Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3145: guess

  Chapter 3145 Guess

  Before he became the prefect of the county, he rented a house. After becoming the prefect of the county, as usual, he either moved into the side yard of the county’s backyard or continued to rent a house outside, but this part of the money had to be paid by the county.

   is actually a disguised Lu County Order.

  However, the county magistrate Lu was also poor at the time, and in order to show his closeness with Fang Xian Cheng, he partitioned a part of the backyard of the county government to Fang's family.

  The place is not small, and there is a wall in the middle, but the magistrate and the magistrate’s wife live next door. The Fang family dare not be too noisy. They have been paying attention for several years, and they dare not speak loudly or loudly.

  Furthermore, the backyard of the county government is not their house. In the future, if he does not become the county chief, or if another county magistrate doesn’t like him living next door, letting him go out to rent a house is just a sentence.

  Where can I feel comfortable with my own house?

Therefore, Bai Shan’s reward really touched Fang Xiancheng’s heart. He didn’t even return home, and wrote directly to his wife and children, asking them to take care of their new home and choose a good day to move in. He wanted to stay in Longlong. The pool dock continues to struggle.

  Fang County Cheng thinks he can work overtime tonight.

  Bai Shan was very enthusiastic to help them move. Seeing that they lacked a lot of things, he asked them to choose to move from the current backyard. He also paid for them to customize the bogu racks and screens, and other furniture to send.

  Fang’s family was very grateful, and moved in happily after choosing a good day.

  After they moved out, Bai Shan asked them to reopen the left and right yards and cleaned them up, so that Bai Erlang and the others could move in after they brought the things they were used to from home.

Yin may have lived in the small courtyard guest room he lived in when he first came to Beihai County. Every morning, he watched Bai Ruoyu come from the west, and Bai Jingxing came from the east, and the two succeeded in getting there. He successfully converged not far from the small courtyard where he lived.

Then he turned around and went to the garden at the back of his room to stroll around in the garden. Suddenly, my ears were filled with their whispering voices. The servants holding their maids occasionally echoed the sentence, and I don’t know if they can understand it or it’s fake. .

  Yin, who has developed the habit of getting up early every day to read, may have to change. After getting up every day, he waits for the two children to come and meet, and then he walks around the garden with him.

   Zhou Man, who came back from the retreat for five days, saw his face, touched his pulse again, and said affirmatively: "Yes, yes, the pulse condition is better than before."

  She looked at Yin Or carefully, then turned to look at the two children in the maid’s arms, nodded affirmatively: "You are really moving here."

  Yin could not help saying: "It's just too noisy."

  The two children didn’t know if they understood, they talked to Yin or just babbled in the arms of the maid.

   Zhou Man didn’t even hear it, and told him: "The weather is getting hotter, and the time to visit the garden in the morning and evening will change. It will be a quarter of an hour earlier in the morning and two quarters of an hour later in the evening."

  Yin or pointed to the two children in the maid’s arms and said: "You can talk to them."

   Zhou Man turned around to look at them, nodded their noses and smiled: "Have you heard?"

  Bai Jingxing grabbed her mother’s finger, held it tightly, and tried to bite it by pulling it to her mouth.

   Zhou Man took her hand, tilted her head and looked at the gums in her mouth, "Why do you always want to bite, do you want to grow teeth?"

It’s also the first time for Zhou Man to be a mother. She never thought that raising a child had so many things to pay attention to. She researched the two children and found that they just wanted to bite, and she was relieved before they had to grow their teeth. .

  Yin may ask after seeing her research, "Did your cowpox come out?"

   Zhou Man said with a "hmm" afterwards: "The acne has already occurred, now I am waiting for the scabs to form. Now Zheng Gu is staring, I will come back and rest for two days."

   Zhouman let the two children grab her hand, and she shook their hands to play, "What about you? There is no danger recently, right?"

   "No," Yin may be a little depressed, "The wind is calm, there is nothing."

  This is a good thing, but they have done so much preparation, but the other party has no reaction at all, even if it is a good thing, they are a little depressed.

   Zhou Man tilted his head, "Jiangnan is so far away, don’t they still know it?"

  Yin or hesitate, "It's not like it, it's been so long."

  Jiangnan did receive the news, nonsense, the capital is going to be noisy, can they still know?

  I just don’t know how to react for a while, because they thought about those people who have various ways to deal with it, and correspondingly, they also have corresponding counterattacks, but...

  The birth of Qingzhou, which directly replaced the salt administration in Jiangnan...

In a dark room, when Lu Binghua saw that everyone was silent, he lowered his eyes and sneered, "Why, there is nothing to say? I didn't all say that this was their false news before. Dajin lacked Jiangnan's salt club. Can't you go down?"

   "Shut up, you, you had a part in those words."

   "Okay, stop arguing," a middle-aged man stopped the two people who were about to quarrel, looked at Gu Huai and Zhu Hongru who had been silent, and asked, "Brother Gu and Brother Zhu, what is a good way?"

  Zhu Hongru, "Everyone can't think of a way, what can someone do?"

  Everyone was silent for a moment, and someone said: "Break their salt road..."

  Gu Huai twitched, “Yang Heshu is still in Yangzhou, let alone we may not be able to hide everything, even if it is possible, anyone with a brain can guess that we did it.”

  He said meaningfully: “Some things need evidence to do, but some things don’t need to be done. As long as someone believes that we did it, that’s what we did.”

  Such as fighting.

  They really broke the newly opened salt road and annoyed the emperor and the court. The other party was afraid that they did not need evidence, so they sent troops directly to Jiangnan.

  Last year, the prince brought the Forbidden Army to Jiangnan, and he has already taken over a lot of military power. They just wanted to counter, and the winning rate was much lower, not to mention that everyone's heart was worn out again and again.

   "Then what do you say?" The other party asked unceremoniously: "This is not okay, that's not okay, shall we just sit and wait for death?"

   Now even Lu Binghua, who had been mocking him, became serious. After a while, he turned his head to look at the silent Gu Huai and asked, "What are you thinking?"

   “I’m thinking, how can we produce so much salt from Qingzhou alone?”

   “It’s not that they have found a new method of salt production. They don’t need firewood, just use the sun?” Lu Binghua said: “The trees on the ground are limited, but the sunlight in the sky is unlimited. Although I don’t know how they do it.”

  "But Qingzhou is not big. There are only two counties near the sea. Only two counties can replace the entire salt field in Jiangnan?"

  Others listened to their hearts and cheered up again, "So they are lying? Then they deliberately released the rumors that Qingzhou replaced Jiangnan."

    good night, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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