Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3019: Run one

  Chapter 3019 Run to live one

  The old man dragged a bamboo basket to walk in the field, bending over from time to time to pick up a rice ear. Even if he walked for ten steps, he would be able to bend once, but there were not many ears of rice he could pick up.

  Whose family doesn’t check it roughly when it collects the rice?

  So there are not many ears of rice left in a piece of land for scavengers.

Bend down, straighten up, bend down, and straighten up again. He probably feels tired too, so he just keeps arching his back so that the ups and downs of bending and straightening will not be great. It feels less uncomfortable and can save some. strength.

  He finished picking up a piece of land and went to another field. Someone was harvesting nearby, so he walked over, talked to people, and chatted by the way.

   "Old Uncle Yuan, how many did you pick up today?"

   "Not much," Old Man Yuan found a place to sit down on the ridge, let people look at the rice ears in his bamboo basket, and sighed: "Life is not easy, everyone is harvesting very clean."

  The host who was harvesting was cutting the rice, while loudly saying, "Didn’t they go to Master Fang’s house to harvest the rice?"

  Old man Yuan said sullenly: "I went, but there are so many people going there this year, so I earn twelve papers a day."

   "That's a little bit young."

  "Fortunately, after three meals, the family can save a lot of food."

  Old man Yuan was even more unhappy, "Master Fang invited a lot of people at home this year, and it will be done in a few days."

  Someone comforted him, “I have to grow wheat after harvesting the rice. You can always find work to do.”

The sun was getting brighter, and the owner of the harvest also decided to take a rest. The people in the nearby plots also stopped moving, threw down their sickles, took water and dry food, and leaned in, talking gossip and eating while taking a rest. .

  "Fortunately, the harvest this year is good, but where Master Fang invited so many people, I think many of them are not near us."

   "Oh, you don’t know yet. Before the yamen ransacked their homes, those people have no land, and the subordinates have nowhere to go. Why don’t you have to find a part-time job?"

   "The subordinate was copied, isn't it still the subordinate?"

   "I heard that the newly arrived county grandfather released a lot of servants. They didn't sell it anymore, but put them as good people. Each person was also allocated two or three acres of land."

  "We don’t have enough land, so how can we give it to the subordinates?" Someone took Old Man Yuan as an example, "Isn’t there a shortage of land in Yuan’s house?"

  Old man Yuan quickly shook his hand and said: "My house is divided into land, alas, but the family is not up to date, because the doctor has sold a lot of land, so I can't make ends meet."

   "So I still can't get sick."

  "I heard people say that there is a medical department built in Beihai County, and there is no money for seeing a doctor."

  "Yes, yes, I have heard, and I also heard people say that the state city and our county will be built in the future. The next households don’t need money to see a doctor and get medicine, and the middle households don’t need money to see a doctor."

"real or fake?"

   "Of course it is true, this is still said by Zhao Laosan, who works in the resident's house."

   "Beihai County, is that far? Why is the medical department built there? It is built in the state city, we can go anyway, where is Beihai County?"

   "The state city is going to pass? I heard that it is not far from the state city. The order of the medical department is the wife of the county magistrate of Beihai County. That must belong to my husband."

  "I heard people say that Beihai County is very different now. There are more land and fewer people, and there are more capable jobs. In the past, it was only 20 liters a day, and you could find work anywhere."

  Old man Yuan couldn't help but pay attention, "Really?"

   "Of course it is true," said the humane: "This news came from Lizheng's house, so can it be false? And if it is settled over there, it can be allocated to the ground."

  The old man swallowed, and asked, "Can the past that has been divided also be distributed?"

   "Sure, as long as you don’t have a land, you can transfer your household registration."

  Old man Yuan thought about it.

"Oh, Old Uncle Yuan, you can ask your third and fourth sons to try it, can they sell the land under their two names? Just go over and take a look. If you can divide the land, then your family will make a lot of money. Are you afraid that you won’t be able to support yourself in the future?"

   "It's so easy to say, but it's not easy to do it. If you go to Beihai County, can you see each other at home in the future? Do you know where is Beihai County?"

  Most people here really don’t know that they have been to Zhoucheng as far as they are, and most people have been to the county seat, Beihai County, and they have only heard of it.

  Uncle Yuan dragged the bamboo basket home after sunset. He went out at sunrise. After a busy day, the rice ears in the bamboo basket only filled one third.

  He put the bamboo basket under the eaves, the eldest daughter-in-law came to take a look, did not say anything, took the rice ears out to dry in the yard, turned around and went into the kitchen to continue busy.

  Old man Yuan asked: "Where are the third and fourth?"

  The people in the kitchen responded, "I don’t know, I came back long ago, and I don’t know where I went."

Old man Yuan frowned and was about to talk. The two sons came back from the outside happily. Both of them were wet, with two wet clothes in their hands. He knew at a glance that they were taking a bath in the river. By the way Wash the clothes too.

  Old man Yuan glanced at the clothes hanging in the yard, only to find that there were no clothes on them. Obviously, the old man and the second family didn’t wash them.

  Old man Yuan sighed, made up his mind, and said after his two sons had finished drying their clothes, "You come with me, I have something to tell you."

  The people in the kitchen probably heard that the noise of chopping vegetables was a little bit louder.

  Yuan Sanlang and Yuan Shilang didn't care, and followed his father out to talk.

  It’s just that they couldn’t help being surprised, "Go to Beihai County?"

"Yes," said Old Man Yuan: "The tree is moved to die, and the people are moved to live. Our family can't move now. In March and April of this year, the food at home will not be available. This year, we will have to pay the taxes after paying the taxes. Before borrowing food from your uncle and your uncle’s family, there is less left. If this continues, it will be harder year after year..."

Yuan Sanlang and Yuan Silang looked very ugly, and interrupted him: "Father, the land that sold me and the fourth child was used to treat my mother's illness. The eldest brother and the second brother also had to take out a share, and they couldn’t sell us. Drive us out of the land."

"Not to drive out," Old Man Yuan looked at them with sad eyes and said helplessly: "You two go, I will definitely give you food and money, the things at home will be divided, your eldest brother and second elder brother take advantage of the other Things will divide you more."

"I don't agree!" Yuan Shilang screamed, "It's the separation of the family. If there are more brothers in the field, we can't have it? We said it was good, but the eldest brother and the second brother's. We also have a share."

"You can't live," Old Man Yuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pat them, sadly and angry: "If the remaining fields are divided, it is better not to divide the family, just the two acres of land, you can support yourself, Can I marry a wife, can I still serve?"

"I'm asking you to go to Beihai County. It's not that you will be separated right away," he said in a calm tone. It’s yours or yours if you do part-time job, or come home during the Chinese New Year."

   See you at seven in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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