Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3134: Into the city

  Chapter 3134 Entering the city

   "Definitely," Chu Lang thought about it and felt wrong, "Sanzhu, why have you kept asking Manbao?"

"My mother asked me to touch Man Bao and feel joyful," he said: "She said, Aunt Man Bao is the reincarnation of a fairy and the most blessed person in our village. After touching her, I will follow her You can go out smoothly and peacefully."

  Thursday Lang: "...It makes sense, but you call her aunt. Shouldn't you call me the fourth uncle?"

  Sanzhu ignored him. He was a few years older than Chu Lang. It didn't matter if he called out in front of him, he didn't want to call in private.

  Mainly their uncles and nephews have been challenged.

  When his son was crawling all over the floor, Chu Lang was still a king of children, and he was leading people around climbing trees and digging out bird nests.

The most important thing is that Chu Lang bullied his son before, and he used a stick to push him. There are a lot of people in the village who are young and old like this. The better-behaved ones are okay, and the unbehaved ones have encountered two quarrels and fights. That would not respect the old and love the young.

  Thursday Lang is the king of children, and Wednesday Zhu is the youngest son of the village chief’s family.

  So even though the two have a good relationship now, unless they are outside in front of outsiders, Wednesday Zhu will never be called Uncle Shilang.

  The two quarreled all the way, and when they got outside Beihai County, the caravan had already drained a long distance.

  Thu Lang stood up and looked forward and backward, and then glanced at the sunset on the horizon, a little worried, "So many people, won't you be unable to get in, right?"

  The caravan mate in the line next door heard it and cut in, "No, as long as the line is up, it will be time to close the city gate. The county government will also check it and let it go."

   "Yes, it was dark when we came last time, because there were still a few caravans ahead of us who didn't go in, and we were also behind. The soldiers guarding the city also checked the goods for us and let them go."

  One of the reasons why they are willing to come to Beihai County is that they are more flexible and more convenient than Laizhou.

  Moreover, most of them who come from the north and from the west have to pass through Qingzhou first. If the cost of sweating from Qingzhou is lower, they are naturally willing to go from Qingzhou.

  Thursday Lang's eyes flickered, thanking them with a smile, but he was not in a hurry, he leaned on the car and waited to enter the city, taking a look at the size and cargo of other convoys by the way.

Their speed into the city was not slow, but when it was their turn, the last sunset on the horizon had disappeared, and the silhouettes in front of them were a bit blurred. As soon as they entered the city, someone hooted around, and an old man shouted at them: "Inn, Inn, the cheapest inn in Beihai County, brother, do you want to stay?"

   There were also half-year-old children who stopped them and asked, "Can you eat or eat? There is hot water in the inn..."

  Lang swept around on Thursday, and quickly pointed to a few ragged half-old children crowded out of the crowd and said, "You guys, come here."

  The children's eyes lit up and they squeezed forward immediately.

  Thursday Lang glanced at them and asked, "How much does it cost to lead the way?"

  "Five articles, noble person, you can do it wherever you want to go tonight, and we can guide you," the child said cheerfully and lively: "There is no place in Beihai County that I don't know."

  Thursday Lang smiled and asked: "Is it five literary for one person, or do you have five essays in total?"

   "A total of five essays."

  Thursday Lang rushed to the back and waved, and smiled: "Let's go."

  Two of the few children came out to lead them, and the rest continued to stay to attract guests.

  Waiting for their convoy to come out, on Thursday Lang asked: "Where is the post?"

When the child heard this, he immediately persuaded: "The room at the inn is expensive, and the food is not so delicious. You may even meet officials and you have to salute when you go out and in. It is better for you to stay in another inn or rent someone else. The yard is convenient and cheap."

  Thu Lang thought for a while and asked, "Which inn do you think is better?"

The child smiled and said, "I know that there is a good hotel to bring in. It is new this year, the place is new, the bed is new, it is very clean, and it is cheap. I will show you it? Otherwise, there are still some people in the city who leave their houses idle. The yard can be rented out for one month, ten days, or even five days or three days. It is not expensive. There is also a yard to store goods."

  But few people would choose the latter one, because Beihai County is only one of the counties that they pass through, and their ultimate goal is Longchi Wharf.

  If it weren't for the time to enter the city late, they would go to Longchi at most for a meal in the city, and would not stay overnight at all.

  Therefore, restaurants have opened the most recently in Beihai County, and the inn is next.

  Thu Lang thought for a while and said: "Then let's rent a yard, how did you rent the yard?"

  The child was taken aback and asked: "Are you going to rent for three days or five days?"

  He hesitated to say, "The yard needs to be rented for at least three days..."

  Actually speaking, the price of the yard for three days is cheaper than that of the inn for three days, but if you only stay for one night, then there is no need to covet that price.

  Because the price of the yard for three days is definitely much more expensive than the one day of the inn.

  So the yard here is not easy to rent.

On Thursday Lang thought for a while and felt that he should stay in Beihai County for a long time. It would be inappropriate for them to live there with so many people. So he said: "You can talk about the price first. I will decide whether to rent. A few days."

  The child is confused. Isn’t it based on your own schedule to rent for a few days? Why does it sound like it is based on the price they set?

   But he answered quickly, obviously he was familiar with it.

On Thursday, Lang heard that he rented a small courtyard with two entrances for only 800 texts a month, and immediately said: "Then let's rent it for a month. Which courtyard is closer to the county government and larger, so let us take a look. "

  When the child heard it, he happily responded, "Hao Le."

  Then the two children discussed together, one continued to lead Thu Lang and the others, and the other ran away to find the owner.

   So when they got there, they saw a middle-aged man carrying a lantern and leading a child standing at the door. As soon as he saw them, he greeted them and asked with a smile: "How many people are going to stay?"

   "Yes," Chu Lang looked at the wide open door behind him and asked, "This is the yard you want to rent?"

   "Yes, a few people can go in and have a look. The beds in the room are clean, and I let my family clean them every day."

  Thursday Lang took a few people in and saw that the yard was okay, and he was able to put down their car, and asked, "Where do you live?"

He pointed in one direction and said: "I live on another street. This yard belongs to my brother. He is now making a living in Qingzhou City. This yard is empty. He also thinks that this is the ancestral land and it is not easy to sell. Just pack up and rent out to supplement some households."

  (End of this chapter)

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