Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3177: Bumper harvest

  Chapter 3177 Harvest

The autumn harvest in Luojiang County was still before Beihai County. Zhou Lizhong actually brought a lot of rice seeds back the previous year. The purpose was to promote the county magistrate, but the magistrate refused to take risks, so he planted most of them and divided them. A little bit is given to the people in the village, and the rest is basically divided by Master Bai.

  Uncle Qian’s first sickle was the uncle of the Qian family. He always felt that this year’s rice was growing well, and he had been staring at it.

  Wait until it was yellow, he would harvest without delay for a day, and when he held the rice ears in his hands, he felt that the harvest this year was excellent.

   Harvested an acre, the ears of rice were not willing to stay in the field to dry, and they were bundled home for threshing. They didn’t even weigh it. He stared at so many sacks.

  Uncle Qian had no time to wait for all the rice to be harvested, so he ran to Qili Village.

  Yamen was busy with farming, and officials were asked to go home to harvest grain. Zhou Lizhong was wearing a straw hat and was cutting rice in the fields. His family opened a sickle today.

  Uncle Qian went directly to the field to drag the person out and asked him, "Can we keep this new rice seed? Or do we need to buy a new rice seed from you next year?"

  Zhou Li rejoiced and said, “You don’t need to buy it. I have selected it by myself and keep it. I have tried it. It is very stable in keeping the seeds. Grandpa, have you reaped? How much can one acre of land be harvested?”

  Uncle Qian: “It’s raw rice now. I threshed and weighed it today. There are more than six stones!”

  He said: “If it’s dried, there are five stones, right? The yield per mu is more than twice as high as the previous one.”

Uncle Qian tightly grabbed his hand and said, "Lizhong, your family is blessed. Your family's ancestral grave must be smoked. In the past, the new wheat seeds were grown by your family, but now they have grown new ones. Rice seed."

His eyes glowed and he was really excited. He couldn't help but patted his thigh fiercely. "It must be your little uncle who is blessing you. Apart from him, no one is capable of your family. Uncle goes up to the incense, oh, next year I will plant all new rice seeds."

  His voice was too loud, and the villagers passing by laughed and asked, “Isn’t this Uncle Man Bao? Why is it here? Whatever is so happy, let us follow it.”

  Uncle Qian asked, "Have you not planted the rice seeds you brought back this year?"

   "You said big head, you planted it, planted two acres, let alone, the rice grows better than others, I don't know if it is because of the better water, the fertilizer, or the seeds."

The villager who heard it immediately said: "That must be the seeds. You didn't find out. The rice grown in the village this year is better than others. Two days ago, the village chief still said in the field. This is scary. The same as the previous new wheat."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it’s true. We’ve all looked at a few plots of land. Those ears of rice are old, tall, and they are all planted with new rice seeds. Go and see the big head’s fields. Hey, they all grow. It’s a bit higher than other people’s houses. The rice ears are heavier. I knew that I was going to replace the new rice seed. I shouldn’t just replace the two acres. I should replace them all.”

  Uncle Qian said: "I thresh today, raw rice, six stones and nearly half an acre."

  As soon as these words came out, the villagers were all suffocated, "Really? Man Bao, her uncle, don’t you read it wrong, right?"

   "Can I read it wrong? I weighed it twice."

  That's too shocking.

  One person turned around in circles, "My family's is still a little bit close, it's not as good as it is. It will take at least seven or eight days to cut it."

   "My family should be able to cut, or should I cut it?"

   "Forget it, I think it's a lot greener, so I stay for two more days. The sun is good for these two days, and it will turn yellow in a few days."

   "Man Bao's family planted rice seedlings early this year, should they be ready for harvest now?" Someone looked at Zhou Lizhong.

  Zhou Li nodded in a daze, and pointed to the field not far away: "Okay, I opened the sickle today and it is being received. My second and third uncles are all in the field."

  As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately said: "Anyway, there is nothing to do today. Why don't we help?"

  "This is okay, this is okay, let's go, let's help."

  Zhou Lizhong stretched out his hand to stop, "How can I trouble my uncles."

   "Oh, what's the trouble, it's okay for the village to help each other, walk around, hurry back to get the sickle, the sun is still early today, we will also call it after the cut."

  Everyone rushed home to take the sickle, went to the field and greeted Lang San Lang on Tuesday, and then Shimoda opened the sickle.

  Wednesday Lang watched for a moment, “I just finished harvesting the beans, and the rice in their field will be ripe in two days. Why don’t you come to harvest the rice for us without a break?”

  Tuesday Lang also stood and watched. After a long time, he bent down and cut the rice. "They want to call our rice. Let them be busy. Now that they are free, they will cut all the yellow pieces nearby."

  Tuesday Lang was rightly taking advantage of everyone, and after the cut, everyone helped to reclaim the rice in the old Zhou’s yard.

  But threshing is impossible. The rice hasn’t been dried before, so it’s not easy to take off at all.

  Uncle Qian was too impatient, so he just harvested another acre of rice, and there were so many people in his family, so he brought some people out.

Uncle Qian was not in a hurry to go back, and while helping them spread out the rice to dry, he said: "You don't need to hurry to thresh. This is too difficult to get rid of. I asked your second uncle and third uncle to help some, now you three Uncle is still holding his hand and crying it hurts."

   Zhou Li nodded again and again, and whispered: "Grandpa, it's getting dark, you can stay here tonight."

  Uncle Qian thought for a while and nodded, "Alright, I also want to ask you where this new rice seed came from, and if there are any other new seeds."

No one knows where the seeds come from. No one knows better than Zhou Lizhong. He said: "My sister-in-law's job field in the capital has been allocated for experimentation, specifically to try new seeds."

  Uncle Qian was surprised, "So this new rice seed is..."

   "We planted it."

   "Okay, okay," Uncle Qian patted his shoulder and said: "Like us, no one has planted new rice seeds in the land that has been planted for a lifetime, but you, who have planted them at a young age."

  Uncle Qian turned his head and said: "This is your family's ancestral grave is smoking green smoke, otherwise it is all farming, why can't people grow it, whether it is wheat or rice, has grown into your home?"

  He said: "Hurry up, take advantage of the day before it’s dark, bring food for your brother-in-law to burn incense."

Tue Lang: "...Uncle, this is not the same as that of wheat. I have seen their experimental field. It is complicated. The rice has to be selected one by one, and it has to be marked. When it blooms, sometimes Li Zhong had to teach the flowers himself, and some plots could not be cross-planted, and they had to be separated. Anyway, it was complicated. He also planted this seed for many years."

  (End of this chapter)

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