Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3136: Talents

  Chapter 3136 Talent

On Thursday, Lang ate and drank, and went to wash and change new clothes. Then he talked to Zhou Man about Uncle Shi’s family, “They live in the yard we rented. I will ask them to see you in the medical office tomorrow? "

   Zhou Man nodded and asked, "Are they going to live here for a long time?"

"Yes, I have to cure the disease," Chu Lang said, "They sold all the properties in Luojiang County. If you want me to say, it is not bad to live in Qingzhou directly. Luojiang County has no land and no houses. It's nothing more than a fuss."

  Bai Shan asked: "Uncle Shi still betting now?"

  Thursday Lang thought for a while and shook his head, "Stop betting, I've been very honest along the way. It's been a month since we met, and we haven't seen him before betting again."

  He always heard people say that there is an addiction to gambling, but he was broken in dreams and spanked before the addiction had time. Since then, he has no good impression of gambling.

  But Bai Shan knows that people who are addicted to this thing, let alone a month, is a year, or even ten years, as long as they are in contact, they will relapse, and then get out of control.

But Uncle Shi is an outsider. He can’t control too much. He just said: "He can stay here. I handle everything impartially. The casinos in Beihai County have been cleaned up by me. If he gets involved in gambling, I am not emotional."

  Thursday Lang was silent for a while, then lowered his voice and said: "I want to take him."

   Zhou Man was surprised, "Going to sea?"

  Thursday Lang nodded, and said to the two of them: "Uncle Shi is literate in reading and has a good vision. Seriously, he has nothing wrong with him except that he can't save face and gamble."

  Thursday Lang and Uncle Shi went all the way, thinking that as long as he didn't want to bet, his mind was still normal, and he was much smarter than him, with a good vision, and even lowered the price.

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows slightly, and after looking at Zhou Man, he said: "Fourth brother just has an idea."

  Thursday Lang said with a smile: "Then you will show his son tomorrow if he can be cured. If it can be cured, there is still hope. Then I will ask him to go out together to make money."

  Uncle Shi’s family is very nervous, if even Zhou Man says that it is incurable, then no one can cure the disease.

   Zhou Man asked them to wait in the corridor first, and after seeing the patients in the line, they brought Zheng Gu to find him, "Uncle Shi."

Uncle Shi looked at the grown-up Zhou Man, almost unable to see that she was the little girl back then, he hurriedly saluted, and then dragged his son up and said: "This is my boy, Zhou... Master Zhou, you Show him."

   Zhou Man nodded, took them into the consulting room, carefully took the pulse for him, looked at his tongue coating, and asked about the course and manifestation of the disease.

   Seeing her frowning and not speaking, Uncle Shi swallowed nervously and asked: "Master Zhou, can it be cured?"

Zhou Man thought for a while and said, "It's not easy to be completely cured. But I can relieve the illness and let him live like a normal person. In the end, he probably doesn't need to take medicine, but he needs not to be overwhelmed with joy and anger. Don’t be overworked, so you can live a safe life."

  Uncle Shi raised his heart high, and said excitedly: "This is enough, this is enough."

   Lady Shi also nodded again and again, thinking that it was all right.

  The two looked at each other, and both let out a long sigh of relief, and the corners of their eyes were wet.

  Shi Xiaolang was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. What this means is that he can be cured?

  In his opinion, this is almost like a cure.

  With the exact words given by Zhou Man, Uncle Shi planned to live in Beihai County.

   After leaving Zhou Man’s relationship, he went around Beihai County in and out, and finally bought a small courtyard in the east of the city for sixty taels.

  Five rooms, enough for a family of three, and the yard is not small, there is a piece of land in the back, about three minutes, you can plant some fruits, vegetables and vegetables.

He left the remaining forty taels with his wife and children, and said to them: "I have agreed with Thu Lang, I will go to sea with him, and take the wages back and forth. If I have good luck and meet good goods, I can also return it. You can make a little bit more. You can take the money. If you count the money, it should be enough for a year."

The medicine prescribed by Zhou Man is not very expensive. Acupuncture and moxibustion are free of charge. The cost of taking medicine is only about 600 yuan per month. In addition to food and drink, Shi Xiaolang needs nutrition, so he has to eat meat and eggs, but one One and a half months is enough.

  Forty-two is actually enough for two years of living expenses, but there are always accidents, so he just counts more.

  Uncle Shi said to Shi Xiaolang: "You take the money, your mother wants to use the money and ask you again, I'm not at home, you take care of yourself and your mother."

  Shi Xiaolang looked up at his father and saw that he was much more energetic than before. The most important thing was that his eyes were clear and he did not have the turbidity that he used to indulge in gambling.

  He paused slightly and nodded.

  Uncle Shi continued to exhort: "If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can go to the county government or the medical office to ask Lord Zhou. We are from the same town, and the two have some friendship. She will help you."

  Shi Xiaolang responded.

  Uncle Shi is relieved to go to Longchi with Chu Lang.

  Longchi has undergone a major change. Houses have risen from the ground, the streets are spacious and clean, and the shops on the two main streets have basically been built, and there are still many under construction.

  At this time, there are a lot of business travelers in Longchi. Some shops on the street have already opened, but more of them are stalls, especially those selling food, which are basically stalls.

Liu Gui, who showed them the way, took Chu Lang directly to one of the shops, opened the door and said, "Uncle Si, this is the shop that the lady has set for Zhou's family. There is still a place to live, but..."

  Thursday Lang looked at the empty shop and said, "I know, there are not enough rooms. Is there an inn near here?"

"Yes, but there are a lot of business travelers here, and the open inn is full of people, but it doesn't matter. Master Tang has a private courtyard here. The family has said hello to Master Tang, and Master Uncle can live there first." Mainly led Thu Lang to come to see the shop.

   Then he turned up the mountain to go to the other courtyard.

There is a yard at the side entrance, which is convenient for entering and exiting, and enough for them to live in. Standing on the hillside, Chu Lang saw the sea in the distance. Hearing the sound of the waves, he was surprised and said: "The sea is so big. what?"

   "Yes, I heard the lady and the host say that the sea in this world is bigger than all the land combined."

  Thursday Lang: "It's a lie? How can the sea be bigger than the land?"

   Liu Gui also felt that the lady and the lord had been deceived by the book. After all, what was written in the book might not be true, but they were the lord, so he didn't dare to say, so he could only smile at Chu Lang.

    Good night, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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