Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3148: Rich and short

  Chapter 3148 Rich and lack of money

  Bai Shan has money and is very confident.

  As the county magistrate of Beihai County, he first calculated the official tax that should be paid for selling salt. After keeping the accounts, he turned around and wrote an official document for financial assistance and sent it to Qingzhou City.

  The official document listed a large number of gaps in the construction of the wharf. Why did the urging and the Ministry of Household's application not be paid?

  Then apply for temporary subsidy of salt tax and grain tax in Beihai County Yazhong.

  Guo Cishi received this official document and couldn’t help but curl his lips. “This is the eagle who caught the rabbit, so he won’t let it go anymore.”

  How much salt was sold in Beihai County? Even if he didn't have specific data, he probably knew the number in his mind.

  After all, he has been covering the capital in the past few months. After all localities know that Qingzhou will replace Jiangnan to support their official salt, he has personally handled all kinds of official documents and letters from inquiries.

  No need for the specific figures of their salt purchases, as long as you make a rough estimate, you can get a rough idea.

   Besides, the official ship was sent to Beihai County by the Prince’s orders.

  So much official salt, so much money, so much salt tax, Bai Shan actually wants to keep all of them.

   "My lord, should we agree?"

"Agree," Guo Cishi complained while approving the word "Tong" on it. After putting his own seal on it, he muttered: "The Ministry of Households can't allocate the money. Longchi Wharf is going to be built, can we do it ourselves? This is probably what your majesty and prince meant."

  Fortunately, Baishan is capable. Beihai County has a gold-sucking industry of salt drying. Otherwise, it would have hollowed out the Qingzhou Provincial Government and would not be able to build such a large wharf.

  Guo Cishi shook his head. Seeing that this was because of his political achievements, and because he wanted to make a good impression on the emperor, he decided to support Bai Shan's proposal with heartache.

  The official document returned to Bai Shan's hands. He smiled slightly and said to Yin, who was sitting in the lower head: "Drag, we can use this money in Beihai County."

  Yin might give him a copy of the official document, “Bai Er wrote that he wanted to turn Guantian into a closed-loop farm. I have read it. Although I don’t know the actual effect, the official document says it’s pretty good.”

Bai Shan turned it over and laughed and said, "This is not bad. We said when we were young that we wanted to build a farm like this, but because our farm was too small, we didn't build it in the end. I built some slowly, but because they are all tenant farmers, we also have to consider the other’s ideas, so there are many things we can’t do. Let’s go now. Guantian belongs to Beihai County, and the people who work there are long-term workers. , All of them take their wages to do things, but you can give it a try."

   Yin may ask: "What if you fail?"

  Bai Shan said nonchalantly: “If you fail, you won’t lose much.”

He said: "The biggest expense here is actually labor wages, food and lodging. I think if Guantian loses money, I can guarantee that their food, drink, and wages are still capable. I will lose some seed money at most. This is Beihai County. Ya can still afford it."

  Bai Shan is now rich and wealthy, so he doesn’t take the agricultural losses into consideration at all.

  Yin may not help but laugh, "It's not the same when you have money."

Bai Shan said: "Now there is a lot of salt in the salt farm. The next season's salt will go out, and it will be another sum of money when it comes back. In addition, the official ship going south should also be back. Even if there is a golden swallowing beast at the dock, I Still very rich."

   Zhou Man heard these words before entering the door, she couldn't walk with envy, she leaned on the door and said, "I am so rich, can you support me?"

  Yin or Bai Shan turned their heads and saw that she was leaning against the door, looking at them with tears in her eyes.

  Bai Shan immediately got up and walked forward quickly, stretched out his hand to support her, "Why did you lose weight?"

  He reached out and touched her face. He was sure that it was not his own illusion. He squeezed her arm and felt even more distressed. "Even the arm is thinner."

  Yin or got up and looked at the two of them, and said quietly: "Should I go first?"

  Bai Shan nodded at him, and Zhou Man said, "No."

   Yin or:...

   Zhou Man took Bai Shan’s hand into the house, took a sip of tea while sitting in a chair, and then said: "The first batch of children with acne have all come out. Everything went well, but it was too tired."

  "But it's not the key. The key is that our medical department has no money." Zhou Man looked at Bai Shan baffledly and said: "It is also to contribute to the people of Beihai County. You, the parent official, support the medical department."

  Bai Shan wondered, "Didn't the Imperial Medical Office allocated a sum of money to you when the spring started? Because you plan to open three medical departments here and you want to get acne, the allocation for you is three times that of other local medical departments."

  At that time, Zhou Man was happy for a long time when he received the money. It was only half a year, so why did I spend it all?

   Zhou Man sighed: "It's not all spent, but the newly opened medical department is a bit expensive, and now there is not much left on the general ledger."

  "Moreover, people in several surrounding counties know that Beihai County is vaccinating. Many people bring their children to get vaccinated. The number of vaccinations has increased sharply, and the cost has naturally increased."

  Bai Shan tweeted twice before thinking about it for a while and then said: "Privately speaking, I naturally want to help you."

   Zhou Man looked at him faintly and asked, "What about Cong Gong?"

  Bai Shan looked at her and smiled: "From the public, I am willing to have money in my accounts. After all, the medical department is related to the people's livelihood, which is also a good thing and political achievement; but if I don’t have enough money in my accounts, I don’t want to."

  He said: "I think the same is true of other county magistrates, so you have to convince me, why should the money be biased towards you and the medical department?"

   Zhou Man thought for a while and said: "May I write you an official document?"

  Bai Shan hurriedly waved his hand, “No, no, this is not only time-consuming but also energy-consuming. If you have this time, it’s better to take a good rest. Just tell me verbally, and see if you can convince me.”

   Zhou Man looked at him silently.

Bai Shan stretched out his hand to massage her shoulders and arms, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, whether you can convince me or not, I will give you the money. Isn't this just for your medical department? The imperial medical office transferred you to Qingzhou. In order to find a path for the medical department and the county government to coexist and develop together..."

"Okay, then I'll persuade you." Zhou Man rolled up his sleeves and said, "I decided to apply to the Department of Critics and include the development of medical departments in the future in the county magistrate's performance evaluation. What do you think of this reason? ?"

  Bai Shan's hands massaging her became stiff.

Zhou Man said seriously: "I'm serious. Since the county magistrate is a parent official, everything that happened in that county should be included in the evaluation of its performance. If the county school is included, does it mean that the medical department is included? Is it normal?"

  Bai Shan: "...Your medical department has ordered the same level as me, how can I control you?"

   Zhou Man waved his hand and said: "The department directly under the Medical Department is naturally the Imperial Medical Department."

   "What does the county magistrate control?"

  "Just take care of the support and development of the Medical Department?"

  Bai Shan: "Just give the money?"

  (End of this chapter)

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