Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3024: trust

  Chapter 3024 Trust

  The county magistrate Lu, who had faintly sensed that the situation was not right, after knowing that someone had even left the rice harvesting in the autumn and went to work in Beihai County, he secretly scolded Bai Shan for "treacherous", but he could not stop him.

  Thinking about it, after all, let it go with one eye closed.

   But in order to prevent Bai Shan from stealing too many people from him, he also asked the Yamen to investigate the refugees who passed by and "guide them to Beihai County."

  He currently has no ability to relocate these refugees. It is better to give Bai Shan, he has enough people, should he not **** ready-made people from him anymore?

However, the county magistrate of   Road did not expect that a small Beihai county would absorb these migrants just like Whale Tun.

  They will be the first to settle in the official land outside the city. It was the official land of the county magistrates in the past and the current land of Bai Shan.

  Perhaps it is to reduce disputes, or to give preferential treatment to the parents of a county. Except for the county magistrate’s office, there are large areas of wasteland and open land.

  The former county magistrate of Lu couldn’t bear to leave these lands unused, so he made people diversify some wastelands. Even if he was promoted and left later, this official land was cultivated.

   After Bai Shan came, he made him cheaper.

  Unfortunately, the tenants seem to be not very careful, and the output is not very high.

Bai Shan can also understand that it is really not a happy thing to be a tenant for the government, so after he harvested the wheat recovered in summer and the rice harvested in autumn, he left enough for the three of them to eat, and the rest was turned and sold to the county government. .

  The price is fair, neither taking advantage of the county government, nor allowing the county government to take advantage of its own.

   was about to take the opportunity to bribe Bai Shan’s Song Book:...

  This is the money delivered to the door.

  Now that there are people everywhere near the land, Bai Shan asked them to build a lot of thatched huts on the open land for people to live in, and then asked them to reclaim the wasteland near his field for official land.

As for his job field, it is now divided into pieces, either to plant winter wheat, or to dig a pond to raise fish, or to grow mulberry and hemp, and some better fields have been opened and sprinkled with vegetables. Grow vegetables.

  Public use of such public equipment, the county government has no objection to it for the time being.

  But the long-term workers who are recruited will be screened out and assigned to the official fields of each village after a period of time.

  Zhu Saburo and they received their wages on the evening of the third day, a full forty essays.

The three of them are still very thin, but their spirits are very different from before. Because they were refugees before they came in, they also had a note from the Medical Department, so although they were in the ranks of farming, they were assigned relatively light jobs. .

  In the words of the people who brought them, "First raise your body, and then you can use it later, otherwise you will damage your body when you come up. Who will work for the county government in the future?"

  He said: "I didn't say this, but it came from the county government, saying that it was the county grandfather."

  Because Bai Shan came to check and inquire from time to time, the workers did not dare to talk to each other, and even the servants did not dare to be too aggressive towards them, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the county magistrate.

Although the county magistrate Bai’s methods are also powerful, judging from the things he did, everyone knows that he loves the people, especially the people he controls, so he has a hostile heart. The government officials dare not do anything.

  Not to mention Dong Xianwei’s repeated orders and five applications, no one dared to disobey.

  Zhu Saburo received forty wen's wages, immediately took it in his arms, and ran to the clerk who was in charge of them to ask for leave.

"Into the city?" The clerk looked up at him, then looked at the two young people behind him, and squeezed out a smile: "Are you going to the city to buy something? What do you want to buy? We have it here. We have everything you need for clothes and socks. Don't dislike it. They don’t have fine stitches, but they’re cheap. Go to the county town to find out, which store only sells 20 items of ready-made clothes? The fabrics are all good fabrics. If the thread breaks in the future, you can buy the thread and sew it. NS."

  Zhu Saburo: ...Whoever buys clothes is not one that can be worn for three to five years. Who will buy clothes for the collapse of the thread?

  He finally knows why the county's clothes are so cheap.

  He hurriedly said: “I’m not shopping, I’m going out to see my relatives. They came to Beihai County with me. I don’t know what to do now, so I want to check it out.”

  He hesitated for a while and still asked: "I want them to also work in the county government, but some of them bring children. I don't know if adults want them."

  The clerk immediately said: "The child has no wages."

  Zhu Saburo: "...that's not what it means to be small. Children naturally don't need to be paid. If the adults work, can the children follow? Don't worry, they don't eat things from the county government. We save rations for them."

  Clerk: "Don’t you still eat from the county government? You are all refugees, right? The county government has ready-made regulations. You can bring people with you. You can bring your children."

He turned his head to look at the hourglass and said, "It's not early, the county government should be in the government at this time, but Zhao officials will usually go to the government later than others. If you go early, you might still be able to live in today. ."

As soon as Zhu Sanlang heard this, he took the note and rushed into the city with his two friends, and found two people in the alley not far from the city gate. "Other people, quickly call them back. Let's go to the county office together. Sign up."

  The two people looked at Zhu Saburo, who was in a big change, and were shocked, "This is new clothes? And new shoes, Saburo, are you well-developed?"

  Zhu Saburo patted off their dirty hands, "Don't touch them, you will have them too, hurry up and call everyone back."

  The two of them reacted and asked quickly: "Is it reliable to go to the county government?"

"Reliable," Zhu Saburo took out the copper coins that hadn't been hot in his arms and dazzled them in front of them, then cherished them and put them away. We have all three of us for wages."

The two of them were envious, and then immediately went out to find people. They didn't look for people one by one. They went straight down the street and ran all the way in their hometown dialect and shouted, "Come back, Saburo is back, come back soon—— "

  Several people who were squatting in the back alley pulling the swill of the restaurant heard it, and immediately stuffed the small half of the steamed bun that had just turned out into their mouths, turned around and ran out...

  The children on the street who were stretching their hands and speaking auspicious words to people passing by also heard them. They twisted their heads to look at their relatives, and they immediately stepped forward, picked up the children and ran to the city gate.

  Two quarters later, a group of dirty, panting people blocked Zhao Ming who was going to go home at the gate of the county government.

  Zhao Ming:...

  He looked at the sun in the sky that had fallen to the west, and then at the group of people who were looking at him eagerly. After all, he turned and led them into the county office.

  With the children, there are 18 people in total, which is quite a lot.

  Because of the large number of people and the refugees, Zhao Ming personally took them out after registering them, but instead of going to the medical office, he went to the side door of the backyard of the county government and knocked on the door.

  After a while, Bai Shanbian and Zhou Man, dressed in homely clothes, came out together to take a look.

  (End of this chapter)

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