Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3084: Fox

  Chapter 3084 Fox

   Zhou Man returned home with his waist, and Bai Shan also returned from the county office. Seeing her smile, he asked, "Are there any good things?"

   Zhou Man took the smile on his face and said, "No." Everyone is hurt, what's the good thing?

  Bai Shan stared at her.

   Zhou Man was suffocated, but after washing and leaning on the bed, she still did not hold back and said to him: "Today several people asked if they could send pregnant women to the medical department for delivery. I agreed to them all."

  Bai Shan: "How many people are there?"

   Weekend: "Two people?"

  Bai Shan held back a smile and asked, "Do you want to deliver a baby?"

Zhou Man touched his stomach and said, "Because there is no contraceptive drug, women are very easy to get pregnant, but the survival rate of the child is very low. Although our medical department has preached several times, people who come to the lecture can listen to it. Few people got in. There is a long way to go in this matter. If they want them to listen to it and understand it, we have to at least show some skills."

  "Moreover, starting directly from delivery can also minimize the child’s mortality rate. Although many people become parents or even grandparents, they do not raise children."

  Bai Shan, who has read a lot of parenting books recently, blinked, "Those books you showed me..."

   Zhou Man glanced at him and said, "It's not in the bookstore."

  Bai Shan thought thoughtfully, “I see it, it will still be a bit abrupt to others, but after rephrasing and revising, it can be sold in the bookstore.”

   Zhou Man asked him, "You can write, I have been too busy lately, and I have to edit medical books. I really don’t have time."

  Bai Shan is also busy, but he still nodded, "I will summarize some applicable, and then hand it over to the princess' bookstore for engraving."

  But how many people are literate in this world?

  Most ordinary people in the world are illiterate, and the way they obtain information is more from the elders, Lizheng and the county government.

  Bai Shan weighed it up and said: "This seems to be the scope of your medical department's responsibilities."

   Zhouman: "Oh, population growth is also the responsibility of the county government. Let's work together."

She smiled stupidly at him, and stretched out her hand to massage his shoulders, "I have something else to tell you. I told people that when pregnant women come to the medical department to give birth, they don’t need money, nor do they need money. Money, but all expenditures must be borne by the medical department. The medical department has some difficulties, so you see, should your county government share half of the burden with us?"

  Bai Shan:...

   Zhou Man hurriedly said: "This is a major event of population growth, and it is also your merit."

  Bai Shan rubbed his forehead and said, "I can share part of it for you, but for other county offices, would the county magistrate agree to share it with the medical department?"

  "Why disagree?" Zhou Man said: "After two years of data coming out, if the child's death rate really drops, the population really grows, and the tangible political achievements, can the county magistrates of other counties refuse it?"

  Bai Shan really thought about it, and couldn’t help giving her a thumbs up, “I finally know why your Majesty would want to put us together, because this is the first time that’s difficult.”

  There is no data, no political achievements, the first county to do this will definitely only see the contribution, not the gain, and it is difficult to stick to it.

However, population growth and the death of young children are common. There is no data in two to three years. In fact, the more reliable data should be the data after six years. Toddlers are only considered safe after they are five years old. Son.

  Apart from him, who would be willing to spend so much money from the county government to the medical department at will?

   Zhou Man squeezed his shoulder, grinning, "This official thanked the county magistrate Bai first."

"You are welcome."

   Zhou Man still wanted to speak, suddenly hissed, and pressed his leg.

  Bai Shan immediately became nervous and stretched out his hand to help her press her leg, “have cramps? Have you been standing for a long time today?”

  Zhou Man nodded thinking that he had been standing for a long time dealing with wounds and sutures today.

  Bai Shan frowned, massaged her to relieve her, and said: "Has the capital still transferred you? You are getting heavier, and you will open another medical office next year..."

The muscles slowly unfolded, Zhou Man stretched out his legs comfortably on the bed and let Bai Shan continue to press, she hummed: "Xiao Yuan is saying that people are in short supply everywhere now, and the capital is the same. The department then cooperated with the medical departments in Yongzhou and Beijing to inoculate common people in the two places. Children between the ages of eight and sixteen are included in the vaccination."

  She said: "It is said that the third-level students in the Imperial Medical Office have been assigned to help, and there is no manpower available."

  Otherwise, she wouldn’t be tricked by Mr. Qian to trick Doctor Tian and the others into coming in as apprentices.

  Bai Shan pressed her another leg and asked, "Doctor Tian, ​​are they comfortable with it?"

"It's not going well," Zhou Man said: "Although they are apprentices in the medical department, they still rush to return to their old club. They won't stay in the medical department for long. Although they have done everything I want them to do, but... The heart is in Caoying and Hanying, and there is still a big difference."

  Bai Shan said distressedly: "Why don't I give you a sum of money, would you pay a lot of money to invite two more powerful doctors to sit in the hall?"

   Zhou Man shook his head, "No way, not to mention that I paid a lot of money. Can other local medical departments follow me with a lot of money? Even if I get a lot of money, it is difficult to get people now."

  Unless You Fang’s doctor, otherwise folk doctors either have their own pharmacies, or they have been trained by other pharmacies since childhood.

   Raised as an apprentice all the way, unless there is an irreconcilable conflict with the owner, the doctor will generally not leave the drugstore where he was staying since he was a child.

  Bai Shan expressed suspicion, "Can't doctors travel and study?"

"Of course you can, but you rarely change clubs," Zhou Man said. "For example, when I was in Yizhou, if I worked as an apprentice in Jishitang, then I would be considered to be traveling after school. If you are sitting in the hall, you must choose Ji Shitang. If you choose another drug store to place an order, not only will it be bad for my reputation, but Ji Shitang and I will turn against each other."

This taboo was slowly explored after she grew up, but now, she is not an apprentice of Ji Shitang, and has always been a cooperative relationship with Ji Shitang, but because of this cooperative relationship, she sits in Ji Shitang, and they both The relationship is naturally closer than other drug stores.

  When Zhou Man wanted to sell what to make a prescription, Ji Shitang was the first person to look for. Only when the price offered by Ji Shitang did not meet her expectations, she would go to another drugstore.

  And Ji Shitang will naturally get close to her, and will give her some help within its capacity. This is the default unspoken rule in the industry, and the drugstore and the doctor are mutually beneficial.

   Zhou Man posted the recruitment list on the bulletin board for such a long time, no one can know about the doctors in Qingzhou and even Laizhou.

  At present, she can't dig people.

However, Zhou Man was not discouraged. She said: "We can't dig a doctor with a lot of money. We can use medical techniques to fish for apprentices. Doctor Tian and the three of them don't work well, so we will catch a few more. Apprentices, except three days a day. There is basically no expenditure besides meals, and I can still afford it."

  Bai Shan couldn't help but use his force, and said happily, "You are really fox."

   Zhou Man was not convinced, "I can be honest."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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