Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3022: Grab work

  Chapter 3022 Grab work

"The county office is covered." Zhao Ming handed them the three written signs. "Did you see it? This is your identity sign. Knowing that you are only here to find work, our county magistrate will not give you it for the time being. It is also because the autumn harvest is about to end. The next step is to pay taxes to avoid confusion in the register."

  The three of them were relieved when they heard the words. It's okay not to enter the house. They are also very afraid of entering the house now.

"This sign is equivalent to your household registration and road guide. It has your name, age and appearance. It is only used in Beihai County. You take it." Zhao Ming said, "Okay, take the sign and go to the next room and wait. Go ahead, someone will lead you down for a while."

  The three of them exited the room with a sign. They only waited for a while before an officer came to lead them down, but they turned around in the alley until they reached a place full of medicinal fragrance.

  The door is very wide, and there are high thresholds. As soon as you step in, the people in line just turn their heads and glance at them and then withdraw their gazes.

  Wen Tiandong, who had read the patient on his hand, saw it and waved to the three of them, "Come on."

  The officer urged them, "Hurry up."

  The three of them didn't know what this was doing, but they still stepped forward obediently.

  Wen Tiandong touched their pulses, checked their bodies, and said, “I’ve been hungry for too long. I don’t need to take medicine. It’s good to raise them with food. You can eat more porridge and noodles.”

What    said, it seemed like how easy it was to eat. They begged all the way to ensure that every meal would be pretty good.

  The officer took his diagnosis and stuffed it into his arms, and then smiled at Wen Tiandong to please, "Master Wen, you see that they are dirty, do you want to give them a piece of medicated soap?"

  He said, “I’ve seen it carefully just now, there are a lot of lice in the hair.”

  Wen Tiandong: "...Didn't your county government just take a batch of it?"

   Speaking of the medicated soap, Zhou Man asked Wu Yue to make it. At first, because many people who came to seek medical treatment had lice and rashes on their bodies, she asked them to make medicated soap.

   Later, the county government registered the beggars and refugees within the county seat. Those who were able to work were hired to work directly, and those who could not work were sent to Yushantang.

  Beihai County also has Yushantang, but the county government is poor. Even if the magistrate of Lu is present, he can only guarantee that he will not be in arrears with money and food, and expansion is impossible.

However, after Baishan inspected, he directly ordered the empty space on the left and right of Yushantang to build a house, and then repaired the previous house. The children begging in the county town, regardless of gender, were sent to Yushantang, Zhouman To raise their bodies, he asked people to teach them something.

  Some of those children haven't had a bath or hair for two or three years. After Zhou Man went to see it, they had their hair shaved, changed into new clothes and shoes, and soaped them for a while.

  So recently, the medical department received a lot of orders from the county government. For this reason, Zhou Man also recruited young women to work in the medical department in the county town.

The rich family was also among them. She carried a bag of saponins and went to the backyard. Wen Tiandong frowned when she saw the saponins, and hurriedly stepped forward to take the saponins. Next, because he was unexpectedly heavy, he went down. Squeezed, almost flashed his waist.

   "...Ma, don't do this kind of heavy work alone, Hu Dalang, let him and Sun Auntie help together."

  Hu Dalang is the teenager who brought her paralyzed mother to seek medical treatment, and Sun Auntie is the young girl who stayed here to take care of her pulmonary tuberculosis father. Both of them are now helping in the medical office, and they are paid every day.

  Ma Dahua smiled and said: "This is not heavy, I can do it myself, and the two of them have their own work to do."

  Wen Tiandong: "...Don't hesitate to persuade you. Now you are young and feel that you have the strength to make use of it, but when you get older, you will know how wrong you are now if you have a problem with your back."

  Ma Hua’s mouth should go up and down, but it doesn’t matter how much it listens to.

When the young man on the side heard it, he immediately stepped forward and picked up the bag of saponins, lifted his foot and sent it to the backyard.

  Ma Dahua saw it, and hurriedly followed, "Here, here, here, send it here, oh, why did you carry it by yourself..."

  The young man put the saponins in the backyard, and then quickly ran to the front to find Wen Tiandong, and said to him: "Look, my lord, although I am thin, I am very strong."

  He looked at Wen Tiandong eagerly, “I don’t eat much, and I can pay less...”

  So you want to accept me?

  The other two young people heard it, and looked at Wen Tiandong eagerly.

  Wen Tiandong:...

  Ma Dahua, who has to go out and then lift things, heard it, and immediately looked at him angrily, and said busy and Wen Tiandong: "Master Wen, I can do whatever he can, and I am not weak."

  Speaking of here, she still has some grievances, "I could carry it directly to the backyard, but you stopped and put the saponins down."

  Wen Tiandong:...

   Seeing this, the guard on the side hurriedly stopped the three of them and said, "What nonsense, the place where you work is not in the medical department."

  He didn’t wait to get the medicated soap, and urged them: "Hurry up, we are going out of the city."

Wen Tiandong stopped them and went to get three medicated soaps. After recording the record, he said: "The hair should be washed clean and the changed clothes should not be used. If you are sick in the future, you can bring the sign to the medical office for treatment. You can see the doctor. No money for medicine."

Since    is a long-term worker recruited by the county government, it is counted in the county government's account.

  The officer took the three of them away and went straight out of the city. On the way, he reprimanded: "I thought anyone could enter the medical department. Those of us who have local household registration and it is still difficult to enter..."

  The young man was stunned, and asked: "Is that place just now the medical department where you can see a doctor for free?"

"Yes, but you are not registered in the county, otherwise you can see a doctor here if you have a registered permanent residence in Qingzhou. "

  The guards pulled them out of the city. It was a very wide area, with many houses built on the field, and many people were walking around.

  The officer directly led them to the first wooden house, and said to the clerk sitting in it: "The newcomers are refugees and do not have household registration. They will be given clothes and footwear. You can look at the arrangement."

  The clerk took their ID cards and took a look, and found that they didn’t have any specialties, so he swiped his pen and said, "Then go farming."

  The clerk gave them a suit of clothes and socks, and called a humane: "These three are under your control. Take them down to freshen up, and they will go to the ground tomorrow."

  The man led the three of them down, "What is your name?"

The young man headed by    said: "I don't have a name, my surname is Zhu, the third child in my family."

  (End of this chapter)

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