have to go to Qingzhou City. Now Bai Shan can ask the kitchen to make it for her.

  The kitchen quickly sent a bowl of noodles. Because of the hot weather, Zhou Man didn’t like the greasy ones, so Sister He put some chopped green onions, beaten an egg and two greens.

   Zhouman was eating with gusto, and Bai Shan sat opposite with her chin and watched her eat.

  She looked up at him, pushed the bowl towards him, and Bai Shan reached out and pushed it back, "You eat, I'm not hungry yet."

   Zhou Man ate all by himself without hesitation.

  Bai Shan held his chin and watched her eat, watching with gusto.

   Zhou Man wiped his mouth and asked: “How long will it take you to see before returning to normal?”

  Bai Shan asked her, "Are you ready to be a mother now?"

   Zhou Man shook his head, staring at him in a daze.

Although Bai Shan’s medicine expired long ago, he didn’t take any more medicine, and Zhou Man didn’t mention it anymore. The two of them just let the flow go, but let it go. When they are really pregnant with the baby, they still Somewhat dumbfounded.

   Zhou Man reached out his hand and touched his unresponsive belly, muttering, "Weird."

  Bai Shan also felt weird, but he felt that he accepted it well. He said: “We are all ignorant. We have to write to home and ask grandmother to send us two people.”

   Zhou Man blinked, "I am a doctor, I should be sensible."

  Bai Shan shook his head, "You still have to manage the medical department, how can you have that mental effort? The family still has to be taken care of."

  He knew that it was impossible for Zhou Man to give up the medical department, and now it is also a critical time for the development of the medical department. People's mental strength is limited.

  Bai Shan decided directly, “I’ll write to my grandmother at night.”

   "Okay." Zhou Man didn't insist on it. It would be nice to have an adult by his side.

The two continued to stare in a daze. Wu Yue didn’t know what was going on. Seeing that there was no movement in the room for a long time, they took a probe and saw that the host and the lady were smirking at an empty bowl, and then they retracted their heads and pulled the cakes. He went to one side and said, "What's the matter with the lord and the lady?"

The cakes are accepted much faster than them. After all, it’s not that she was pregnant. The bystanders knew very well, but she also kept in mind what Mr. Wen said, the days are still shallow and can’t be known to too many people, so she looked around and lowered it. The voice said: "I tell you, don't tell others."

  May: "...Okay, what's the matter first."

  The cake whispered in her ear: "The lady is pregnant."

  May stepped back and looked at her silently.

  The cake looked back at her confused, "What I said is true, this is the lady who made it out by herself, but I am not talking nonsense."

  In May, she nodded her forehead and said, "Are you stupid? You can't talk about this kind of thing, but we are people who take care of the lady. Can you keep such things from us?"

   Wuyue turned around and went into the house to clean up the dishes, and then said to the two masters who were still looking at each other smirkingly: "Miss, the kitchen has hot water. Would you like to take a shower and change clothes now?"

   Zhou Man was sweating a while ago, and he was indeed uncomfortable, so he nodded.

  Someone interrupted, and Bai Shan returned to his senses. After thinking about it, he said to Wuyue: "Let the kitchen do some light meals at night."

  Maye smiled and responded, "Yes."

  So in the kitchen, as well as Jiulan, they also knew that Zhou Man was pregnant. Everyone was beaming, but no one dared to say it.

  The days are still shallow, and everyone can't talk about it, so the joy is temporarily suppressed in my heart.

  Bai Shan seriously wrote a letter to the family and handed it to Da Ji, "Let Liu Gui send someone back."

   Replied, after hesitating for a while, he asked, "Lord, am I following you or the lady in the future?"

   "You follow Man Bao," Bai Shan said: "I will pick two more guards to take with me. You will follow Man Bao in the future."

  He is still the most assured.

  Good luck, turned around and went out to deliver the letter.

    Continue to owe one chapter

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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