Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3126: arrive

  Chapter 3126 Arrival

  Zhou Lizhong’s letter was not sent directly to Qingzhou, because he knew that it was too far from Luojiang County to Qingzhou. If you go to the post station, not to mention the time, whether it can arrive is a problem.

  So he directly sent him to the Zhouzhai in the capital, and his family followed him to Qingzhou.

  He knows that there are people from the capital who send letters to Qingzhou every month, either this or that one.

   And if he remembers correctly, the sister-in-law and the princess are about to give birth. During this time, there will only be more things sent to Qingzhou, not less.

Zhou Lizhong guessed well. His letter arrived in the capital only on the front foot, and people came on the other side of the palace on the back foot. He asked: "I want to send something to the princess in the palace. The lady asked me to ask. There is a need for a piggyback at the house. Things from the past? Pack them up and send them together tomorrow."

  As soon as the Zhou family and the Bai family heard it, they immediately responded, and immediately packed a lot of things and gave them to the waiter.

  Added a handful of coins to the servant.

  Don’t look at it as just a handful of coins, the waiter was happy enough, and accepted it with a smile, carrying a few baggage into the palace, and sending it to Qingzhou the next day.

  Along with the maidservants in the palace, Zheng Gu and two female students from the Imperial Medical Department who graduated this year were also on the journey.

  They took their family and went to Qingzhou to work together. When they met these people in the palace on the road, they all went together because they were all public officials.

  Ten days later, a group of people arrived at Qingzhou at the same time, and the maidservants went directly to Beihai County without stopping.

  Zheng Gu took two juniors to the Qingzhou Medical Department to find Wen Tiandong.

Wen Tiandong saw them breathe a sigh of relief, tears were about to come out, stepped forward and grabbed Zheng Gu's hand and said, "Brother Zheng, if you don't come, I will be unable to hold it anymore."

  It's too busy.

  Zheng Gu and Wen Tiandong were students who started in the same year, but because of a good foundation, Zheng Gu was put in another class, graduating a year earlier than them.

  So their goodbye has always been the name of brother and brother.

  Zheng Gu glanced at the Qingzhou Medical Department and nodded: "It looks neat and tidy, and there are not many patients. Why are you crying?"

"It's because it's noon, the patients are all taking their numbers to eat," Wen Tiandong said: "Moreover, there is not only one medical department in Qingzhou, but two. The teacher also asked people to prepare a house in Changshou County. Just wait for us to make time to open the medical department over there too, do you think I'm busy?"

   "By the way, the teacher's day is coming. She has already started to rest now. The medical departments on both sides need me to run. Fortunately, there are three mature apprentices over there, otherwise I will be more busy."

   But even so, some things cannot be left to the apprentices, so Wen Tiandong is even more busy.

  Zheng Gu understood, and said to him: "We must first go to Beihai County to meet Master."

  Wen Tiandong said with regret: "I can't go away, you go."

  His gaze looked at the two little ladies behind him, his eyes lit up, "These two juniors are just..."

   "We are going to visit the teacher too." The two little ladies said immediately.

  Wen Tiandong can only look at them with regret and sadness.

  Two little ladies, one is Cao Yixuan and the other is Wei Man, both female students who have just graduated this year. They have defeated many talents to fight for the opportunity to come to Qingzhou.

  They also studied with Zhou Man for three years. Among the many teachers in the Imperial Medical Office, their favorite is Zhou Man.

  Furthermore, she is the target of all female students in the Imperial Medical Office. Cao Yixuan and Wei Man not only want to become imperial physicians like Zhou Man, but also the editors of Chongwenguan, able to discuss politics with a woman.

  Since I have come to Qingzhou, the most important thing is naturally to see Zhou Man.

  Zheng Gu also acted neatly. He saw Wen Tiandong, turned around and took people to Beihai County.

  The waiters have arrived early. They are constantly moving things down from the car. Most of them are for Princess Mingda, and only a few are for Zhou Man and Yin or.

  Bai Shan followed to join in the fun, looked at it and felt it was wrong, "It's fine if there is no white second, why don't I?"

  White two: "...What does it mean if there is no me? I don't have any, I want to be a father, so why do you have it?"

   Zhou Man opened a box. Inside was a stack of letters. The top one was Zhou Lizhong's letter. She opened it and looked surprised.

  Bai Shan saw that her complexion was different, and asked, "What's the matter?"

  "Do you still remember that uncle Shi in our county seat who was particularly bold and generous?"

  Bai Shan tilted his head for a moment and nodded, "Remember, my wish when I was a child was to be him."

   "Me too," Shirajiro also said on the side.

Seeing Mingda and Yin or both looking at him curiously, Bai Erlang explained: "This uncle Shi is very good. Although we are few in the city, every time we go, whenever we meet him, he will ask us to eat, or A rock candied haw, or a piece of maltose, or a steamed bun, sometimes when he wins a cockfight, he is happy, and he will let people send big meat from the restaurant to us to eat."

  Mingda: ", did you have a hard time when you were a kid?"

   Baijiro said: "It's not bitter, but how can the meat at home compare to the meat outside?"

  He said: "The meat outside is very delicious."

   Weekend: "Especially someone invited."

  Mingda and Yin or:……

  The two were curious and asked, "What then?"

  "His family is very rich," Baijiro recalled, but found that he did not have a lot of impressions. "I only remember that he was the only child in the family, and he had everything he wanted since he was a child. The family never kept him from spending money."

Even when I mention it now, he still looks eager, "At that time, we had to run a chuangzi to make money. Unlike him, we spend as much as we want. Moreover, he lives in the city and we live in the country. Only when we are resting. Into the city."

  So at that time, the three of them all made a wish to buy a yard in the county seat so that they can go shopping and eat delicious food every day.

  Unfortunately, they did not buy a house in the county in the end, but went directly to Yizhou City. Although they did not buy a house, they also realized their wish.

   Zhou Man said nonchalantly: "He has gambled out his family business now, and only sold the last yard. He is now homeless."

  After talking, he looked at Bai Erlang coldly.

  Shijiro shivered under her gaze, and stammered: "Look, see what I do. I don't gamble."

  Bai Shan asked: "What's wrong with him now?"

   Zhou Man collected the letter, unfolded the next two pieces of paper, and said, “It’s not him, it’s his son. He is sick and can’t be cured all the time.”

  She looked at the pulse case, frowned slightly, "This is..."

   Shirajiro curiously probed, "What is it?"

   "Yang deficiency and heart failure," Zhou Man frowned and said, "This disease can't be cured."

  (End of this chapter)

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