Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3138: guess

  Chapter 3138 Guess

  Bai Shan nodded, turned his body sideways, let the team behind him come forward, and exhorted: "Speak softly, and all ship before dawn."


  Everyone will be transported to the dock carefully, and then picked up and loaded onto the ship.

  The soldiers on the ship also came down to help.

   Liu Canjun, who was holding the ship, also disembarked to meet with Bai Shannie.

   "Is this all salt?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "They are all official salt, and then Lao Liu will join the army."

  Liu Canjun smiled slightly and said: "Master Bai is polite, we will naturally go all out after receiving the order."

Bags of official salt were boarded on the ship. Zhou Liwei took the notebook and counted them with the clerk on the official ship. When the ship was full, the two of them checked each other's number and signed and slapped them together. Take a note and get off the boat.

  Clerk: "General, I've counted them all."

  Zhou Liwei also said: "Sister...Bai, the humble job is also counted."

  Bai Shan nodded slightly, took a look at it, and took out his own seal from his sleeve and put a stamp on it.

  Liu Junjun did the same. The two exchanged, the official ship was released from the port, and the other official ship came quietly from the other side and slowly stopped.

  The long-term workers and soldiers who took a break started carrying their bags again. Zhou Liwei encouraged them, “When you go back, you will pay your five-day wages.”

  Everyone is more energetic and continues to work hard to carry the bags.

  With their unremitting efforts, they finally installed all the salt before dawn.

  The official ship slowly left the port, Liu Canjun also got on the official ship with two slips, and waved to him from a distance.

  Bai Shan exhaled, then looked back at the people who were sitting on the ground panting with exhaustion and said: "Let’s go, let’s get out of here first."

  Everyone piled their carts directly on the ox cart, horse cart and mule cart, and then you helped me, and I helped you to slowly leave the Longchi Pier.

  Waiting for a certain distance, the sky finally dawned slowly. Bai Shan looked around and thought that no one would be here at this time, so he asked everyone to sit down and rest and eat some dry food by the way.

  Bai Shan also took out a piece of cake, took a bite, and did not swallow it after chewing for a long time.

  He looked sadly in the direction of the other courtyard, and from here some roofs and the like could be vaguely seen.

   Zhou Liwei also looked over and asked, "Is the fourth uncle still there?"

   "Well, he decided to go to Jiangnan, the merchant ship is still soliciting passengers, so he hasn't left yet."

  Thursday Lang was still asleep in the other courtyard, and he did not know that Bai Shan and Zhou Liwei had come and left.

Most people at the Longchi Wharf didn’t notice it. When the day was about to dawn, the bell rang, and the long-time workers who heard the bell got up one after another. People who were going to work early like them all got up quickly. The whole Longchi Came alive.

  Master Cui heard the voice of the servant going upstairs, took his gaze back from the sea, and turned back to put on his clothes.

The servant knocked on the door, and after getting permission, he brought water in, and waited for him to wash before he said: "Master, there is some movement at the dock in the second half of the night. Looking from a distance, it looks like officers and soldiers are moving to the official ship. Things, when I was young, I went to the pier and took a look. The official ship parked outside seemed to have gone by two."

  Master Cui wiped his hands clean, handed the veil to him, and asked blankly, "What do you want to do with this?"

  The servant frowned and said, "Small, isn't this worrying that someone will behave badly and hurt the master?"

  Master Cui said: "The entire Longchi is under Bai Shan's control. We don't have to worry about it. We just need to do a good job of building the dock."

  He cut off the servant's words and said: "Go to prepare the horse, I will check the newly arrived stone in a while."

  The servant swallowed the words to his lips, and then he bowed and retired.

  Others are not as indifferent as Master Cui, especially the business travelers who still stayed in Longchi and did not leave, "You heard it really, there is a real movement?"

   "Yes, the master knows my ears, and he can't understand it best. There were a lot of carts, horses, and people."

   "There are fewer boats on the dock?"

   "Two official ships are missing."

"I've been wondering a long time ago that the official ship is used for warfare, why is it stopped here at this time? I thought it was a robber at sea, Master Bai asked them to **** the merchant ship with his relationship, but it doesn't seem to be right now. "

  People who noticed it were privately wondering, "What is that luck? It's so quiet?"

Chu Lang originally didn't know anything about it. He brought Uncle Shi and San Zhu down to eat breakfast. While eating the steamed buns, he heard someone come and ask the stall owner, "Can a stranger come over in Longchi today? Are the buns enough to sell?"

  The stall owner smiled and said: “As the guest official said, in Longchi, except for Chang Gong and our two villages, there are so many business travelers who come, so how can the small ones recognize them?”

   "What I am asking is there are so many people who suddenly have a lot of eyesight early this morning?"

   "No." The stall owner thought for a while and said: "It seems that two small caravans came yesterday."

   said to the convenience: "Come and take five buns."

   and the others left, Thu Lang raised his head to look at the person who had left, then turned to ask Uncle Shi, "Do you think it's weird?"

  Uncle Shi thought for a while and said, "It looks like he's inquiring about the news."

  Sanzhu took a sip of the soup, and said indifferently: "Isn't that just a few gossips?"

  Thursday Lang picked up the bun and stuffed it into his mouth, "You talk less."

  He and Uncle Shi said, "Quickly eat. After eating, we will go to Liu Gui. This Long Pond was easy to build by Bai Shanhao, but it shouldn’t be messed up."

  Liu Gui didn’t know that Bai Shan and the others had been there last night. Bai Shan had always been public and private. This was a business matter, so he only told Fang Xiancheng.

"Four uncles don't worry, I'll go to Fang Xiancheng to report in a while," Liu Gui was not very worried about this, and smiled: "The people here are our lords, and the bureaucrats and officials are our lords. Personally selected and sent here, long-term workers are also recruited by the lord. Although there are many business travels and complicated personnel, the entire Longchi is under the control of the lord."

  Thursday Lang: "Then I can rest assured."

  Liu Gui asked, "Four uncle, when will your merchant ship leave?"

  Thursday Lang pouted his lips and said: "He said he was going to choose a lucky day for the journey, huh, I think they still have seats available, so they have to wait for someone."

   Liu Gui smiled and said, “You really have to choose a date. The sailor has to watch the weather. It’s best to set off when the wind is smooth. It’s safe and fast.”

  They said here that the merchant of the merchant immediately came up and informed them, "Tomorrow is a good day, you can set off."

  Actually, the two caravans that arrived yesterday were pulled by their company. The ship was full. Tomorrow is not bad, so they decided to set off tomorrow.

   On Thursday, Lang was nervous and happy, turned his head and said to Liu Gui: "Then we will go back and prepare. When you turn back, you tell Man Bao them, I'm going out to sea."


  (End of this chapter)

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