Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3087: Mother and child

  Chapter 3087 Mother and child are safe

   Zhou Man was happy when he returned to the county government. With a stable wife, she can call them directly in the future, at least until they finish their studies.

  The stable ladies were also happy when they left and went home. They were naturally happy to learn so much in vain. They will be more confident when they walk around the house in the future, and they can also take a look at the symptoms before and after childbirth.

Zhou Man thought that the Luo family's wife should have a few days to give birth, but I wonder if she was frightened in these two days and walked a long way. In the early morning, Xiao Kou ran to the backyard of the county office and knocked on the door, worried. The concierge said: "Lady Luo from the Medical Department has started it."

   Zhou Man heard the movement and quickly got up to go out.

  Zheng was also alarmed, and hurriedly came out to see, “You are pregnant by yourself. Don’t be tired when you pass by this time.”

  Bai Shan was also dressed, and took the cloak in May’s hand to wrap Zhou Man, and said, “Don’t worry, mother, I will accompany her to the past.”

  Xiao Qian rushed over and asked: "Should we go over and have a look?"

  Zheng nodded repeatedly and looked at Zhou Man.

   "No need," Zhou Man said, "They must have called Wen Po to go. There is also Dr. Wei over there. There are enough people. Sister-in-law, you and your mother should go to rest. There is still some time before dawn. Don't get cold."

  Bai Shan embraced Zhou Man to go to the medical department. Da Ji simply set up a car for them, and drove the car directly, faster, so that they would not brave the cold wind to walk around.

  At the medical office, the backyard has become lively.

  This is the first parturient in the medical department. Granny Shao is boiling hot water in the kitchen, and Dr. Wei is guarding outside the delivery room, asking people to prepare various things.

  Even Hu Mu has come out, and she is staying with her in the house.

  As soon as Zhou Man entered, he saw Aunt Luo and Mother Hu standing by the bed, and the Luo family's wife lying on the bed looked uncomfortable.

   Zhou Man stepped forward to take a look, nodded and said: "Is going to give birth, have you called the stable ladies?"

  Doctor Wei said outside: "Hu Dalang and they went to call."

  There are a lot of people living in the medical department, so there are enough staff.

   Zhou Man replied, touched the pulse of the Luo family's wife and said to her: "Very well, don't be afraid, everything is going well now, let her sit higher..."

   Zhou Man instructed Aunt Luo to help the Luo family's wife to lie down, and the five stable women also arrived soon.

  Wang Wenpo has the best technique and has a lot of experience. Dang even said: "You have to wait, don't be afraid, it's not the first time to give birth. If you relax, the palace mouth will open faster."

  The Luo family's wife forced a smile and said, "Although I have had many children, this is the first time I have twins."

   Zhou Man comforted her, "Don’t be afraid, the twins are still relatively young. I touched the fetal position and there is not much change. I can press a button for you to relieve the pain..."

   Zhou Man winked at the five people and asked them to look at them for a while.

  The stable ladies received winks and nodded to express their understanding.

  Zhou Man pressed the acupuncture points on her body, which quickly relieved her pain and at the same time let her gradually relax.

  The stable ladies looked at them and immediately praised the Luo family ladies, "Yes, that's it, relax first."

  The Luo family lady listened, more confident and more relaxed...

  Five stable wives, and full of weeks, it is not the first time for the parturient to give birth. Even if she has twins and the fetal position is slightly inclined, she will give birth to the baby quickly and smoothly.

As soon as the first child was born, a stable wife took the child, immediately took her mouth, and patted her upside down again to make sure she was crying, and she was cleaned after she was alive. Give Zhou Man.

   Zhou Man checked the child. It was very small, but fortunately, he looked powerful.

  Her brother was also born soon, and he looked younger than her. Zhou Man checked it and put it aside, thinking about it.

  Dr. Wei wanted to take a look at the children in particular. Twin children have always been difficult to feed.

There are many stable women, and the processing speed is also fast. She quickly cleaned up the mother. Seeing the mother closed her eyes and opened her eyes quickly, Wang Wen smiled and said, "How about it, are you still energetic? There are five of us. Yes, Master Zhou is here again, what are you afraid of?"

  The Luo family gave a strong smile and asked: "How is the child?"

  Wang Wenpo looked at Zhou Man.

   Zhou Man and a Wen Po showed the child to her and said, "A girl, a boy, and a girl is an older sister."

She said: "Because they are twins, they are a little weak, but now it seems that the problem is not big. You should rest first. After dawn, you can see if you can get milk. Feed it first. If not, I will prescribe medicine for you. Feed them again, they are equivalent to taking medicine."

  The two children were placed next to their mother for her to watch, and the Luo family was relieved.

  Bai Shan sat outside with Dr. Wei in a daze. Seeing Zhou Man come out, he got up faster than Dr. Wei to meet him, "How?"

   Zhou Man said: "Mother and son are safe."

  Bai Shan couldn’t help laughing, and reached out to hold her, “That’s good, are you scared?”

  He whispered: "I just heard Dr. Wei say that it is best for pregnant women not to watch other people give birth."

   "So as not to be afraid?" Zhou Man said: "Don't worry, I won't be afraid."

  She has even done a Caesarean section, what is she afraid of?

  Bai Shan thought about it, so he exhaled one last breath, helped her and said, "Do you want to go back then?"

   Zhou Man glanced at the sky, and felt that he could sleep for another hour after returning, so he nodded. She turned her head and said to the five stable women: "You can think about the technique I just used. If you have any incomprehensions, you can discuss with each other and ask me if you don't understand."

   said to Dr. Wei again: "Let’s go first. There is Dr. Lowe at the Medical Department."

   Then let Aunt Luo find Dr. Wei for something.

  Doctor Wei hesitated to speak several times, but Bai Shan kept supporting Zhou Man. He couldn't speak several times, so he could only watch them leave.

  He didn't have the opportunity to ask until the next day, "My lord, what's the situation with twins?"

   Zhou Man said: "It's a bit weak, so it depends on the situation in the past few days. If you eat well and grow well, you might be able to make up for the deficiencies in your fetus."

  The period when the newborn is born is the fastest growing and the easiest to supplement nutrition.

  So Zhou Man valued breast milk very much. Seeing that Dr. Wei was interested, she simply took him to see the mother and asked him to give the Luo family a pulse.

  Dr. Wei can’t see anything. Isn’t all the women who have just given birth have this pulse?

  Some qi deficiency and weakness are normal.

   Zhou Man asked the Luo family, "Is there any milk?"

  The Luo family’s wife said: “I feel it, but I haven’t come out yet. The child just took a breath but didn’t draw it out.”

  In fact, she is also a little anxious.

When Zhou Man saw her nervousness, he calmed her and said, "Don't be nervous, I've already asked someone to make you breastfeeding soup. You can drink a little bit later, don't worry, you will get breasts. You have given birth to several children. No milk?"

  The Luo family's wife relaxes as soon as she thinks about it.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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