Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3072: The basis of freedom

   Chapter 3072 The Foundation of Freedom

   Aunt Sun stood under the eaves, and after they had finished speaking, she raised her voice: "If you have work to run outside, you can also call me."

  Hu Dalang turned his head to look over, and met her pretty smiling face, his face flushed, and he saluted: "Thank you, lady."

Aunt Sun raised her chin slightly and said, "You don't have to thank you."

  Hu Dazhu did not leave. He spent money to find a small inn in the county town to live in, sleep in Datongpu with others, and only used ten cents a night.

  It doesn’t sound like much, but including food, you need eighteen articles a day to be the most frugal, not to mention that Hu Dazhu is not someone who has money in his hands and can feel wronged.

So he spends a lot of money for a day. He hides in the alley not far from the medical office and waits. He hasn't seen his second daughter and youngest son go out for three days, but Hu Dalang goes out to run errands from time to time, or give some medicine shops. Get medicines with others, or go out to carry medicinal materials and run errands to buy some things.

  Hu Dazhu waited for three days and didn't wait for the person he wanted to wait. Thinking of the less money every day, he couldn't help but stop his stubborn elder son again.

  Hu Dalang had already prepared, and said to him: "Wait for me to send the thing back to the medical office, I will come out to find you in a while."

  Hu Dazhu said: "Call out your brothers and sisters. I haven't seen them for a long time."

  Hu Dalang did not respond, nor did he call anyone out.

  Hu Dazhu was waiting in the alley, and when he saw him coming by himself, he couldn't help frowning, "Where are your brothers and sisters?"

  Hu Dalang: "They are doing work. If Dad has anything to say to me, I will tell them."

  Hu Dazhu was a little irritable, but the last time there was no result. He vaguely knew that the same result would happen again this time. He endured it and asked: "You don't have any money to work in the medical department?"

Hu Dalang lowered his eyes and said, "Yes, but not much. Moreover, my mother and us need money to eat, and to buy vegetables. When we came out, we didn’t bring many things, such as quilts, clothes, shoes and socks. We needed to buy them on credit. A lot of money from the medical department, dad, will you help us pay this money back?"

  Hu Dazhu was upset. The reason why he refused to leave was that he wanted to ask for some money from Hu Dalang to go back. The New Year is about to come, so the family can’t have no money for the New Year...

  Hu Dazhu asked carefully, confirming that Hu Dalang is really out of money, and annoyed: "Since your mother can go to the ground, what else is she doing here? You go in and let her clean up, and go home today."

   "My mother's disease is still not healed, Lord Zhou said that it will be treated for a while."

"Zhizhizhi, the homeland is no longer planting?" He scolded, "Anyway, your mother can't go down to work after healed. What's the difference between good and bad? It's all lying down. Why not go home and lie down? save money……"

Hu Dalang allowed him to curse, but didn’t move. When he got tired of cursing, he said, “Father, it’s okay if you don’t have money to send us something to eat, so we don’t have to buy food, and the money we save can be returned to the doctor as soon as possible. Department."

Hu Dazhu was so angry that he turned to leave, thinking of something and then said: "Calling your brother and sister out, can it not be expensive for so many people to stay in the city? Since your mother can go to the ground, leave one person in the city. That's enough, you..."

He wanted to say you go home with me, but thinking of his temper, he choked and changed his words: "You can take your brother here and stay here. You can also work to pay back the medical department's money and let you My sister goes home with me."

  Hu Dalang said: "My sister can also work and make money here."

   "Can you earn more money?" Hu Dazhu cried: "Let you call her out and then call her out. There are so many land in the house, so I can't plant it anymore? Does the whole family drink northwestern wind?"

  Hu Dalang: "There is no work in the field now."

   "Who said there is no work? Don't you need people to fatten up? Don't you need people for loose soil? We have to wait until the beginning of spring. Only a few of us can work at home. Can we finish it?"

  Hu Dalang raised his eyelids and looked at him, "Father, do you want the little girl to go back and wash your clothes and cook for you?"

   "She is my daughter. Isn't it just natural to wash and cook for me?"

  Hu Dalang was a little irritable and didn't want to continue talking with him, so he asked directly: "Father, are you giving us food? The little girl is doing laundry here to make money, and she has to take care of her mother, so there is no time to go back."

  Seeing that Hu Dazhu was about to get angry, he said: "If you don't give it, don't come to us anymore. We won't go back. We will talk about it when my mother gets better."

  This period of time has always been Hu Dalang alone. He has seen the vastness of the outside world. He used to have to work hard to face his father's anger. He no longer regards Hu Dazhu in his eyes.

  Especially when he finds that he can find a way to survive outside and does not need to rely on his father, he knows that the world is vast and he can go to any place.

  Master Zhou is right. As long as you have the ability to survive, where the sky is big and the earth is big, where can you not go? It should be responsibility and love that bind them, not that they can only live here and depend on someone.

  Hu Dalang's eyes were firm, he glanced at his father, turned around and left.

  Hu Dazhu didn’t expect that he would leave as soon as he said. He was so angry that he stretched out his hand to grab him, and a violent shout rang out from the alley, "What do you want to do?"

  Hu Dazhu paused, turned his head to look, and saw two yamen approaching angrily, staring at him and saying: "Why are you again, dare to do it in front of the medical department?"

  "Guard, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just pull my son to talk."

   "If you want to talk, just say it, what does it look like?" Ya Ya turned around and asked Hu Dalang, "Do you still want to talk to him?"

  Hu Dalang shook his head.

  Yang Jie waved his hand and said, "Then you go."

  Hu Dalang turned around and left.

  Hu Dazhu glared, and couldn’t help but said to the Ya Ya: “I’m his father, can’t it be impossible for him to talk to his son?”

"Okay, but isn't it because your family still owes money to the medical department? The adults said, let us watch you closely. What if you don't pay the money and run away with the patient?" The servant said: "If you want to talk to your son and take your son home, it's easy, just pay back the money owed to the medical department."

   Seeing Hu Dazhu's face, the Ya Ya snorted, "Otherwise, let your son stay and work and pay back the money."

  Yaye just warned him and left and continued patrolling along the street.

  Hu Dazhu stood in front of the medical office for a long time, but finally turned around and left unwillingly. He could not stay in the city anymore. The more he stays, the more money he will spend.

  Hu Dalang strode to the backyard, faster and faster, and finally ran to the backyard.

  Little sister Hu was sitting on a stool with her feet sliding the medicine to grind the medicine, he rushed to her, and said to her with a serious face: "Little sister, you have to learn your skills!"

  Little sister Hu looked up confused, "Huh?"

Hu Dalang looked at him earnestly and said: "You have to learn skills, weaving and embroidery are fine. If you can learn some medical skills from Master Zhou, it would be better. After you learn the skills, you will be able to support yourself in the future, and you can go wherever you want. where."

   See you at seven in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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