Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3150: Salt Policy Reform

  Chapter 3150 Salt Administration Reform

  The two children fell asleep after eating milk. Sure enough, it is human nature to want to sleep after eating.

  Although they were asleep, they were still taken out to shave their hair.

  I invited a craftsman from outside who specializes in shaving the children's hair. They have excellent craftsmanship and shave their hair gently. Zhou Man looks on and feels that the child sleeps a little better.

  It turns out that shaving your head still has this benefit?

  Xiao Qian's wringing a warm towel and wiping their heads, the two children moved, their eyes seemed to open a gap, but soon they closed again and continued to sleep.

  Zheng took out two small hats, put them on them with a smile, and whispered: "I made them for them. They are breathable, but they are not too hot to wear now, and they will not catch the cold."

  In addition to the hat, the Zheng gave them a jade-carved bunny, but unfortunately they are still young and don’t know how to play with these toys.

   So Zhouman Baishan and Bai Erlang generously took it for them first.

  Children fall asleep, their parental moments are useless.

   Zhou Man brought a jade-carved bunny back to the study, played with it, and put it aside, “I’ve figured out how to write it.”

  Bai Shan smiled, and handed her the ink that he had just polished, "Here you are."

   Zhou Man took the inkstone, put it aside, handed him his empty inkstone, glanced at the official documents on his case, "Do you still have so many official documents?"

  Bai Shan nodded, “The summer harvest is just around the corner, and every Zhuangzi will make arrangements, and the official salt for the next quarter is also preparing. This time the preparation time is half a year shorter than before, so there are many things to be arranged.”

   Zhou Man felt that he was not very relaxed, he immediately became happy, and began to write his own folds happily, even the sentences were a bit more lively than before.

  After finishing writing, copy it on the blank folder and mail it out.

  She felt that she wrote very well, and the officials are likely to agree, but the ministers of the DPRK and China should not oppose it. Is this a win-win thing after all?

  Zhou Man, who is full of joy, continues to vaccinate and see a doctor in Beihai County, while waiting for Jingcheng’s reply.

  As a result, she waited for a decade without news, and after waiting for nearly a decade, all the wheat was harvested. The officials who bought the salt for the second time came here in Beihai County, and she still had no news here.

   Zhou Man was dissatisfied, "When has the efficiency of capital work been so low?"

  Bai Shan took out a letter and handed it to her, “You have been busy getting acne recently, I have no time to talk to you, just take a look.”

"what is this?"

  "This is a letter from Tang Xuexiong. By the way, I still have a letter from my husband." Bai Shan found it out and gave it to her.

   Zhou Man did not read the content, but scanned the envelope first, "It's all for you."

  Bai Shandao: "There is no medical department involved, they will naturally not write to you."

   Taking advantage of Zhou Man’s time to read the letter, he summarized what happened in the capital, “I calculated the time. Unfortunately, when your letter arrived in the capital, it should happen that Master Wei wrote a letter to reform the salt administration.”

  Wei Zhi has been calling for the reform of salt administration for two years, but he has been preparing for nearly ten years.

  Emperor Wei Zhihe also knew that Emperor Wei Zhihe wanted to reform the salt administration, especially the salt tax problem in Jiangnan.

  But how to reform specifically, because Wei Zhi has not been specifically upset, except for the emperor and several related ministers, no one knows.

  And this time, Wei Zhi turned up and listed the reforms of the salt administration in detail, which naturally also includes the reform of the salt tax.

  As soon as the Zhezi came up, not to mention the officials of the Jiangnan faction, the whole court was shocked, and then there was a huge noise, some loudly opposed, some loudly expressed opinions, but few agreed.

   Such a big matter, Zhou Man’s account at this time is not worth discussing with the court in the eyes of Baiguan.

  The Ministry of Science and Technology of China gave a "pending" opinion after just one glance. Now that the central government is messy, let's put this kind of non-urgent matter first.

  The province has no opinion on this reply. After the review is passed, it will be sent to the staff, just leave a message: "Think about it."

  In other words, you can think about it now.

  But I just think about it. Not to mention whether the staff is happy or not, he is willing and very active to contribute to this matter, and Renminshusheng and Zhongshusheng can forget about it even when they turn around.

  Now everyone's mind is on the salt administration, and the Jiangnan officialdom, who has the mind to focus on other trivial matters?

Like other things, there are precedents to follow, disaster-stricken, tax-exempt, this kind of thing is done according to the old rules, after a quick decision, everyone will continue to "discuss" the matter of the salt administration, and occasionally greet it accidentally. The opponent's body, character, and even ancestor...

  And if there are no old bills like Zhou Man, the ones that are not very urgent will be thrown aside first, and those that are very urgent will be used for quick discussion and make up their minds before posting.

  So, except for officials like Zhou Man, many officials actually think that the efficiency of Beijing's affairs is much higher than before.

   After reading the letter, Zhou Man was stunned, "So this is because I chose a bad time to write, and then I was cheated?"

  Bai Shan nodded, “I think the salt administration reform is still pending, so everyone shouldn’t be thinking about discussing your account.”

   Zhou Man took out Mr. Zhuang’s letter and read it carefully from the beginning again.

  Mr. Zhuang wrote all the main points of Wei Zhi's salt policy reform and sent it to Bai Shan.

   Zhou Man asked him, "What do you think of Master Wei's method?"

  Bai Shan nodded and said: "I don't know what the future will be, but for the moment, this reform method is indeed beneficial to the country and the people."

  Wei Zhi should have wanted to reform the salt administration for a long time, so he was fully prepared. Even though Bai Shan looked at the reform with a critical eye, he couldn't find a few problems.

   Zhou Man pointed to the red criticism on the letter and asked, "Is this written by you?"

  Bai Shan glanced at it and nodded, "Do you not recognize my words?"

   Zhou Man ignored him, but looked at those lines of red criticism and said: "You set the salt price so low at once, I'm afraid the reform will be more difficult."

   "I know," Bai Shan said, "But the opportunity is so rare. If you don't pass this time, it will be even more difficult to reform next time."

He said: "Now it's different from before. Now we have the salt drying method, and the cost of salt production has been greatly reduced. The price I have suppressed is still profitable by the county government. Although it is small, the profits are small but the sales are high. "

"Private salt has been repeatedly banned, why is this?" Bai Shan said: "It is because the official salt plus the salt tax and the income of the county government has become very high. But the county government is the place to manage the people, not the business name. It shouldn’t be for profit. If official salt is cheaper than private salt, will the people still buy private salt?”

  When the profit of salt is reduced to a certain level, how many people will smuggle salt?

Zhou Man groaned, but still shook his head after a long while, "I know what you said is correct, but you certainly can't tell the hundreds of officials in the court like this, let alone tell your thoughts to the various county offices, otherwise the salt administration reform will be even worse. Hard to implement..."

    Tonight is too late, and there is a chapter to be updated tomorrow morning. I will go to bed first, good night.



  (End of this chapter)

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