Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3179: Meet in person (supplement four)

  Chapter 3179 Meet in person (fourth supplement)

Uncle Qian nodded, but after sleeping, he pulled Zhou Lizhong into a mutter, "It’s not good for the husband and wife to be separated for a long time. Although there is a future in being a staff member here, the family cannot always be separated. I heard that your wife is too. An official?"

  Tuesday Lang, who was squatting in the yard to wash his face, had a meal, looked up at Uncle Qian, and frowned slightly.

After eating too early, Lang insisted on sending Uncle Qian to the house on Tuesday. Uncle Qian went in and said, "There is so much work in the field. I think you just want to be lazy. I don't know the way. You You have to send me home."

   On Tuesday, Lang smiled and stretched out his hand to pull his eldest cousin aside and whispered, “Is your uncle’s recent memory not very good? I found out that he forgot what I said to him last night this morning.”

The eldest cousin said indifferently: "When people get older, their memory will be bad. Isn't this normal? It's not an important matter. He will forget it now when he turns his head. If it is important, he will mention it repeatedly, it's okay. Son, a few more words."

  Tuesday Lang: "...No, I heard Man Bao talk about it, saying that forgetfulness is also a disease."

   "You all say that it is forgetfulness. It must be a healthy person to forget things. Is there any disease if you are healthy?"

  Tuesday Lang was persuaded for a while, but he quickly reacted and grabbed his eldest cousin’s arm and said, “No, Man Bao said this is a disease, this is a disease.”

  Qian Dalang: "...what should I do then?"

  Tuesday Lang: "Go see the doctor."

  Qian Dalang stared, "Now?"

   "When will you wait until now? It just happened that the uncle forgot something today. This may be an illness. I should be able to get the pulse right now."

"But now the farming is can go, just go, but you have to go with me and tell my dad, I don’t mind taking a day to see my dad to see the doctor, but you think my dad will go?"

  Uncle Qian used a broom to beat the two of them out. He was so annoyed that he said that he was not sick. If he was sick, could he go to the ground to help Lao Zhou's family collect so much rice yesterday?

  Qian Dalang was hit by a broomstick in the face, covering his face and saying to Tuesday Lang said: "It's all you, I haven't been beaten by my father in many years. Just now, my grandson was watching."

  Tuesday Lang: "...Anyway, this is a disease. When the busy farming is over, you should think of a way to take your uncle to the city to see the doctor."

   "Fine, I know."

On Tuesday Lang became worried, and when he returned from work in the evening, he said to Zhou Lizhong: "Tomorrow, thresh the rice in the yard, weigh it, and write to Man Bao. By the way, tell Man Bao that your grandfather has forgotten things very much now. I remember she said before that this is a disease. You can ask her if she has any good prescriptions and prescribe one for your grandpa to drink."

   Zhou Li was surprised, "Grandpa is sick?"

  Tuesday Lang nodded, "It should be, it's the disease of always forgetting things. Anyway, you can understand it by reading it like this."

  Zhou Li nodded repeatedly, threshing the rice the next day, remembering the numbers and sending the letter.

  Their letter was sent through the caravan, and it had to be sent to the capital first and then to Qingzhou.

  The caravan took a letter faster than the inn, and arrived in the capital in less than ten days, and Mr. Zhuang just received the box sent back by Da Ji.

  Zhou’s family opened Zhou Lizhong’s letter, because it stated the yield of the new rice plants over there per mu, the Qian’s sent someone to send the letter to Mr. Zhuang for advice.

  After reading it, make a copy, and hand the hand-written envelope to Daji, "Send someone to Qingzhou. You should stay in the capital first, and wait for news from the palace before leaving."

  Good luck, and exit after receiving the letter.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the Zhezi and the letter in front of him, and he pondered for a long time, then he put the box away and got up, "Get the car and go to Wei Mansion."

  Daji drove to see Mr. Zhuang personally.

  Mr. Zhuang stroked the box in his hand, he finally sighed when he got out of the car, and then he walked into the Wei Mansion with a smile.

  Wei Zhi's condition has improved a bit recently, and he has already begun to go to court, but his body is not as good as before, so the handling of government affairs has decreased, and his face is still sick.

   "Speaking of Zhuang Shi?" Wei Zhibi paused, then put it down immediately, "please please."

  Although Wei Zhi and Bai Shan Zhouman had a good relationship, and Mr. Zhuang also had an old relationship, it was only because Zhuang Xun was a lecturer at the Chongwen Hall and was a member of the Eastern Palace, so Wei Zhi rarely interacted with him in private.

  Wei Zhi was surprised when he heard that he came to the door.

   When he got the zipper in the box, he was even more surprised, "Why didn’t Mr. Zhuang deliver such an important thing to the prince?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "This is Bai Shan's excerpt. It is the work of Bai Shan and Zhou's family, but because they are not in the capital, they were transferred to the palace by the subordinates. This is something for your majesty and the court."

  Wei Zhi understands, he is him, Bai Shan is Bai Shan, and Zhou's family is Zhou's family.

  Wei Zhimu showed his approval and hurriedly went to see the ears of rice in the box.

  At this time, the rice ears were already dry, but the rice was very full. He picked it up carefully, and the hanging ears were heavy.

  Wei Zhi exclaimed, "They actually planted it."

Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded. Although he was also surprised, he was not so surprised. In the past few years, the Zhou family has been doing this very diligently. Every year when harvesting rice in Zhuangzi, the mood is very complicated. It's unavoidable to be disappointed.

  It’s normal to have spent so much time and energy to gain something, but he didn’t expect that the gain would be so great.

Wei Zhi carefully looked at Bai Shan's Zhezizi twice, and his eyes were bright and said: "The people are the foundation of the world, and the food is the people's foundation. If the new rice seeds are so high-yielding, the day will be greatly changed. "

  "The yield per mu is six stones, and the previous yield per mu was less than three stones..." Wei Zhi counted, feeling excited.

Mr. Zhuang said: "This is just the harvest of one piece of land. Before, when they were cultivating the rice in the field, the yield per mu reached seven shi, and it was still dried rice. The weighing on it was still raw rice."

  Wei Zhi was surprised, "Isn't that production cut? Why is the difference so big?"

Mr. Zhuang has listened to their talks about cultivating rice seeds in the past few years. He has also studied the agricultural books himself, so he smiled and said: "Different environments, different soil fertilizers, different rainfall, and even sunlight, so the yield will naturally not be the same. ."

  He said: “In fact, they have begun to be different since they were planted in various places, and then they will differentiate into different seeds, which is the same as the new wheat seeds more than ten years ago.”

Mr. Zhuang said: "Up to now, new wheat varieties have been planted in various places, but they are already different from the first batch of new wheat varieties, and they are even more different from each other."

"For example, the wheat varieties in the north are more drought-tolerant, and the wheat varieties in the south are more water-loving. Now, if new wheat varieties that have been grown in the south for more than ten years are planted in the north, they must be very Big difference."

  Wei Zhi nodded, "Mr. is right."

  He immediately got up, "This matter is of great importance, I will go into the palace to meet your Majesty, Zhuang Shi talks about it together."

  There is one more chapter, but it will be very late, so let’s go to bed first and watch it tomorrow

  (End of this chapter)

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